// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! Aggregate statistics about data stored in persist.
use std::fmt::Debug;
use arrow::array::{
BinaryArray, BooleanArray, Float32Array, Float64Array, Int16Array, Int32Array, Int64Array,
Int8Array, StringArray, UInt16Array, UInt32Array, UInt64Array, UInt8Array,
use crate::stats::primitive::{
truncate_bytes, truncate_string, PrimitiveStats, TruncateBound, TRUNCATE_LEN,
use crate::stats::DynStats;
/// A type that can incrementally collect stats from a sequence of values.
pub trait ColumnarStatsBuilder<T>: Debug + DynStats {
/// Type of [`arrow`] column these statistics can be derived from.
type ArrowColumn: arrow::array::Array + 'static;
/// Derive statistics from a column of data.
fn from_column(col: &Self::ArrowColumn) -> Self
Self: Sized;
/// We collect stats for all primitive types in exactly the same way. This
/// macro de-duplicates some of that logic.
/// Note: If at any point someone finds this macro too complex, they should
/// feel free to refactor it away!
macro_rules! primitive_stats {
($native:ty, $arrow_col:ty, $min_fn:path, $max_fn:path) => {
impl ColumnarStatsBuilder<$native> for PrimitiveStats<$native> {
type ArrowColumn = $arrow_col;
fn from_column(col: &Self::ArrowColumn) -> Self
Self: Sized,
let lower = $min_fn(col).unwrap_or_default();
let upper = $max_fn(col).unwrap_or_default();
PrimitiveStats { lower, upper }
primitive_stats!(u8, UInt8Array, arrow::compute::min, arrow::compute::max);
primitive_stats!(u16, UInt16Array, arrow::compute::min, arrow::compute::max);
primitive_stats!(u32, UInt32Array, arrow::compute::min, arrow::compute::max);
primitive_stats!(u64, UInt64Array, arrow::compute::min, arrow::compute::max);
primitive_stats!(i8, Int8Array, arrow::compute::min, arrow::compute::max);
primitive_stats!(i16, Int16Array, arrow::compute::min, arrow::compute::max);
primitive_stats!(i32, Int32Array, arrow::compute::min, arrow::compute::max);
primitive_stats!(i64, Int64Array, arrow::compute::min, arrow::compute::max);
primitive_stats!(f32, Float32Array, arrow::compute::min, arrow::compute::max);
primitive_stats!(f64, Float64Array, arrow::compute::min, arrow::compute::max);
impl ColumnarStatsBuilder<&str> for PrimitiveStats<String> {
type ArrowColumn = StringArray;
fn from_column(col: &Self::ArrowColumn) -> Self
Self: Sized,
let lower = arrow::compute::min_string(col).unwrap_or_default();
let lower = truncate_string(lower, TRUNCATE_LEN, TruncateBound::Lower)
.expect("lower bound should always truncate");
let upper = arrow::compute::max_string(col).unwrap_or_default();
let upper = truncate_string(upper, TRUNCATE_LEN, TruncateBound::Upper)
// NB: The cost+trim stuff will remove the column entirely if
// it's still too big (also this should be extremely rare in
// practice).
.unwrap_or_else(|| upper.to_owned());
PrimitiveStats { lower, upper }
impl ColumnarStatsBuilder<&[u8]> for PrimitiveStats<Vec<u8>> {
type ArrowColumn = BinaryArray;
fn from_column(col: &Self::ArrowColumn) -> Self
Self: Sized,
let lower = arrow::compute::min_binary(col).unwrap_or_default();
let lower = truncate_bytes(lower, TRUNCATE_LEN, TruncateBound::Lower)
.expect("lower bound should always truncate");
let upper = arrow::compute::max_binary(col).unwrap_or_default();
let upper = truncate_bytes(upper, TRUNCATE_LEN, TruncateBound::Upper)
// NB: The cost+trim stuff will remove the column entirely if
// it's still too big (also this should be extremely rare in
// practice).
.unwrap_or_else(|| upper.to_owned());
PrimitiveStats { lower, upper }