// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::str;
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use anyhow::bail;
use anyhow::Context;
use arrow::util::display::ArrayFormatter;
use arrow::util::display::FormatOptions;
use async_compression::tokio::bufread::{BzEncoder, GzipEncoder, XzEncoder, ZstdEncoder};
use regex::Regex;
use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncReadExt};
use crate::action::file::build_compression;
use crate::action::file::build_contents;
use crate::action::file::Compression;
use crate::action::{ControlFlow, State};
use crate::parser::BuiltinCommand;
pub async fn run_verify_data(
mut cmd: BuiltinCommand,
state: &State,
) -> Result<ControlFlow, anyhow::Error> {
let mut expected_body = cmd
// Strip suffix to allow lines with trailing whitespace
.map(|line| {
line.trim_end_matches("// allow-trailing-whitespace")
let bucket: String = cmd.args.parse("bucket")?;
let key: String = cmd.args.parse("key")?;
let sort_rows = cmd.args.opt_bool("sort-rows")?.unwrap_or(false);
println!("Verifying contents of S3 bucket {bucket} key {key}...");
let client = mz_aws_util::s3::new_client(&state.aws_config);
// List the path until the INCOMPLETE sentinel file disappears so we know the
// data is complete.
let mut attempts = 0;
let all_files;
loop {
attempts += 1;
if attempts > 10 {
bail!("found incomplete sentinel file in path {key} after 10 attempts")
let files = client
.prefix(&format!("{}/", key))
match files.contents {
if files
.any(|obj| obj.key().map_or(false, |key| key.contains("INCOMPLETE"))) =>
None => bail!("no files found in bucket {bucket} key {key}"),
Some(files) => {
all_files = files;
let mut rows = vec![];
for obj in all_files.iter() {
let file = client
let bytes = file.body.collect().await?.into_bytes();
let new_rows = match obj.key().unwrap() {
key if key.ends_with(".csv") => {
let actual_body = str::from_utf8(bytes.as_ref())?;
actual_body.lines().map(|l| l.to_string()).collect()
key if key.ends_with(".parquet") => rows_from_parquet(bytes),
key => bail!("unexpected file type: {key}"),
if sort_rows {
if rows != expected_body {
"content did not match\nexpected:\n{:?}\n\nactual:\n{:?}",
pub async fn run_verify_keys(
mut cmd: BuiltinCommand,
state: &State,
) -> Result<ControlFlow, anyhow::Error> {
let bucket: String = cmd.args.parse("bucket")?;
let prefix_path: String = cmd.args.parse("prefix-path")?;
let key_pattern: Regex = cmd.args.parse("key-pattern")?;
let num_attempts = cmd.args.opt_parse("num-attempts")?.unwrap_or(30);
println!("Verifying {key_pattern} in S3 bucket {bucket} path {prefix_path}...");
let client = mz_aws_util::s3::new_client(&state.aws_config);
let mut attempts = 0;
while attempts <= num_attempts {
attempts += 1;
let files = client
.prefix(&format!("{}/", prefix_path))
match files.contents {
Some(files) => {
let files: Vec<_> = files
.filter(|obj| key_pattern.is_match(obj.key().unwrap()))
.map(|obj| obj.key().unwrap())
if !files.is_empty() {
println!("Found matching files: {files:?}");
return Ok(ControlFlow::Continue);
_ => thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)),
bail!("Did not find matching files in bucket {bucket} prefix {prefix_path}");
fn rows_from_parquet(bytes: bytes::Bytes) -> Vec<String> {
let reader =
parquet::arrow::arrow_reader::ParquetRecordBatchReader::try_new(bytes, 1_000_000).unwrap();
let mut ret = vec![];
let format_options = FormatOptions::default();
for batch in reader {
let batch = batch.unwrap();
let converters = batch
.map(|a| ArrayFormatter::try_new(a.as_ref(), &format_options).unwrap())
for row_idx in 0..batch.num_rows() {
let mut buf = String::new();
for (col_idx, converter) in converters.iter().enumerate() {
if col_idx > 0 {
buf.push_str(" ");
converter.value(row_idx).write(&mut buf).unwrap();
pub async fn run_upload(
mut cmd: BuiltinCommand,
state: &State,
) -> Result<ControlFlow, anyhow::Error> {
let key = cmd.args.string("key")?;
let bucket = cmd.args.string("bucket")?;
let compression = build_compression(&mut cmd)?;
let content = build_contents(&mut cmd)?;
let aws_client = mz_aws_util::s3::new_client(&state.aws_config);
// TODO(parkmycar): Stream data to S3. The ByteStream type from the AWS config is a bit
// cumbersome to work with, so for now just stick with this.
let mut body = vec![];
for line in content {
let mut reader: Pin<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + Sync>> = match compression {
Compression::None => Box::pin(&body[..]),
Compression::Gzip => Box::pin(GzipEncoder::new(&body[..])),
Compression::Bzip2 => Box::pin(BzEncoder::new(&body[..])),
Compression::Xz => Box::pin(XzEncoder::new(&body[..])),
Compression::Zstd => Box::pin(ZstdEncoder::new(&body[..])),
let mut content = vec![];
.read_to_end(&mut content)
println!("Uploading file to S3 bucket {bucket}/{key}");
// Upload the file to S3.
.context("s3 put")?;
pub async fn run_set_presigned_url(
mut cmd: BuiltinCommand,
state: &mut State,
) -> Result<ControlFlow, anyhow::Error> {
let key = cmd.args.string("key")?;
let bucket = cmd.args.string("bucket")?;
let var_name = cmd.args.string("var-name")?;
let aws_client = mz_aws_util::s3::new_client(&state.aws_config);
let presign_config = mz_aws_util::s3::new_presigned_config();
let request = aws_client
.context("s3 presign")?;
println!("Setting '{var_name}' to presigned URL for {bucket}/{key}");
state.cmd_vars.insert(var_name, request.uri().to_string());