//! Types and operators for dynamically scoped iterative dataflows.
//! Scopes in timely dataflow are expressed statically, as part of the type system.
//! This affords many efficiencies, as well as type-driven reassurance of correctness.
//! However, there are times you need scopes whose organization is discovered only at runtime.
//! Naiad and Materialize are examples: the latter taking arbitrary SQL into iterative dataflows.
//! This module provides a timestamp type `Pointstamp` that can represent an update with an
//! unboundedly long sequence of some `T: Timestamp`, ordered by the product order by which times
//! in iterative dataflows are ordered. The module also provides methods for manipulating these
//! timestamps to emulate the movement of update streams in to, within, and out of iterative scopes.
pub mod pointstamp;
use timely::dataflow::Scope;
use timely::order::Product;
use timely::progress::Timestamp;
use timely::dataflow::operators::generic::builder_rc::OperatorBuilder;
use timely::dataflow::channels::pact::Pipeline;
use timely::progress::Antichain;
use crate::difference::Semigroup;
use crate::{Collection, Data};
use crate::collection::AsCollection;
use crate::dynamic::pointstamp::PointStamp;
use crate::dynamic::pointstamp::PointStampSummary;
impl<G, D, R, T, TOuter> Collection<G, D, R>
G: Scope<Timestamp = Product<TOuter, PointStamp<T>>>,
D: Data,
R: Semigroup+'static,
T: Timestamp+Default,
TOuter: Timestamp,
/// Enters a dynamically created scope which has `level` timestamp coordinates.
pub fn enter_dynamic(&self, _level: usize) -> Self {
/// Leaves a dynamically created scope which has `level` timestamp coordinates.
pub fn leave_dynamic(&self, level: usize) -> Self {
// Create a unary operator that will strip all but `level-1` timestamp coordinates.
let mut builder = OperatorBuilder::new("LeaveDynamic".to_string(), self.scope());
let (mut output, stream) = builder.new_output();
let mut input = builder.new_input_connection(&self.inner, Pipeline, vec![Antichain::from_elem(Product { outer: Default::default(), inner: PointStampSummary { retain: Some(level - 1), actions: Vec::new() } })]);
builder.build(move |_capability| move |_frontier| {
let mut output = output.activate();
input.for_each(|cap, data| {
let mut new_time = cap.time().clone();
let mut vec = std::mem::take(&mut new_time.inner).into_vec();
vec.truncate(level - 1);
new_time.inner = PointStamp::new(vec);
let new_cap = cap.delayed(&new_time);
for (_data, time, _diff) in data.iter_mut() {
let mut vec = std::mem::take(&mut time.inner).into_vec();
vec.truncate(level - 1);
time.inner = PointStamp::new(vec);
/// Produces the summary for a feedback operator at `level`, applying `summary` to that coordinate.
pub fn feedback_summary<T>(level: usize, summary: T::Summary) -> PointStampSummary<T::Summary>
T: Timestamp+Default,
PointStampSummary {
retain: None,
actions: std::iter::repeat(Default::default()).take(level-1).chain(std::iter::once(summary)).collect(),