// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
use crate::null_sentinel;
use arrow_array::builder::BufferBuilder;
use arrow_array::*;
use arrow_buffer::bit_util::ceil;
use arrow_buffer::MutableBuffer;
use arrow_data::ArrayDataBuilder;
use arrow_schema::{DataType, SortOptions};
use builder::make_view;
/// The block size of the variable length encoding
pub const BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 32;
/// The first block is split into `MINI_BLOCK_COUNT` mini-blocks
/// This helps to reduce the space amplification for small strings
pub const MINI_BLOCK_COUNT: usize = 4;
/// The mini block size
/// The continuation token
pub const BLOCK_CONTINUATION: u8 = 0xFF;
/// Indicates an empty string
pub const EMPTY_SENTINEL: u8 = 1;
/// Indicates a non-empty string
pub const NON_EMPTY_SENTINEL: u8 = 2;
/// Returns the length of the encoded representation of a byte array, including the null byte
pub fn encoded_len(a: Option<&[u8]>) -> usize {
padded_length(a.map(|x| x.len()))
/// Returns the padded length of the encoded length of the given length
pub fn padded_length(a: Option<usize>) -> usize {
match a {
Some(a) if a <= BLOCK_SIZE => 1 + ceil(a, MINI_BLOCK_SIZE) * (MINI_BLOCK_SIZE + 1),
// Each miniblock ends with a 1 byte continuation, therefore add
// `(MINI_BLOCK_COUNT - 1)` additional bytes over non-miniblock size
Some(a) => MINI_BLOCK_COUNT + ceil(a, BLOCK_SIZE) * (BLOCK_SIZE + 1),
None => 1,
/// Variable length values are encoded as
/// - single `0_u8` if null
/// - single `1_u8` if empty array
/// - `2_u8` if not empty, followed by one or more blocks
/// where a block is encoded as
/// - [`BLOCK_SIZE`] bytes of string data, padded with 0s
/// - `0xFF_u8` if this is not the last block for this string
/// - otherwise the length of the block as a `u8`
pub fn encode<'a, I: Iterator<Item = Option<&'a [u8]>>>(
data: &mut [u8],
offsets: &mut [usize],
i: I,
opts: SortOptions,
) {
for (offset, maybe_val) in offsets.iter_mut().skip(1).zip(i) {
*offset += encode_one(&mut data[*offset..], maybe_val, opts);
pub fn encode_null(out: &mut [u8], opts: SortOptions) -> usize {
out[0] = null_sentinel(opts);
pub fn encode_empty(out: &mut [u8], opts: SortOptions) -> usize {
out[0] = match opts.descending {
pub fn encode_one(out: &mut [u8], val: Option<&[u8]>, opts: SortOptions) -> usize {
match val {
None => encode_null(out, opts),
Some([]) => encode_empty(out, opts),
Some(val) => {
// Write `2_u8` to demarcate as non-empty, non-null string
let len = if val.len() <= BLOCK_SIZE {
1 + encode_blocks::<MINI_BLOCK_SIZE>(&mut out[1..], val)
} else {
let (initial, rem) = val.split_at(BLOCK_SIZE);
let offset = encode_blocks::<MINI_BLOCK_SIZE>(&mut out[1..], initial);
1 + offset + encode_blocks::<BLOCK_SIZE>(&mut out[1 + offset..], rem)
if opts.descending {
// Invert bits
out[..len].iter_mut().for_each(|v| *v = !*v)
/// Writes `val` in `SIZE` blocks with the appropriate continuation tokens
fn encode_blocks<const SIZE: usize>(out: &mut [u8], val: &[u8]) -> usize {
let block_count = ceil(val.len(), SIZE);
let end_offset = block_count * (SIZE + 1);
let to_write = &mut out[..end_offset];
let chunks = val.chunks_exact(SIZE);
let remainder = chunks.remainder();
for (input, output) in chunks.clone().zip(to_write.chunks_exact_mut(SIZE + 1)) {
let input: &[u8; SIZE] = input.try_into().unwrap();
let out_block: &mut [u8; SIZE] = (&mut output[..SIZE]).try_into().unwrap();
*out_block = *input;
// Indicate that there are further blocks to follow
if !remainder.is_empty() {
let start_offset = (block_count - 1) * (SIZE + 1);
to_write[start_offset..start_offset + remainder.len()].copy_from_slice(remainder);
*to_write.last_mut().unwrap() = remainder.len() as u8;
} else {
// We must overwrite the continuation marker written by the loop above
*to_write.last_mut().unwrap() = SIZE as u8;
/// Decodes a single block of data
/// The `f` function accepts a slice of the decoded data, it may be called multiple times
pub fn decode_blocks(row: &[u8], options: SortOptions, mut f: impl FnMut(&[u8])) -> usize {
let (non_empty_sentinel, continuation) = match options.descending {
if row[0] != non_empty_sentinel {
// Empty or null string
return 1;
// Extracts the block length from the sentinel
let block_len = |sentinel: u8| match options.descending {
true => !sentinel as usize,
false => sentinel as usize,
let mut idx = 1;
for _ in 0..MINI_BLOCK_COUNT {
let sentinel = row[idx + MINI_BLOCK_SIZE];
if sentinel != continuation {
f(&row[idx..idx + block_len(sentinel)]);
return idx + MINI_BLOCK_SIZE + 1;
f(&row[idx..idx + MINI_BLOCK_SIZE]);
idx += MINI_BLOCK_SIZE + 1;
loop {
let sentinel = row[idx + BLOCK_SIZE];
if sentinel != continuation {
f(&row[idx..idx + block_len(sentinel)]);
return idx + BLOCK_SIZE + 1;
f(&row[idx..idx + BLOCK_SIZE]);
idx += BLOCK_SIZE + 1;
/// Returns the number of bytes of encoded data
fn decoded_len(row: &[u8], options: SortOptions) -> usize {
let mut len = 0;
decode_blocks(row, options, |block| len += block.len());
/// Decodes a binary array from `rows` with the provided `options`
pub fn decode_binary<I: OffsetSizeTrait>(
rows: &mut [&[u8]],
options: SortOptions,
) -> GenericBinaryArray<I> {
let len = rows.len();
let mut null_count = 0;
let nulls = MutableBuffer::collect_bool(len, |x| {
let valid = rows[x][0] != null_sentinel(options);
null_count += !valid as usize;
let values_capacity = rows.iter().map(|row| decoded_len(row, options)).sum();
let mut offsets = BufferBuilder::<I>::new(len + 1);
let mut values = MutableBuffer::new(values_capacity);
for row in rows {
let offset = decode_blocks(row, options, |b| values.extend_from_slice(b));
*row = &row[offset..];
offsets.append(I::from_usize(values.len()).expect("offset overflow"))
if options.descending {
values.as_slice_mut().iter_mut().for_each(|o| *o = !*o)
let d = match I::IS_LARGE {
true => DataType::LargeBinary,
false => DataType::Binary,
let builder = ArrayDataBuilder::new(d)
// Valid by construction above
unsafe { GenericBinaryArray::from(builder.build_unchecked()) }
fn decode_binary_view_inner(
rows: &mut [&[u8]],
options: SortOptions,
check_utf8: bool,
) -> BinaryViewArray {
let len = rows.len();
let mut null_count = 0;
let nulls = MutableBuffer::collect_bool(len, |x| {
let valid = rows[x][0] != null_sentinel(options);
null_count += !valid as usize;
let values_capacity: usize = rows.iter().map(|row| decoded_len(row, options)).sum();
let mut values = MutableBuffer::new(values_capacity);
let mut views = BufferBuilder::<u128>::new(len);
for row in rows {
let start_offset = values.len();
let offset = decode_blocks(row, options, |b| values.extend_from_slice(b));
if row[0] == null_sentinel(options) {
debug_assert_eq!(offset, 1);
debug_assert_eq!(start_offset, values.len());
} else {
// Safety: we just appended the data to the end of the buffer
let val = unsafe { values.get_unchecked_mut(start_offset..) };
if options.descending {
val.iter_mut().for_each(|o| *o = !*o);
let view = make_view(val, 0, start_offset as u32);
*row = &row[offset..];
if check_utf8 {
// the values contains all data, no matter if it is short or long
// we can validate utf8 in one go.
let builder = ArrayDataBuilder::new(DataType::BinaryView)
// Valid by construction above
unsafe { BinaryViewArray::from(builder.build_unchecked()) }
/// Decodes a binary view array from `rows` with the provided `options`
pub fn decode_binary_view(rows: &mut [&[u8]], options: SortOptions) -> BinaryViewArray {
decode_binary_view_inner(rows, options, false)
/// Decodes a string array from `rows` with the provided `options`
/// # Safety
/// The row must contain valid UTF-8 data
pub unsafe fn decode_string<I: OffsetSizeTrait>(
rows: &mut [&[u8]],
options: SortOptions,
validate_utf8: bool,
) -> GenericStringArray<I> {
let decoded = decode_binary::<I>(rows, options);
if validate_utf8 {
return GenericStringArray::from(decoded);
let builder = decoded
// Row data must have come from a valid UTF-8 array
/// Decodes a string view array from `rows` with the provided `options`
/// # Safety
/// The row must contain valid UTF-8 data
pub unsafe fn decode_string_view(
rows: &mut [&[u8]],
options: SortOptions,
validate_utf8: bool,
) -> StringViewArray {
let view = decode_binary_view_inner(rows, options, validate_utf8);