// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! A dyncfg::ConfigSet backed by LaunchDarkly.
use std::time::Duration;
use launchdarkly_server_sdk as ld;
use mz_build_info::BuildInfo;
use mz_dyncfg::{ConfigSet, ConfigUpdates, ConfigVal};
use mz_ore::cast::CastLossy;
use mz_ore::task;
use tokio::time;
/// Start a background task that syncs to a ConfigSet from LaunchDarkly. `ctx_builder` can be used
/// to add additional LD contexts. A `build` context is added automatically. Returns `Ok` after the
/// LD client has been initialized and an initial sync completed. If the initialization takes longer
/// than `config_sync_timeout`, an error is returned.
/// A successful initialization can take up to `config_sync_timeout`, preventing the calling service
/// from starting for possibly up to that duration. Its value should be chosen based on the needs of
/// the service in the case that LaunchDarkly is down.
/// If the caller chooses to continue if this function returns an error, the ConfigSet will retain
/// its default values. Those should be chosen with this risk in mind.
pub async fn sync_launchdarkly_to_configset<F>(
set: ConfigSet,
build_info: &'static BuildInfo,
ctx_builder: F,
// Use an option so that local dev where this is disabled still uses the same validation logic
// for the ConfigSet.
launchdarkly_sdk_key: Option<&str>,
config_sync_timeout: Duration,
config_sync_loop_interval: Option<Duration>,
on_update: impl Fn(&ConfigUpdates, &ConfigSet) + Send + 'static,
) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error>
F: FnOnce(&mut ld::MultiContextBuilder) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error>,
// Ensure that all the ConfigVals in the set support FlagValue conversion, even if LD is
// disabled (preventing error skew in local vs prod settings).
for entry in set.entries() {
let _ = dyn_into_flag(entry.val())?;
let ld_client = if let Some(key) = launchdarkly_sdk_key {
let client = ld::Client::build(ld::ConfigBuilder::new(key).build())?;
let init = async {
let max_backoff = Duration::from_secs(60);
let mut backoff = Duration::from_secs(5);
while !client.initialized_async().await {
tracing::warn!("SyncedConfigSet failed to initialize");
backoff = (backoff * 2).min(max_backoff);
if tokio::time::timeout(config_sync_timeout, init)
tracing::info!("SyncedConfigSet initialize on boot: initialize has timed out");
} else {
let synced = SyncedConfigSet {
ld_ctx: ld_ctx(build_info, ctx_builder)?,
|| "SyncedConfigSet sync_loop",
fn ld_ctx<F>(build_info: &'static BuildInfo, ctx_builder: F) -> Result<ld::Context, anyhow::Error>
F: FnOnce(&mut ld::MultiContextBuilder) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error>,
// Register multiple contexts for this client.
// Unfortunately, it seems that the order in which conflicting targeting
// rules are applied depends on the definition order of feature flag
// variations rather than on the order in which context are registered with
// the multi-context builder.
let mut builder = ld::MultiContextBuilder::new();
.set_string("semver_version", build_info.semver_version().to_string())
.map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!(e))?,
ctx_builder(&mut builder)?;
builder.build().map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!(e))
struct SyncedConfigSet<F>
F: Fn(&ConfigUpdates, &ConfigSet) + Send,
set: ConfigSet,
ld_client: Option<ld::Client>,
ld_ctx: ld::Context,
on_update: F,
impl<F: Fn(&ConfigUpdates, &ConfigSet) + Send> SyncedConfigSet<F> {
/// Returns a future that periodically polls LaunchDarkly and updates the ConfigSet.
async fn sync_loop(self, tick_interval: Option<Duration>) {
let Some(tick_interval) = tick_interval else {
tracing::info!("skipping SyncedConfigSet sync as tick_interval = None");
let mut interval = time::interval(tick_interval);
"synchronizing SyncedConfigSet values every {} seconds",
loop {
if let Err(err) = self.sync() {
tracing::info!("SyncedConfigSet: {err}");
/// Reads current values from LaunchDarkly and updates the ConfigSet.
fn sync(&self) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
let mut updates = ConfigUpdates::default();
let Some(ld_client) = &self.ld_client else {
(self.on_update)(&updates, &self.set);
return Ok(());
for entry in self.set.entries() {
let val = dyn_into_flag(entry.val()).expect("new() verifies all configs can convert");
let flag_var = ld_client.variation(&self.ld_ctx, entry.name(), val);
let update = match (entry.val(), flag_var) {
(ConfigVal::Bool(_), ld::FlagValue::Bool(flag)) => ConfigVal::Bool(flag),
(ConfigVal::U32(_), ld::FlagValue::Number(flag)) => {
(ConfigVal::Usize(_), ld::FlagValue::Number(flag)) => {
(ConfigVal::F64(_), ld::FlagValue::Number(flag)) => ConfigVal::F64(flag),
(ConfigVal::String(_), ld::FlagValue::Str(flag)) => ConfigVal::String(flag),
(ConfigVal::Duration(_), ld::FlagValue::Str(flag)) => {
(ConfigVal::Json(_), ld::FlagValue::Json(flag)) => ConfigVal::Json(flag),
// Hardcode all others so that if ConfigVal gets new types this match block will
// compile error.
(ConfigVal::Bool(_), _)
| (ConfigVal::U32(_), _)
| (ConfigVal::Usize(_), _)
| (ConfigVal::F64(_), _)
| (ConfigVal::Duration(_), _)
| (ConfigVal::Json(_), _)
| (ConfigVal::OptUsize(_), _)
| (ConfigVal::String(_), _) => anyhow::bail!(
"LD flag cannot be cast to the ConfigVal for {}",
updates.add_dynamic(entry.name(), update);
(self.on_update)(&updates, &self.set);
/// Converts a dyncfg ConfigVal into a LaunchDarkly FlagValue. Returns an error if the ConfigVal
/// type isn't supported by the FlagValue format.
fn dyn_into_flag(val: ConfigVal) -> Result<ld::FlagValue, anyhow::Error> {
// Note that errors must only (and always) occur when the ConfigVal type isn't fully supported.
// That is, don't error only if the current value isn't supported (like None in an Opt type):
// error always for an Opt value because it might be None.
Ok(match val {
ConfigVal::Bool(v) => ld::FlagValue::Bool(v),
ConfigVal::U32(v) => ld::FlagValue::Number(v.into()),
ConfigVal::Usize(v) => ld::FlagValue::Number(f64::cast_lossy(v)),
ConfigVal::OptUsize(_) => anyhow::bail!("OptUsize None cannot be converted to a FlagValue"),
ConfigVal::F64(v) => ld::FlagValue::Number(v),
ConfigVal::String(v) => ld::FlagValue::Str(v),
ConfigVal::Duration(v) => ld::FlagValue::Str(humantime::format_duration(v).to_string()),
ConfigVal::Json(v) => ld::FlagValue::Json(v),