* Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
//! Retry handling and token bucket.
//! This code defines when and how failed requests should be retried. It also defines the behavior
//! used to limit the rate that requests are sent.
pub mod classifiers;
use crate::box_error::BoxError;
use crate::client::interceptors::context::InterceptorContext;
use crate::client::runtime_components::sealed::ValidateConfig;
use crate::client::runtime_components::RuntimeComponents;
use aws_smithy_types::config_bag::{ConfigBag, Storable, StoreReplace};
use std::fmt;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
use crate::impl_shared_conversions;
pub use aws_smithy_types::retry::ErrorKind;
#[cfg(feature = "test-util")]
pub use test_util::AlwaysRetry;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// An answer to the question "should I make a request attempt?"
pub enum ShouldAttempt {
/// Yes, an attempt should be made
/// No, no attempt should be made
/// Yes, an attempt should be made, but only after the given amount of time has passed
#[cfg(feature = "test-util")]
impl ShouldAttempt {
/// Returns the delay duration if this is a `YesAfterDelay` variant.
pub fn expect_delay(self) -> Duration {
match self {
ShouldAttempt::YesAfterDelay(delay) => delay,
_ => panic!("Expected this to be the `YesAfterDelay` variant but it was the `{self:?}` variant instead"),
/// If this isn't a `No` variant, panic.
pub fn expect_no(self) {
if ShouldAttempt::No == self {
panic!("Expected this to be the `No` variant but it was the `{self:?}` variant instead");
impl_shared_conversions!(convert SharedRetryStrategy from RetryStrategy using SharedRetryStrategy::new);
/// Decider for whether or not to attempt a request, and when.
/// The orchestrator consults the retry strategy every time before making a request.
/// This includes the initial request, and any retry attempts thereafter. The
/// orchestrator will retry indefinitely (until success) if the retry strategy
/// always returns `ShouldAttempt::Yes` from `should_attempt_retry`.
pub trait RetryStrategy: Send + Sync + fmt::Debug {
/// Decides if the initial attempt should be made.
fn should_attempt_initial_request(
runtime_components: &RuntimeComponents,
cfg: &ConfigBag,
) -> Result<ShouldAttempt, BoxError>;
/// Decides if a retry should be done.
/// The previous attempt's output or error are provided in the
/// [`InterceptorContext`] when this is called.
/// `ShouldAttempt::YesAfterDelay` can be used to add a backoff time.
fn should_attempt_retry(
context: &InterceptorContext,
runtime_components: &RuntimeComponents,
cfg: &ConfigBag,
) -> Result<ShouldAttempt, BoxError>;
/// A shared retry strategy.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct SharedRetryStrategy(Arc<dyn RetryStrategy>);
impl SharedRetryStrategy {
/// Creates a new [`SharedRetryStrategy`] from a retry strategy.
pub fn new(retry_strategy: impl RetryStrategy + 'static) -> Self {
impl RetryStrategy for SharedRetryStrategy {
fn should_attempt_initial_request(
runtime_components: &RuntimeComponents,
cfg: &ConfigBag,
) -> Result<ShouldAttempt, BoxError> {
.should_attempt_initial_request(runtime_components, cfg)
fn should_attempt_retry(
context: &InterceptorContext,
runtime_components: &RuntimeComponents,
cfg: &ConfigBag,
) -> Result<ShouldAttempt, BoxError> {
.should_attempt_retry(context, runtime_components, cfg)
impl ValidateConfig for SharedRetryStrategy {}
/// A type to track the number of requests sent by the orchestrator for a given operation.
/// `RequestAttempts` is added to the `ConfigBag` by the orchestrator,
/// and holds the current attempt number.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct RequestAttempts {
attempts: u32,
impl RequestAttempts {
/// Creates a new [`RequestAttempts`] with the given number of attempts.
pub fn new(attempts: u32) -> Self {
Self { attempts }
/// Returns the number of attempts.
pub fn attempts(&self) -> u32 {
impl From<u32> for RequestAttempts {
fn from(attempts: u32) -> Self {
impl From<RequestAttempts> for u32 {
fn from(value: RequestAttempts) -> Self {
impl Storable for RequestAttempts {
type Storer = StoreReplace<Self>;
#[cfg(feature = "test-util")]
mod test_util {
use super::ErrorKind;
use crate::client::interceptors::context::InterceptorContext;
use crate::client::retries::classifiers::{ClassifyRetry, RetryAction};
/// A retry classifier for testing purposes. This classifier always returns
/// `Some(RetryAction::Error(ErrorKind))` where `ErrorKind` is the value provided when creating
/// this classifier.
pub struct AlwaysRetry(pub ErrorKind);
impl ClassifyRetry for AlwaysRetry {
fn classify_retry(&self, error: &InterceptorContext) -> RetryAction {
tracing::debug!("Retrying error {:?} as an {:?}", error, self.0);
fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
"Always Retry"