use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
use std::str::{from_utf8, FromStr};
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
use crate::StatusCode;
use crate::{bail, ensure, format_err};
const IMF_FIXDATE_LENGTH: usize = 29;
const RFC850_MAX_LENGTH: usize = 23;
const ASCTIME_LENGTH: usize = 24;
const YEAR_9999_SECONDS: u64 = 253402300800;
const SECONDS_IN_DAY: u64 = 86400;
const SECONDS_IN_HOUR: u64 = 3600;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq)]
pub(crate) struct HttpDate {
second: u8,
minute: u8,
hour: u8,
day: u8,
month: u8,
year: u16,
week_day: u8,
pub(crate) fn parse_http_date(s: &str) -> crate::Result<SystemTime> {
s.parse::<HttpDate>().map(|d| d.into()).map_err(|mut e| {
pub(crate) fn fmt_http_date(d: SystemTime) -> String {
format!("{}", HttpDate::from(d))
impl HttpDate {
fn is_valid(self) -> bool {
self.second < 60
&& self.minute < 60
&& self.hour < 24
&& > 0
&& < 32
&& self.month > 0
&& self.month <= 12
&& self.year >= 1970
&& self.year <= 9999
&& self.week_day >= 1
&& self.week_day < 8
fn parse_imf_fixdate(s: &[u8]) -> crate::Result<HttpDate> {
if s.len() != IMF_FIXDATE_LENGTH
|| &s[25..] != b" GMT"
|| s[16] != b' '
|| s[19] != b':'
|| s[22] != b':'
bail!("Date time not in imf fixdate format");
Ok(HttpDate {
second: from_utf8(&s[23..25])?.parse()?,
minute: from_utf8(&s[20..22])?.parse()?,
hour: from_utf8(&s[17..19])?.parse()?,
day: from_utf8(&s[5..7])?.parse()?,
month: match &s[7..12] {
b" Jan " => 1,
b" Feb " => 2,
b" Mar " => 3,
b" Apr " => 4,
b" May " => 5,
b" Jun " => 6,
b" Jul " => 7,
b" Aug " => 8,
b" Sep " => 9,
b" Oct " => 10,
b" Nov " => 11,
b" Dec " => 12,
_ => bail!("Invalid Month"),
year: from_utf8(&s[12..16])?.parse()?,
week_day: match &s[..5] {
b"Mon, " => 1,
b"Tue, " => 2,
b"Wed, " => 3,
b"Thu, " => 4,
b"Fri, " => 5,
b"Sat, " => 6,
b"Sun, " => 7,
_ => bail!("Invalid Day"),
fn parse_rfc850_date(s: &[u8]) -> crate::Result<HttpDate> {
s.len() >= RFC850_MAX_LENGTH,
"Date time not in rfc850 format"
fn week_day<'a>(s: &'a [u8], week_day: u8, name: &'static [u8]) -> Option<(u8, &'a [u8])> {
if &s[] == name {
return Some((week_day, &s[name.len()..]));
let (week_day, s) = week_day(s, 1, b"Monday, ")
.or_else(|| week_day(s, 2, b"Tuesday, "))
.or_else(|| week_day(s, 3, b"Wednesday, "))
.or_else(|| week_day(s, 4, b"Thursday, "))
.or_else(|| week_day(s, 5, b"Friday, "))
.or_else(|| week_day(s, 6, b"Saturday, "))
.or_else(|| week_day(s, 7, b"Sunday, "))
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Invalid day"))?;
if s.len() != 22 || s[12] != b':' || s[15] != b':' || &s[18..22] != b" GMT" {
bail!("Date time not in rfc950 fmt");
let mut year = from_utf8(&s[7..9])?.parse::<u16>()?;
if year < 70 {
year += 2000;
} else {
year += 1900;
Ok(HttpDate {
second: from_utf8(&s[16..18])?.parse()?,
minute: from_utf8(&s[13..15])?.parse()?,
hour: from_utf8(&s[10..12])?.parse()?,
day: from_utf8(&s[0..2])?.parse()?,
month: match &s[2..7] {
b"-Jan-" => 1,
b"-Feb-" => 2,
b"-Mar-" => 3,
b"-Apr-" => 4,
b"-May-" => 5,
b"-Jun-" => 6,
b"-Jul-" => 7,
b"-Aug-" => 8,
b"-Sep-" => 9,
b"-Oct-" => 10,
b"-Nov-" => 11,
b"-Dec-" => 12,
_ => bail!("Invalid month"),
fn parse_asctime(s: &[u8]) -> crate::Result<HttpDate> {
if s.len() != ASCTIME_LENGTH || s[10] != b' ' || s[13] != b':' || s[16] != b':' || s[19] != b' '
bail!("Date time not in asctime format");
Ok(HttpDate {
second: from_utf8(&s[17..19])?.parse()?,
minute: from_utf8(&s[14..16])?.parse()?,
hour: from_utf8(&s[11..13])?.parse()?,
day: {
let x = &s[8..10];
from_utf8(if x[0] == b' ' { &x[1..2] } else { x })?.parse()?
month: match &s[4..8] {
b"Jan " => 1,
b"Feb " => 2,
b"Mar " => 3,
b"Apr " => 4,
b"May " => 5,
b"Jun " => 6,
b"Jul " => 7,
b"Aug " => 8,
b"Sep " => 9,
b"Oct " => 10,
b"Nov " => 11,
b"Dec " => 12,
_ => bail!("Invalid month"),
year: from_utf8(&s[20..24])?.parse()?,
week_day: match &s[0..4] {
b"Mon " => 1,
b"Tue " => 2,
b"Wed " => 3,
b"Thu " => 4,
b"Fri " => 5,
b"Sat " => 6,
b"Sun " => 7,
_ => bail!("Invalid day"),
impl From<SystemTime> for HttpDate {
fn from(system_time: SystemTime) -> Self {
let dur = system_time
.expect("all times should be after the epoch");
let secs_since_epoch = dur.as_secs();
if secs_since_epoch >= YEAR_9999_SECONDS {
panic!("date must be before year 9999");
const LEAPOCH: i64 = 11017;
const DAYS_PER_400Y: i64 = 365 * 400 + 97;
const DAYS_PER_100Y: i64 = 365 * 100 + 24;
const DAYS_PER_4Y: i64 = 365 * 4 + 1;
let days = (secs_since_epoch / SECONDS_IN_DAY) as i64 - LEAPOCH;
let secs_of_day = secs_since_epoch % SECONDS_IN_DAY;
let mut qc_cycles = days / DAYS_PER_400Y;
let mut remdays = days % DAYS_PER_400Y;
if remdays < 0 {
remdays += DAYS_PER_400Y;
qc_cycles -= 1;
let mut c_cycles = remdays / DAYS_PER_100Y;
if c_cycles == 4 {
c_cycles -= 1;
remdays -= c_cycles * DAYS_PER_100Y;
let mut q_cycles = remdays / DAYS_PER_4Y;
if q_cycles == 25 {
q_cycles -= 1;
remdays -= q_cycles * DAYS_PER_4Y;
let mut remyears = remdays / 365;
if remyears == 4 {
remyears -= 1;
remdays -= remyears * 365;
let mut year = 2000 + remyears + 4 * q_cycles + 100 * c_cycles + 400 * qc_cycles;
let months = [31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 29];
let mut month = 0;
for month_len in months.iter() {
month += 1;
if remdays < *month_len {
remdays -= *month_len;
let mday = remdays + 1;
let month = if month + 2 > 12 {
year += 1;
month - 10
} else {
month + 2
let mut week_day = (3 + days) % 7;
if week_day <= 0 {
week_day += 7
HttpDate {
second: (secs_of_day % 60) as u8,
minute: ((secs_of_day % SECONDS_IN_HOUR) / 60) as u8,
hour: (secs_of_day / SECONDS_IN_HOUR) as u8,
day: mday as u8,
month: month as u8,
year: year as u16,
week_day: week_day as u8,
impl From<HttpDate> for SystemTime {
fn from(http_date: HttpDate) -> Self {
let leap_years = ((http_date.year - 1) - 1968) / 4 - ((http_date.year - 1) - 1900) / 100
+ ((http_date.year - 1) - 1600) / 400;
let mut ydays = match http_date.month {
1 => 0,
2 => 31,
3 => 59,
4 => 90,
5 => 120,
6 => 151,
7 => 181,
8 => 212,
9 => 243,
10 => 273,
11 => 304,
12 => 334,
_ => unreachable!(),
} + as u64
- 1;
if is_leap_year(http_date.year) && http_date.month > 2 {
ydays += 1;
let days = (http_date.year as u64 - 1970) * 365 + leap_years as u64 + ydays;
+ Duration::from_secs(
http_date.second as u64
+ http_date.minute as u64 * 60
+ http_date.hour as u64 * SECONDS_IN_HOUR
+ days * SECONDS_IN_DAY,
impl FromStr for HttpDate {
type Err = crate::Error;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
ensure!(s.is_ascii(), "String slice is not valid ASCII");
let x = s.trim().as_bytes();
let date = parse_imf_fixdate(x)
.or_else(|_| parse_rfc850_date(x))
.or_else(|_| parse_asctime(x))?;
ensure!(date.is_valid(), "Invalid date time");
impl Display for HttpDate {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let week_day = match self.week_day {
1 => b"Mon",
2 => b"Tue",
3 => b"Wed",
4 => b"Thu",
5 => b"Fri",
6 => b"Sat",
7 => b"Sun",
_ => unreachable!(),
let month = match self.month {
1 => b"Jan",
2 => b"Feb",
3 => b"Mar",
4 => b"Apr",
5 => b"May",
6 => b"Jun",
7 => b"Jul",
8 => b"Aug",
9 => b"Sep",
10 => b"Oct",
11 => b"Nov",
12 => b"Dec",
_ => unreachable!(),
let mut buf: [u8; 29] = [
b' ', b' ', b' ', b',', b' ', b'0', b'0', b' ', b' ', b' ', b' ', b' ', b'0', b'0',
b'0', b'0', b' ', b'0', b'0', b':', b'0', b'0', b':', b'0', b'0', b' ', b'G', b'M',
buf[0] = week_day[0];
buf[1] = week_day[1];
buf[2] = week_day[2];
buf[5] = b'0' + ( / 10) as u8;
buf[6] = b'0' + ( % 10) as u8;
buf[8] = month[0];
buf[9] = month[1];
buf[10] = month[2];
buf[12] = b'0' + (self.year / 1000) as u8;
buf[13] = b'0' + (self.year / 100 % 10) as u8;
buf[14] = b'0' + (self.year / 10 % 10) as u8;
buf[15] = b'0' + (self.year % 10) as u8;
buf[17] = b'0' + (self.hour / 10) as u8;
buf[18] = b'0' + (self.hour % 10) as u8;
buf[20] = b'0' + (self.minute / 10) as u8;
buf[21] = b'0' + (self.minute % 10) as u8;
buf[23] = b'0' + (self.second / 10) as u8;
buf[24] = b'0' + (self.second % 10) as u8;
impl PartialEq for HttpDate {
fn eq(&self, other: &HttpDate) -> bool {
SystemTime::from(*self) == SystemTime::from(*other)
impl PartialOrd for HttpDate {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &HttpDate) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
fn is_leap_year(year: u16) -> bool {
year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0)
mod tests {
use std::time::{Duration, UNIX_EPOCH};
use super::{fmt_http_date, parse_http_date, HttpDate, SECONDS_IN_DAY, SECONDS_IN_HOUR};
fn test_rfc_example() {
let d = UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::from_secs(784111777);
parse_http_date("Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT").expect("#1")
parse_http_date("Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT").expect("#2")
assert_eq!(d, parse_http_date("Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994").expect("#3"));
fn test2() {
let d = UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::from_secs(1475419451);
parse_http_date("Sun, 02 Oct 2016 14:44:11 GMT").expect("#1")
assert!(parse_http_date("Sun Nov 10 08:00:00 1000").is_err());
assert!(parse_http_date("Sun Nov 10 08*00:00 2000").is_err());
assert!(parse_http_date("Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08+49:37 GMT").is_err());
fn test3() {
let mut d = UNIX_EPOCH;
assert_eq!(d, parse_http_date("Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT").unwrap());
d += Duration::from_secs(SECONDS_IN_HOUR);
assert_eq!(d, parse_http_date("Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 GMT").unwrap());
d += Duration::from_secs(SECONDS_IN_DAY);
assert_eq!(d, parse_http_date("Fri, 02 Jan 1970 01:00:00 GMT").unwrap());
d += Duration::from_secs(2592000);
assert_eq!(d, parse_http_date("Sun, 01 Feb 1970 01:00:00 GMT").unwrap());
d += Duration::from_secs(2592000);
assert_eq!(d, parse_http_date("Tue, 03 Mar 1970 01:00:00 GMT").unwrap());
d += Duration::from_secs(31536005);
assert_eq!(d, parse_http_date("Wed, 03 Mar 1971 01:00:05 GMT").unwrap());
d += Duration::from_secs(15552000);
assert_eq!(d, parse_http_date("Mon, 30 Aug 1971 01:00:05 GMT").unwrap());
d += Duration::from_secs(6048000);
assert_eq!(d, parse_http_date("Mon, 08 Nov 1971 01:00:05 GMT").unwrap());
d += Duration::from_secs(864000000);
assert_eq!(d, parse_http_date("Fri, 26 Mar 1999 01:00:05 GMT").unwrap());
fn test_fmt() {
let d = UNIX_EPOCH;
assert_eq!(fmt_http_date(d), "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT");
let d = UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::from_secs(1475419451);
assert_eq!(fmt_http_date(d), "Sun, 02 Oct 2016 14:44:11 GMT");
fn size_of() {
assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::<HttpDate>(), 8);