use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::ops::AddAssign;
use lgalloc::{FileStats, SizeClassStats};
use mz_ore::cast::CastFrom;
use mz_ore::metrics::{raw, MetricsRegistry};
use paste::paste;
use prometheus::core::{AtomicU64, GenericGauge};
use tracing::error;
use crate::MetricsUpdate;
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub struct Error {
pub kind: ErrorKind,
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum ErrorKind {
#[error("Failed to get file stats: {0}")]
impl Error {
pub fn new(kind: ErrorKind) -> Error {
Error { kind }
struct FileStatsAccum {
pub file_size: usize,
pub allocated_size: usize,
pub mapped: usize,
pub active: usize,
pub dirty: usize,
impl AddAssign<&FileStats> for FileStatsAccum {
fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: &FileStats) {
self.file_size += rhs.file_size;
self.allocated_size += rhs.allocated_size;
self.mapped += rhs.mapped; +=;
self.dirty += rhs.dirty;
macro_rules! metrics_size_class {
@size_class ($(($name:ident, $desc:expr, $metric:expr, $conv:expr)),*)
@file ($(($f_name:ident, $f_metric:ident, $f_desc:expr)),*)
) => {
metrics_size_class! {
@define $namespace
@size_class $(($name, $desc, $metric, $conv)),*
@file $(($f_name, $f_metric, $f_desc)),*
(@define $namespace:ident
@size_class $(($name:ident, $desc:expr, $metric:expr, $conv:expr)),*
@file $(($f_name:ident, $f_metric:ident, $f_desc:expr)),*
) => {
paste! {
pub(crate) struct LgMetrics {
size_class: BTreeMap<usize, LgMetricsSC>,
$($metric: raw::UIntGaugeVec,)*
$($f_metric: raw::UIntGaugeVec,)*
struct LgMetricsSC {
$($metric: GenericGauge<AtomicU64>,)*
$($f_metric: GenericGauge<AtomicU64>,)*
impl LgMetrics {
fn new(registry: &MetricsRegistry) -> Self {
Self {
size_class: BTreeMap::default(),
$($metric: registry.register(mz_ore::metric!(
name: concat!(stringify!($namespace), "_", stringify!($metric)),
help: $desc,
var_labels: ["size_class"],
$($f_metric: registry.register(mz_ore::metric!(
name: concat!(stringify!($namespace), "_", stringify!($f_metric)),
help: $f_desc,
var_labels: ["size_class"],
fn get_size_class(&mut self, size_class: usize) -> &LgMetricsSC {
self.size_class.entry(size_class).or_insert_with(|| {
let labels: &[&str] = &[&size_class.to_string()];
LgMetricsSC {
$($metric: self.$metric.with_label_values(labels),)*
$($f_metric: self.$f_metric.with_label_values(labels),)*
fn update(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let stats = lgalloc::lgalloc_stats();
for sc in &stats.size_class {
let sc_stats = self.get_size_class(sc.size_class);
$(sc_stats.$metric.set(($conv)(u64::cast_from(sc.$name), sc));)*
let mut accums = BTreeMap::new();
match &stats.file_stats {
Ok(file_stats) => {
for file_stat in file_stats {
let accum: &mut FileStatsAccum = accums.entry(file_stat.size_class).or_default();
Err(err) => {
return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::FileStatsFailed(err.to_string())));
for (size_class, accum) in accums {
let sc_stats = self.get_size_class(size_class);
fn normalize_by_size_class(value: u64, stats: &SizeClassStats) -> u64 {
value * u64::cast_from(stats.size_class)
fn id(value: u64, _stats: &SizeClassStats) -> u64 {
metrics_size_class! {
@size_class (
(allocations, "Number of region allocations in size class", allocations_total, id),
(area_total_bytes, "Number of bytes in all areas in size class", area_total_bytes, id),
(areas, "Number of areas backing size class", areas_total, id),
(clean_regions, "Number of clean regions in size class", clean_regions_total, id),
(clean_regions, "Number of clean regions in size class", clean_regions_bytes_total, normalize_by_size_class),
(deallocations, "Number of region deallocations for size class", deallocations_total, id),
(free_regions, "Number of free regions in size class", free_regions_total, id),
(free_regions, "Number of free regions in size class", free_regions_bytes_total, normalize_by_size_class),
(global_regions, "Number of global regions in size class", global_regions_total, id),
(global_regions, "Number of global regions in size class", global_regions_bytes_total, normalize_by_size_class),
(refill, "Number of area refills for size class", refill_total, id),
(slow_path, "Number of slow path region allocations for size class", slow_path_total, id),
(thread_regions, "Number of thread regions in size class", thread_regions_total, id),
(thread_regions, "Number of thread regions in size class", thread_regions_bytes_total, normalize_by_size_class),
(clear_eager_total, "Number of thread regions in size class", clear_eager_total, id),
(clear_eager_total, "Number of thread regions in size class", clear_eager_bytes_total, normalize_by_size_class),
(clear_slow_total, "Number of thread regions in size class", clear_slow_total, id),
(clear_slow_total, "Number of thread regions in size class", clear_slow_bytes_total, normalize_by_size_class)
@file (
(file_size, file_size_bytes, "Sum of file sizes in size class"),
(allocated_size, file_allocated_size_bytes, "Sum of allocated sizes in size class"),
(mapped, vm_mapped_bytes, "Sum of mapped sizes in size class"),
(active, vm_active_bytes, "Sum of active sizes in size class"),
(dirty, vm_dirty_bytes, "Sum of dirty sizes in size class")
pub(crate) fn register_metrics_into(metrics_registry: &MetricsRegistry) -> LgMetrics {
impl MetricsUpdate for LgMetrics {
type Error = Error;
const NAME: &'static str = "lgalloc";
fn update(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {