use bitmaps::{Bitmap, Bits, Iter as BitmapIter};
use super::SparseChunk;
use crate::types::ChunkLength;
/// An iterator over references to the elements of a `SparseChunk`.
pub struct Iter<'a, A, N: Bits + ChunkLength<A>> {
pub(crate) indices: BitmapIter<'a, N>,
pub(crate) chunk: &'a SparseChunk<A, N>,
impl<'a, A, N: Bits + ChunkLength<A>> Iterator for Iter<'a, A, N> {
type Item = &'a A;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|index| &self.chunk.values()[index])
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
(0, Some(SparseChunk::<A, N>::CAPACITY))
/// An iterator over mutable references to the elements of a `SparseChunk`.
pub struct IterMut<'a, A, N: Bits + ChunkLength<A>> {
pub(crate) bitmap: Bitmap<N>,
pub(crate) chunk: &'a mut SparseChunk<A, N>,
impl<'a, A, N: Bits + ChunkLength<A>> Iterator for IterMut<'a, A, N> {
type Item = &'a mut A;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if let Some(index) = self.bitmap.first_index() {
self.bitmap.set(index, false);
unsafe {
let p: *mut A = &mut self.chunk.values_mut()[index];
Some(&mut *p)
} else {
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
(0, Some(SparseChunk::<A, N>::CAPACITY))
/// A draining iterator over the elements of a `SparseChunk`.
/// "Draining" means that as the iterator yields each element, it's removed from
/// the `SparseChunk`. When the iterator terminates, the chunk will be empty.
pub struct Drain<A, N: Bits + ChunkLength<A>> {
pub(crate) chunk: SparseChunk<A, N>,
impl<'a, A, N: Bits + ChunkLength<A>> Iterator for Drain<A, N> {
type Item = A;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
let len = self.chunk.len();
(len, Some(len))
/// An iterator over `Option`s of references to the elements of a `SparseChunk`.
/// Iterates over every index in the `SparseChunk`, from zero to its full capacity,
/// returning an `Option<&A>` for each index.
pub struct OptionIter<'a, A, N: Bits + ChunkLength<A>> {
pub(crate) index: usize,
pub(crate) chunk: &'a SparseChunk<A, N>,
impl<'a, A, N: Bits + ChunkLength<A>> Iterator for OptionIter<'a, A, N> {
type Item = Option<&'a A>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.index < N::USIZE {
let result = self.chunk.get(self.index);
self.index += 1;
} else {
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
SparseChunk::<A, N>::CAPACITY - self.index,
Some(SparseChunk::<A, N>::CAPACITY - self.index),
/// An iterator over `Option`s of mutable references to the elements of a `SparseChunk`.
/// Iterates over every index in the `SparseChunk`, from zero to its full capacity,
/// returning an `Option<&mut A>` for each index.
pub struct OptionIterMut<'a, A, N: Bits + ChunkLength<A>> {
pub(crate) index: usize,
pub(crate) chunk: &'a mut SparseChunk<A, N>,
impl<'a, A, N: Bits + ChunkLength<A>> Iterator for OptionIterMut<'a, A, N> {
type Item = Option<&'a mut A>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.index < N::USIZE {
let result = if {
unsafe {
let p: *mut A = &mut self.chunk.values_mut()[self.index];
Some(Some(&mut *p))
} else {
self.index += 1;
} else {
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
SparseChunk::<A, N>::CAPACITY - self.index,
Some(SparseChunk::<A, N>::CAPACITY - self.index),
/// A draining iterator over `Option`s of the elements of a `SparseChunk`.
/// Iterates over every index in the `SparseChunk`, from zero to its full capacity,
/// returning an `Option<A>` for each index.
pub struct OptionDrain<A, N: Bits + ChunkLength<A>> {
pub(crate) index: usize,
pub(crate) chunk: SparseChunk<A, N>,
impl<'a, A, N: Bits + ChunkLength<A>> Iterator for OptionDrain<A, N> {
type Item = Option<A>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.index < N::USIZE {
let result = self.chunk.remove(self.index);
self.index += 1;
} else {
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
SparseChunk::<A, N>::CAPACITY - self.index,
Some(SparseChunk::<A, N>::CAPACITY - self.index),
mod test {
use super::*;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use typenum::U64;
fn iter() {
let vec: Vec<Option<usize>> =
Vec::from_iter((0..64).map(|i| if i % 2 == 0 { Some(i) } else { None }));
let chunk: SparseChunk<usize, U64> = vec.iter().cloned().collect();
let vec: Vec<usize> = vec
.filter(|v| v.is_some())
.map(|v| v.unwrap())
fn iter_mut() {
let vec: Vec<Option<usize>> =
Vec::from_iter((0..64).map(|i| if i % 2 == 0 { Some(i) } else { None }));
let mut chunk: SparseChunk<_, U64> = vec.iter().cloned().collect();
let mut vec: Vec<usize> = vec
.filter(|v| v.is_some())
.map(|v| v.unwrap())
fn drain() {
let vec: Vec<Option<usize>> =
Vec::from_iter((0..64).map(|i| if i % 2 == 0 { Some(i) } else { None }));
let chunk: SparseChunk<_, U64> = vec.iter().cloned().collect();
let vec: Vec<usize> = vec
.filter(|v| v.is_some())
.map(|v| v.unwrap())
fn option_iter() {
let vec: Vec<Option<usize>> =
Vec::from_iter((0..64).map(|i| if i % 2 == 0 { Some(i) } else { None }));
let chunk: SparseChunk<_, U64> = vec.iter().cloned().collect();
.eq(chunk.option_iter().map(|v| v.cloned())));
fn option_iter_mut() {
let vec: Vec<Option<usize>> =
Vec::from_iter((0..64).map(|i| if i % 2 == 0 { Some(i) } else { None }));
let mut chunk: SparseChunk<_, U64> = vec.iter().cloned().collect();
.eq(chunk.option_iter_mut().map(|v| v.cloned())));
fn option_drain() {
let vec: Vec<Option<usize>> =
Vec::from_iter((0..64).map(|i| if i % 2 == 0 { Some(i) } else { None }));
let chunk: SparseChunk<_, U64> = vec.iter().cloned().collect();