mod content_length;
mod content_range;
mod if_match_condition;
mod if_modified_since;
mod if_modified_since_condition;
mod if_sequence_number;
mod if_source_match_condition;
mod if_source_modified_since_condition;
mod lease;
mod lease_break_period;
mod lease_duration;
mod max_item_count;
mod max_results;
mod metadata;
mod next_marker;
mod proposed_lease_id;
mod range;
mod sequence_number;
mod source_lease_id;
mod timeout;
pub use content_length::ContentLength;
pub use content_range::ContentRange;
pub use if_match_condition::IfMatchCondition;
pub use if_modified_since::IfModifiedSince;
pub use if_modified_since_condition::IfModifiedSinceCondition;
pub use if_sequence_number::IfSequenceNumber;
pub use if_source_match_condition::IfSourceMatchCondition;
pub use if_source_modified_since_condition::IfSourceModifiedSinceCondition;
pub use lease::LeaseId;
pub use lease_break_period::LeaseBreakPeriod;
pub use lease_duration::LeaseDuration;
pub use max_item_count::MaxItemCount;
pub use max_results::MaxResults;
pub use metadata::Metadata;
pub use next_marker::NextMarker;
pub use proposed_lease_id::ProposedLeaseId;
pub use range::Range;
pub use sequence_number::SequenceNumber;
pub use source_lease_id::SourceLeaseId;
pub use timeout::Timeout;
/// Advertises which content encoding the client is able to understand.
/// The Accept-Encoding request HTTP header advertises which content
/// encoding, usually a compression algorithm, the client is able to
/// understand. Using content negotiation, the server selects one of the
/// proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the
/// Content-Encoding response header.
/// Even if both the client and the server supports the same compression
/// algorithms, the server may choose not to compress the body of a
/// response, if the identity value is also acceptable.
/// The (friendly) version identifier for the client making the request
/// The Content Type indicates the media type of the request body
(APPLICATION_JSON, "application/json")
/// Advertises which content types the client is able to understand.
/// The Accept request HTTP header advertises which content types, expressed
/// as MIME types, the client is able to understand. Using content
/// negotiation, the server then selects one of the proposals, uses it and
/// informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
/// Browsers set adequate values for this header depending of the context
/// where the request is done: when fetching a CSS stylesheet a different
/// value is set for the request than when fetching an image, video or a
/// script.
/// The (friendly) name of the user making the request
request_header!(ActivityId, ACTIVITY_ID);
request_header!(App, APP,);
request_header!(ClientRequestId, CLIENT_REQUEST_ID);
request_header!(ContentDisposition, CONTENT_DISPOSITION);
request_header!(ContentEncoding, CONTENT_ENCODING);
request_header!(ContentLanguage, CONTENT_LANGUAGE);
request_header!(Continuation, CONTINUATION);
request_header!(IfTags, IF_TAGS);
request_header!(UserAgent, USER_AGENT);
request_header!(Version, VERSION);
/// Set delimiter for the request
request_query!(Prefix, "prefix");