//! Network initialization.
use std::sync::Arc;
use timely_logging::Logger;
use crate::allocator::PeerBuilder;
use crate::allocator::zero_copy::bytes_slab::BytesRefill;
use crate::logging::CommunicationEventBuilder;
use crate::networking::create_sockets;
use super::tcp::{send_loop, recv_loop};
use super::allocator::{TcpBuilder, new_vector};
use super::stream::Stream;
/// Join handles for send and receive threads.
/// On drop, the guard joins with each of the threads to ensure that they complete
/// cleanly and send all necessary data.
pub struct CommsGuard {
send_guards: Vec<::std::thread::JoinHandle<()>>,
recv_guards: Vec<::std::thread::JoinHandle<()>>,
impl Drop for CommsGuard {
fn drop(&mut self) {
for handle in self.send_guards.drain(..) {
handle.join().expect("Send thread panic");
// println!("SEND THREADS JOINED");
for handle in self.recv_guards.drain(..) {
handle.join().expect("Recv thread panic");
// println!("RECV THREADS JOINED");
use crate::logging::CommunicationSetup;
/// Initializes network connections
pub fn initialize_networking<P: PeerBuilder>(
addresses: Vec<String>,
my_index: usize,
threads: usize,
noisy: bool,
refill: BytesRefill,
log_sender: Arc<dyn Fn(CommunicationSetup)->Option<Logger<CommunicationEventBuilder>>+Send+Sync>,
-> ::std::io::Result<(Vec<TcpBuilder<P::Peer>>, CommsGuard)>
let sockets = create_sockets(addresses, my_index, noisy)?;
initialize_networking_from_sockets::<_, P>(sockets, my_index, threads, refill, log_sender)
/// Initialize send and recv threads from sockets.
/// This method is available for users who have already connected sockets and simply wish to construct
/// a vector of process-local allocators connected to instantiated send and recv threads.
/// It is important that the `sockets` argument contain sockets for each remote process, in order, and
/// with position `my_index` set to `None`.
pub fn initialize_networking_from_sockets<S: Stream + 'static, P: PeerBuilder>(
mut sockets: Vec<Option<S>>,
my_index: usize,
threads: usize,
refill: BytesRefill,
log_sender: Arc<dyn Fn(CommunicationSetup)->Option<Logger<CommunicationEventBuilder>>+Send+Sync>,
-> ::std::io::Result<(Vec<TcpBuilder<P::Peer>>, CommsGuard)>
// Sockets are expected to be blocking,
for socket in sockets.iter_mut().flatten() {
socket.set_nonblocking(false).expect("failed to set socket to blocking");
let processes = sockets.len();
let process_allocators = P::new_vector(threads, refill.clone());
let (builders, promises, futures) = new_vector(process_allocators, my_index, processes, refill.clone());
let mut promises_iter = promises.into_iter();
let mut futures_iter = futures.into_iter();
let mut send_guards = Vec::with_capacity(sockets.len());
let mut recv_guards = Vec::with_capacity(sockets.len());
let refill = refill.clone();
// for each process, if a stream exists (i.e. not local) ...
for (index, stream) in sockets.into_iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(i, s)| s.map(|s| (i, s))) {
let remote_recv = promises_iter.next().unwrap();
let log_sender = log_sender.clone();
let stream = stream.try_clone()?;
let join_guard =
.name(format!("timely:send-{}", index))
.spawn(move || {
let logger = log_sender(CommunicationSetup {
process: my_index,
sender: true,
remote: Some(index),
send_loop(stream, remote_recv, my_index, index, logger);
let remote_send = futures_iter.next().unwrap();
// let remote_sends = remote_sends.clone();
let log_sender = log_sender.clone();
let stream = stream.try_clone()?;
let refill = refill.clone();
let join_guard =
.name(format!("timely:recv-{}", index))
.spawn(move || {
let logger = log_sender(CommunicationSetup {
process: my_index,
sender: false,
remote: Some(index),
recv_loop(stream, remote_send, threads * my_index, my_index, index, refill, logger);
Ok((builders, CommsGuard { send_guards, recv_guards }))