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// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! Retry utilities.
//! TODO: The structure of this intentionally mirrors [mz_ore::retry], so that
//! it could be merged in if anyone were so inclined.
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
use rand::prelude::SmallRng;
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
/// Configures a retry operation.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Retry {
/// An initial fixed sleep, before the exponential backoff.
/// This is skipped if set to [Duration::ZERO].
pub fixed_sleep: Duration,
/// The initial backoff for the exponential backoff retries.
pub initial_backoff: Duration,
/// The backoff multiplier.
pub multiplier: u32,
/// Clamps the maximum backoff for the retry operation.
pub clamp_backoff: Duration,
/// A seed for the random jitter.
pub seed: u64,
impl Retry {
/// The default retry configuration for persist.
/// Uses the given SystemTime to initialize the seed for random jitter.
pub fn persist_defaults(now: SystemTime) -> Self {
Retry {
fixed_sleep: Duration::ZERO,
// Chosen to meet the following arbitrary criteria: a power of two
// that's close to the AWS Aurora latency of 6ms.
initial_backoff: Duration::from_millis(4),
multiplier: 2,
// Chosen to meet the following arbitrary criteria: between 10s and
// 60s.
clamp_backoff: Duration::from_secs(16),
seed: now
.map_or(0, |x| u64::from(x.subsec_nanos())),
/// Convert into [`RetryStream`]
pub fn into_retry_stream(self) -> RetryStream {
let rng = SmallRng::seed_from_u64(self.seed);
let backoff = (self.fixed_sleep == Duration::ZERO).then_some(self.initial_backoff);
RetryStream {
cfg: self,
attempt: 0,
/// A series of exponential, jittered, clamped sleeps.
pub struct RetryStream {
cfg: Retry,
rng: SmallRng,
attempt: usize,
// None if the next sleep is `cfg.fixed_sleep`.
backoff: Option<Duration>,
impl RetryStream {
/// How many times [Self::sleep] has been called.
pub fn attempt(&self) -> usize {
/// The next sleep (without jitter for easy printing in logs).
pub fn next_sleep(&self) -> Duration {
/// Executes the next sleep in the series.
/// This isn't cancel-safe, so it consumes and returns self, to prevent
/// accidental mis-use.
pub async fn sleep(mut self) -> Self {
// Should the jitter be configurable?
let jitter = self.rng.gen_range(0.9..=1.1);
let sleep = self.next_sleep().mul_f64(jitter);
// Only exposed for testing.
fn advance(mut self) -> Self {
self.attempt += 1;
self.backoff = Some(match self.backoff {
None => self.cfg.initial_backoff,
Some(x) => std::cmp::min(x * self.cfg.multiplier, self.cfg.clamp_backoff),
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn retry_stream() {
fn testcase(r: Retry, expected_sleep_ms: Vec<u64>) {
let mut r = r.into_retry_stream();
for expected_sleep_ms in expected_sleep_ms {
let expected = Duration::from_millis(expected_sleep_ms);
let actual = r.next_sleep();
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
r = r.advance();
Retry {
fixed_sleep: Duration::ZERO,
initial_backoff: Duration::from_millis(1_200),
multiplier: 2,
clamp_backoff: Duration::from_secs(16),
seed: 0,
vec![1_200, 2_400, 4_800, 9_600, 16_000, 16_000],
Retry {
fixed_sleep: Duration::from_millis(1_200),
initial_backoff: Duration::from_millis(100),
multiplier: 2,
clamp_backoff: Duration::from_secs(16),
seed: 0,
1_200, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1_600, 3_200, 6_400, 12_800, 16_000, 16_000,