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// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! Apache Arrow encodings and utils for persist data
use std::ptr::NonNull;
use std::sync::Arc;
use anyhow::anyhow;
use arrow::array::{make_array, Array, ArrayData, ArrayRef, BinaryArray, Int64Array, RecordBatch};
use arrow::buffer::{BooleanBuffer, Buffer, NullBuffer};
use arrow::datatypes::ToByteSlice;
use mz_dyncfg::Config;
use crate::indexed::columnar::{ColumnarRecords, ColumnarRecordsStructuredExt};
use crate::indexed::encoding::BlobTraceUpdates;
use crate::metrics::ColumnarMetrics;
/// Converts a [`ColumnarRecords`] into [`arrow`] columns.
/// Both Time and Diff are presented externally to persist users as a type
/// parameter that implements [mz_persist_types::Codec64]. Our columnar format
/// intentionally stores them both as i64 columns (as opposed to something like
/// a fixed width binary column) because this allows us additional compression
/// options.
/// Also note that we intentionally use an i64 over a u64 for Time. Over the
/// range `[0, i64::MAX]`, the bytes are the same and we've talked at various
/// times about changing Time in mz to an i64. Both millis since unix epoch and
/// nanos since unix epoch easily fit into this range (the latter until some
/// time after year 2200). Using a i64 might be a pessimization for a
/// non-realtime mz source with u64 timestamps in the range `(i64::MAX,
/// u64::MAX]`, but realtime sources are overwhelmingly the common case.
pub fn encode_arrow_batch(updates: &BlobTraceUpdates) -> RecordBatch {
fn array_ref<A: Array + Clone + 'static>(a: &A) -> ArrayRef {
// For historical reasons, the codec-encoded columns are placed before T/D,
// and the structured-encoding columns are placed after.
let kv = updates
.flat_map(|x| [("k", array_ref(&x.key_data)), ("v", array_ref(&x.val_data))]);
let td = [
("t", array_ref(updates.timestamps())),
("d", array_ref(updates.diffs())),
let ks_vs = updates
.flat_map(|x| [("k_s", Arc::clone(&x.key)), ("v_s", Arc::clone(&x.val))]);
// We expect all the top-level fields to be fully defined.
let fields = kv.chain(td).chain(ks_vs).map(|(f, a)| (f, a, false));
RecordBatch::try_from_iter_with_nullable(fields).expect("valid field definitions")
pub(crate) const ENABLE_ARROW_LGALLOC_CC_SIZES: Config<bool> = Config::new(
"An incident flag to disable copying decoded arrow data into lgalloc on cc sized clusters.",
pub(crate) const ENABLE_ARROW_LGALLOC_NONCC_SIZES: Config<bool> = Config::new(
"A feature flag to enable copying decoded arrow data into lgalloc on non-cc sized clusters.",
fn realloc_data(data: ArrayData, nullable: bool, metrics: &ColumnarMetrics) -> ArrayData {
// NB: Arrow generally aligns buffers very coarsely: see arrow::alloc::ALIGNMENT.
// However, lgalloc aligns buffers even more coarsely - to the page boundary -
// so we never expect alignment issues in practice. If that changes, build()
// will return an error below, as it does for all invalid data.
let buffers = data
.map(|b| realloc_buffer(b, metrics))
let child_data = {
let field_iter = mz_persist_types::arrow::fields_for_type(data.data_type()).iter();
let child_iter = data.child_data().iter();
.map(|(f, d)| realloc_data(d.clone(), f.is_nullable(), metrics))
let nulls = if nullable {
data.nulls().map(|n| {
let buffer = realloc_buffer(n.buffer(), metrics);
NullBuffer::new(BooleanBuffer::new(buffer, n.offset(), n.len()))
} else {
if data.nulls().is_some() {
// This is a workaround for:
// It should always be safe to drop the null buffer for a non-nullable field, since
// any nulls cannot possibly represent real data and thus must be masked off at
// some higher level. We always realloc data we get back from parquet, so this is
// a convenient and efficient place to do the rewrite.
// Why does this help? Parquet decoding can generate nulls in non-nullable fields
// that are only masked by eg. a grandparent, not the direct parent... but some arrow
// code expects the parent to mask any nulls in its non-nullable children. Dropping
// the buffer here prevents those validations from failing. (Top-level arrays are always
// marked nullable, but since they don't have parents that's not a problem either.);
// Note that `build` only performs shallow validations, but since we rebuild the array
// recursively we will have performed the equivalent of `ArrayData::validation_full` on
// the output.
.expect("reconstructing valid arrow array")
/// Re-allocate the backing storage for a specific array using lgalloc, if it's configured.
/// (And hopefully-temporarily work around a parquet decoding issue upstream.)
pub fn realloc_array<A: Array + From<ArrayData>>(array: &A, metrics: &ColumnarMetrics) -> A {
let data = array.to_data();
// Top-level arrays are always nullable.
let data = realloc_data(data, true, metrics);
/// Re-allocate the backing storage for an array ref using lgalloc, if it's configured.
/// (And hopefully-temporarily work around a parquet decoding issue upstream.)
pub fn realloc_any(array: ArrayRef, metrics: &ColumnarMetrics) -> ArrayRef {
let data = array.into_data();
// Top-level arrays are always nullable.
let data = realloc_data(data, true, metrics);
fn realloc_buffer(buffer: &Buffer, metrics: &ColumnarMetrics) -> Buffer {
let use_lgbytes_mmap = if metrics.is_cc_active {
} else {
let region = if use_lgbytes_mmap {
} else {
let Some(region) = region else {
return buffer.clone();
let bytes: &[u8] = region.as_ref().to_byte_slice();
let ptr: NonNull<[u8]> = bytes.into();
// This is fine: see [[NonNull::as_non_null_ptr]] for an unstable version of this usage.
let ptr: NonNull<u8> = ptr.cast();
// SAFETY: `ptr` is valid for `len` bytes, and kept alive as long as `region` lives.
unsafe { Buffer::from_custom_allocation(ptr, bytes.len(), Arc::new(region)) }
/// Converts an [`arrow`] [RecordBatch] into a [BlobTraceUpdates] and reallocate the backing data.
pub fn decode_arrow_batch(
batch: &RecordBatch,
metrics: &ColumnarMetrics,
) -> anyhow::Result<BlobTraceUpdates> {
fn try_downcast<A: Array + From<ArrayData> + 'static>(
batch: &RecordBatch,
name: &'static str,
metrics: &ColumnarMetrics,
) -> anyhow::Result<Option<A>> {
let Some(array_ref) = batch.column_by_name(name) else {
return Ok(None);
let col_ref = array_ref
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("wrong datatype for column {}", name))?;
let col = realloc_array(col_ref, metrics);
let codec_key = try_downcast::<BinaryArray>(batch, "k", metrics)?;
let codec_val = try_downcast::<BinaryArray>(batch, "v", metrics)?;
let timestamps = try_downcast::<Int64Array>(batch, "t", metrics)?
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("missing timestamp column"))?;
let diffs = try_downcast::<Int64Array>(batch, "d", metrics)?
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("missing diff column"))?;
let structured_key = batch
.map(|a| realloc_any(Arc::clone(a), metrics));
let structured_val = batch
.map(|a| realloc_any(Arc::clone(a), metrics));
let updates = match (codec_key, codec_val, structured_key, structured_val) {
(Some(codec_key), Some(codec_val), Some(structured_key), Some(structured_val)) => {
ColumnarRecords::new(codec_key, codec_val, timestamps, diffs),
ColumnarRecordsStructuredExt {
key: structured_key,
val: structured_val,
(Some(codec_key), Some(codec_val), None, None) => BlobTraceUpdates::Row(
ColumnarRecords::new(codec_key, codec_val, timestamps, diffs),
(None, None, Some(structured_key), Some(structured_val)) => BlobTraceUpdates::Structured {
key_values: ColumnarRecordsStructuredExt {
key: structured_key,
val: structured_val,
(k, v, ks, vs) => {
"unexpected mix of key/value columns: k={:?}, v={}, k_s={}, v_s={}",