//! A reference-counted wrapper sharing one owned trace.
//! The types in this module, `TraceBox` and `TraceRc` and meant to parallel `RcBox` and `Rc` in `std::rc`.
//! The first typee is an owned trace with some information about the cumulative requirements of the shared
//! handles. This is roughly how much progress has each made, so we know which "read capabilities" they have
//! collectively dropped, and when it is safe to inform the trace of such progress.
//! The second type is a wrapper which presents as a `TraceReader`, but whose methods for advancing its read
//! capabilities interact with the `TraceBox` rather than directly with the owned trace. Ideally, instances
//! `TraceRc` should appear indistinguishable from the underlying trace from a reading perspective, with the
//! exception that the trace may not compact its representation as fast as if it were exclusively owned.
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use timely::progress::{Antichain, frontier::{AntichainRef, MutableAntichain}};
use crate::trace::TraceReader;
/// A wrapper around a trace which tracks the frontiers of all referees.
/// This is an internal type, unlikely to be useful to higher-level programs, but exposed just in case.
/// This type is equivalent to a `RefCell`, in that it wraps the mutable state that multiple referrers
/// may influence.
pub struct TraceBox<Tr: TraceReader> {
/// accumulated holds on times for advancement.
pub logical_compaction: MutableAntichain<Tr::Time>,
/// accumulated holds on times for distinction.
pub physical_compaction: MutableAntichain<Tr::Time>,
/// The wrapped trace.
pub trace: Tr,
impl<Tr: TraceReader> TraceBox<Tr> {
/// Moves an existing trace into a shareable trace wrapper.
/// The trace may already exist and have non-initial advance and distinguish frontiers. The boxing
/// process will fish these out and make sure that they are used for the initial read capabilities.
pub fn new(mut trace: Tr) -> Self {
let mut logical_compaction = MutableAntichain::new();
logical_compaction.update_iter(trace.get_logical_compaction().iter().cloned().map(|t| (t,1)));
let mut physical_compaction = MutableAntichain::new();
physical_compaction.update_iter(trace.get_physical_compaction().iter().cloned().map(|t| (t,1)));
TraceBox {
/// Replaces elements of `lower` with those of `upper`.
pub fn adjust_logical_compaction(&mut self, lower: AntichainRef<Tr::Time>, upper: AntichainRef<Tr::Time>) {
self.logical_compaction.update_iter(upper.iter().cloned().map(|t| (t,1)));
self.logical_compaction.update_iter(lower.iter().cloned().map(|t| (t,-1)));
/// Replaces elements of `lower` with those of `upper`.
pub fn adjust_physical_compaction(&mut self, lower: AntichainRef<Tr::Time>, upper: AntichainRef<Tr::Time>) {
self.physical_compaction.update_iter(upper.iter().cloned().map(|t| (t,1)));
self.physical_compaction.update_iter(lower.iter().cloned().map(|t| (t,-1)));
/// A handle to a shared trace.
/// As long as the handle exists, the wrapped trace should continue to exist and will not advance its
/// timestamps past the frontier maintained by the handle. The intent is that such a handle appears as
/// if it is a privately maintained trace, despite being backed by shared resources.
pub struct TraceRc<Tr: TraceReader> {
logical_compaction: Antichain<Tr::Time>,
physical_compaction: Antichain<Tr::Time>,
/// Wrapped trace. Please be gentle when using.
pub wrapper: Rc<RefCell<TraceBox<Tr>>>,
impl<Tr: TraceReader> TraceReader for TraceRc<Tr> {
type Key<'a> = Tr::Key<'a>;
type Val<'a> = Tr::Val<'a>;
type Time = Tr::Time;
type TimeGat<'a> = Tr::TimeGat<'a>;
type Diff = Tr::Diff;
type DiffGat<'a> = Tr::DiffGat<'a>;
type Batch = Tr::Batch;
type Storage = Tr::Storage;
type Cursor = Tr::Cursor;
/// Sets frontier to now be elements in `frontier`.
/// This change may not have immediately observable effects. It informs the shared trace that this
/// handle no longer requires access to times other than those in the future of `frontier`, but if
/// there are other handles to the same trace, it may not yet be able to compact.
fn set_logical_compaction(&mut self, frontier: AntichainRef<Tr::Time>) {
self.wrapper.borrow_mut().adjust_logical_compaction(self.logical_compaction.borrow(), frontier);
self.logical_compaction = frontier.to_owned();
fn get_logical_compaction(&mut self) -> AntichainRef<Tr::Time> { self.logical_compaction.borrow() }
/// Allows the trace to compact batches of times before `frontier`.
fn set_physical_compaction(&mut self, frontier: AntichainRef<Tr::Time>) {
self.wrapper.borrow_mut().adjust_physical_compaction(self.physical_compaction.borrow(), frontier);
self.physical_compaction = frontier.to_owned();
fn get_physical_compaction(&mut self) -> AntichainRef<Tr::Time> { self.physical_compaction.borrow() }
/// Creates a new cursor over the wrapped trace.
fn cursor_through(&mut self, frontier: AntichainRef<Tr::Time>) -> Option<(Tr::Cursor, Tr::Storage)> {
fn map_batches<F: FnMut(&Self::Batch)>(&self, f: F) {
impl<Tr: TraceReader> TraceRc<Tr> {
/// Allocates a new handle from an existing wrapped wrapper.
pub fn make_from(trace: Tr) -> (Self, Rc<RefCell<TraceBox<Tr>>>) {
let wrapped = Rc::new(RefCell::new(TraceBox::new(trace)));
let handle = TraceRc {
logical_compaction: wrapped.borrow().logical_compaction.frontier().to_owned(),
physical_compaction: wrapped.borrow().physical_compaction.frontier().to_owned(),
wrapper: wrapped.clone(),
(handle, wrapped)
impl<Tr: TraceReader> Clone for TraceRc<Tr> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
// increase ref counts for this frontier
self.wrapper.borrow_mut().adjust_logical_compaction(Antichain::new().borrow(), self.logical_compaction.borrow());
self.wrapper.borrow_mut().adjust_physical_compaction(Antichain::new().borrow(), self.physical_compaction.borrow());
TraceRc {
logical_compaction: self.logical_compaction.clone(),
physical_compaction: self.physical_compaction.clone(),
wrapper: self.wrapper.clone(),
impl<Tr: TraceReader> Drop for TraceRc<Tr> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
self.wrapper.borrow_mut().adjust_logical_compaction(self.logical_compaction.borrow(), Antichain::new().borrow());
self.wrapper.borrow_mut().adjust_physical_compaction(self.physical_compaction.borrow(), Antichain::new().borrow());
self.logical_compaction = Antichain::new();
self.physical_compaction = Antichain::new();