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// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! Threshold planning logic.
//! The threshold operator produces only rows with a positive cardinality, for example required to
//! provide SQL except and intersect semantics.
//! We build a plan ([ThresholdPlan]) encapsulating all decisions and requirements on the specific
//! threshold implementation. The idea is to decouple the logic deciding which plan to select from
//! the actual implementation of each variant available.
//! Currently, we provide two variants:
//! * The [BasicThresholdPlan] maintains all its outputs as an arrangement. It is beneficial if the
//! threshold is the final operation, or a downstream operators expects arranged inputs.
//! * The [RetractionsThresholdPlan] maintains retractions, i.e. rows that are not in the output. It
//! is beneficial to use this operator if the number of retractions is expected to be small, and
//! if a potential downstream operator does not expect its input to be arranged.
use mz_expr::{permutation_for_arrangement, MirScalarExpr};
use mz_proto::{ProtoType, RustType, TryFromProtoError};
use mz_repr::ColumnType;
use proptest_derive::Arbitrary;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use crate::plan::{any_arranged_thin, AvailableCollections};
/// A plan describing how to compute a threshold operation.
#[derive(Arbitrary, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub enum ThresholdPlan {
/// Basic threshold maintains all positive inputs.
impl RustType<ProtoThresholdPlan> for ThresholdPlan {
fn into_proto(&self) -> ProtoThresholdPlan {
use proto_threshold_plan::Kind::*;
ProtoThresholdPlan {
kind: Some(match self {
ThresholdPlan::Basic(p) => Basic(p.ensure_arrangement.into_proto()),
fn from_proto(proto: ProtoThresholdPlan) -> Result<Self, TryFromProtoError> {
use proto_threshold_plan::Kind::*;
let kind = proto
.ok_or_else(|| TryFromProtoError::missing_field("ProtoThresholdPlan::kind"))?;
Ok(match kind {
Basic(p) => ThresholdPlan::Basic(BasicThresholdPlan {
ensure_arrangement: p.into_rust()?,
impl RustType<ProtoArrangement> for (Vec<MirScalarExpr>, Vec<usize>, Vec<usize>) {
fn into_proto(&self) -> ProtoArrangement {
ProtoArrangement {
all_columns: self.0.into_proto(),
permutation: self.1.iter().map(|x| x.into_proto()).collect(),
thinning: self.2.iter().map(|x| x.into_proto()).collect(),
fn from_proto(proto: ProtoArrangement) -> Result<Self, TryFromProtoError> {
impl ThresholdPlan {
/// Reports all keys of produced arrangements, with optionally
/// given types describing the rows that would be in the raw
/// form of the collection.
/// This is likely either an empty vector, for no arrangement,
/// or a singleton vector containing the list of expressions
/// that key a single arrangement.
pub fn keys(&self, types: Option<Vec<ColumnType>>) -> AvailableCollections {
match self {
ThresholdPlan::Basic(plan) => {
AvailableCollections::new_arranged(vec![plan.ensure_arrangement.clone()], types)
/// A plan to maintain all inputs with positive counts.
#[derive(Arbitrary, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub struct BasicThresholdPlan {
/// Description of how the input has been arranged, and how to arrange the output
#[proptest(strategy = "any_arranged_thin()")]
pub ensure_arrangement: (Vec<MirScalarExpr>, Vec<usize>, Vec<usize>),
/// A plan to maintain all inputs with negative counts, which are subtracted from the output
/// in order to maintain an equivalent collection compared to [BasicThresholdPlan].
#[derive(Arbitrary, Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub struct RetractionsThresholdPlan {
/// Description of how the input has been arranged
#[proptest(strategy = "any_arranged_thin()")]
pub ensure_arrangement: (Vec<MirScalarExpr>, Vec<usize>, Vec<usize>),
impl ThresholdPlan {
/// Construct the plan from the number of columns (`arity`).
/// Also returns the arrangement and thinning required for the input.
pub fn create_from(arity: usize) -> (Self, (Vec<MirScalarExpr>, Vec<usize>, Vec<usize>)) {
// Arrange the input by all columns in order.
let mut all_columns = Vec::new();
for column in 0..arity {
let (permutation, thinning) = permutation_for_arrangement(&all_columns, arity);
let ensure_arrangement = (all_columns, permutation, thinning);
let plan = ThresholdPlan::Basic(BasicThresholdPlan {
ensure_arrangement: ensure_arrangement.clone(),
(plan, ensure_arrangement)
mod tests {
use mz_ore::assert_ok;
use mz_proto::protobuf_roundtrip;
use proptest::prelude::*;
use super::*;
proptest! {
fn threshold_plan_protobuf_roundtrip(expect in any::<ThresholdPlan>() ) {
let actual = protobuf_roundtrip::<_, ProtoThresholdPlan>(&expect);
assert_eq!(actual.unwrap(), expect);