//! Breadth-first distance labeling.
use std::hash::Hash;
use timely::dataflow::*;
use crate::{Collection, ExchangeData};
use crate::operators::*;
use crate::lattice::Lattice;
/// Returns pairs (node, dist) indicating distance of each node from a root.
pub fn bfs<G, N>(edges: &Collection<G, (N,N)>, roots: &Collection<G, N>) -> Collection<G, (N,u32)>
G: Scope,
G::Timestamp: Lattice+Ord,
N: ExchangeData+Hash,
use crate::operators::arrange::arrangement::ArrangeByKey;
let edges = edges.arrange_by_key();
bfs_arranged(&edges, roots)
use crate::trace::TraceReader;
use crate::operators::arrange::Arranged;
/// Returns pairs (node, dist) indicating distance of each node from a root.
pub fn bfs_arranged<G, N, Tr>(edges: &Arranged<G, Tr>, roots: &Collection<G, N>) -> Collection<G, (N, u32)>
G: Scope<Timestamp=Tr::Time>,
N: ExchangeData+Hash,
Tr: for<'a> TraceReader<Key<'a>=&'a N, Val<'a>=&'a N, Diff=isize>+Clone+'static,
// initialize roots as reaching themselves at distance 0
let nodes = roots.map(|x| (x, 0));
// repeatedly update minimal distances each node can be reached from each root
nodes.iterate(|inner| {
let edges = edges.enter(&inner.scope());
let nodes = nodes.enter(&inner.scope());
inner.join_core(&edges, |_k,l,d| Some((d.clone(), l+1)))
.reduce(|_, s, t| t.push((*s[0].0, 1)))