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// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! Analysis that determines the logical monotonicity of an expression.
//! Expressions are logically monotonic if their inputs are monotonic, and they
//! do not introduce any retractions.
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use mz_expr::{Id, MirRelationExpr};
use mz_repr::GlobalId;
use crate::analysis::common_lattice::BoolLattice;
use crate::analysis::{Analysis, Derived, Lattice};
/// Determines the logical monotonicity of an expression.
pub struct Monotonic {
global_monotonic_ids: BTreeSet<GlobalId>,
impl Monotonic {
/// A monotonicity analyser provided with the set of Global IDs that are known to be monotonic.
pub fn new(global_monotonic_ids: BTreeSet<GlobalId>) -> Self {
Self {
fn has_monotonic_children(
expr: &MirRelationExpr,
index: usize,
results: &[bool],
depends: &Derived,
) -> bool {
.children_of_rev(index, expr.children().count())
.fold(true, |acc, child| acc && results[child])
impl Analysis for Monotonic {
type Value = bool;
fn derive(
expr: &MirRelationExpr,
index: usize,
results: &[Self::Value],
depends: &Derived,
) -> Self::Value {
use Id::*;
match expr {
MirRelationExpr::Get { id: Global(id), .. } => self.global_monotonic_ids.contains(id),
MirRelationExpr::Get { id: Local(id), .. } => {
let index = *depends
.expect("Dependency info not found");
// Monotonic iff their input is.
MirRelationExpr::Project { .. }
| MirRelationExpr::Map { .. }
| MirRelationExpr::ArrangeBy { .. }
| MirRelationExpr::Threshold { .. }
| MirRelationExpr::Let { .. }
| MirRelationExpr::LetRec { .. } => results[index - 1],
// Monotonic iff all inputs are.
MirRelationExpr::Union { .. } | MirRelationExpr::Join { .. } => {
Self::has_monotonic_children(expr, index, results, depends)
// Any set limit or offset can result in retractions when input data arrive.
// If neither limit nor offset are set, the TopK stage will eventually be optimized out.
MirRelationExpr::TopK { .. } => false,
MirRelationExpr::Negate { .. } => false,
MirRelationExpr::Filter { predicates, .. } => {
let is_monotonic = results[index - 1];
// Temporal predicates can introduce non-monotonicity, as they
// can result in the future removal of records.
// TODO: this could be improved to only restrict if upper bounds
// are present, as temporal lower bounds only delay introduction.
is_monotonic && !predicates.iter().any(|p| p.contains_temporal())
MirRelationExpr::Reduce { aggregates, .. } => {
// Reduce is monotonic iff its input is, and it is a "distinct"
// with no aggregate values; otherwise it may need to retract.
results[index - 1] && aggregates.is_empty()
MirRelationExpr::FlatMap { func, .. } => {
results[index - 1] && func.preserves_monotonicity()
MirRelationExpr::Constant { rows: Ok(rows), .. } => {
rows.iter().all(|(_, diff)| diff > &0)
// TODO: database-issues#8337 (Investigate if constant expressions with error rows can be marked monotonic)
MirRelationExpr::Constant { rows: Err(_), .. } => false,
fn lattice() -> Option<Box<dyn Lattice<Self::Value>>> {