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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
use alloc::string::{String, ToString};
use core::fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter, Result};
use serde::de::{Error as DeError, StdError};
/// An error occurred during deserialization
pub enum Error<T> {
/// An error occurred while reading bytes
/// Contains the underlying error reaturned while reading.
/// An error occurred while parsing bytes
/// Contains the offset into the stream where the syntax error occurred.
/// An error occurred while processing a parsed value
/// Contains a description of the error that occurred and (optionally)
/// the offset into the stream indicating the start of the item being
/// processed when the error occurred.
Semantic(Option<usize>, String),
/// The input caused serde to recurse too much
/// This error prevents a stack overflow.
impl<T> Error<T> {
/// A helper method for composing a semantic error
pub fn semantic(offset: impl Into<Option<usize>>, msg: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
Self::Semantic(offset.into(), msg.into())
impl<T> From<T> for Error<T> {
fn from(value: T) -> Self {
impl<T> From<ciborium_ll::Error<T>> for Error<T> {
fn from(value: ciborium_ll::Error<T>) -> Self {
match value {
ciborium_ll::Error::Io(x) => Self::Io(x),
ciborium_ll::Error::Syntax(x) => Self::Syntax(x),
impl<T: Debug> Display for Error<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result {
write!(f, "{:?}", self)
impl<T: Debug> StdError for Error<T> {}
impl<T: Debug> DeError for Error<T> {
fn custom<U: Display>(msg: U) -> Self {
Self::Semantic(None, msg.to_string())