//! Networking code for sending and receiving fixed size `Vec<u8>` between machines.
use std::io;
use std::io::{Read, Result};
use std::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;
use std::thread::sleep;
use std::time::Duration;
use byteorder::{ReadBytesExt, WriteBytesExt};
use columnar::Columnar;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
// This constant is sent along immediately after establishing a TCP stream, so
// that it is easy to sniff out Timely traffic when it is multiplexed with
// other traffic on the same port.
const HANDSHAKE_MAGIC: u64 = 0xc2f1fb770118add9;
/// The byte order for writing message headers and stream initialization.
type ByteOrder = byteorder::BigEndian;
/// Framing data for each `Vec<u8>` transmission, indicating a typed channel, the source and
/// destination workers, and the length in bytes.
// *Warning*: Adding, removing and altering fields requires to adjust the implementation below!
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize, Columnar)]
pub struct MessageHeader {
/// index of channel.
pub channel: usize,
/// index of worker sending message.
pub source: usize,
/// lower bound of index of worker receiving message.
pub target_lower: usize,
/// upper bound of index of worker receiving message.
/// This is often `self.target_lower + 1` for point to point messages,
/// but can be larger for broadcast messages.
pub target_upper: usize,
/// number of bytes in message.
pub length: usize,
/// sequence number.
pub seqno: usize,
impl MessageHeader {
/// The number of `usize` fields in [MessageHeader].
const FIELDS: usize = 6;
/// Returns a header when there is enough supporting data
pub fn try_read(bytes: &[u8]) -> Option<MessageHeader> {
let mut cursor = io::Cursor::new(&bytes[..]);
let mut buffer = [0; Self::FIELDS];
cursor.read_u64_into::<ByteOrder>(&mut buffer).ok()?;
let header = MessageHeader {
// Order must match writing order.
channel: buffer[0] as usize,
source: buffer[1] as usize,
target_lower: buffer[2] as usize,
target_upper: buffer[3] as usize,
length: buffer[4] as usize,
seqno: buffer[5] as usize,
if bytes.len() >= header.required_bytes() {
} else {
/// Writes the header as binary data.
pub fn write_to<W: ::std::io::Write>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<()> {
let mut buffer = [0u8; std::mem::size_of::<u64>() * Self::FIELDS];
let mut cursor = io::Cursor::new(&mut buffer[..]);
// Order must match reading order.
cursor.write_u64::<ByteOrder>(self.channel as u64)?;
cursor.write_u64::<ByteOrder>(self.source as u64)?;
cursor.write_u64::<ByteOrder>(self.target_lower as u64)?;
cursor.write_u64::<ByteOrder>(self.target_upper as u64)?;
cursor.write_u64::<ByteOrder>(self.length as u64)?;
cursor.write_u64::<ByteOrder>(self.seqno as u64)?;
/// The number of bytes required for the header and data.
pub fn required_bytes(&self) -> usize {
self.header_bytes() + self.length
/// The number of bytes required for the header.
pub fn header_bytes(&self) -> usize {
std::mem::size_of::<u64>() * Self::FIELDS
/// Creates socket connections from a list of host addresses.
/// The item at index `i` in the resulting vec, is a `Some(TcpSocket)` to process `i`, except
/// for item `my_index` which is `None` (no socket to self).
pub fn create_sockets(addresses: Vec<String>, my_index: usize, noisy: bool) -> Result<Vec<Option<TcpStream>>> {
let hosts1 = Arc::new(addresses);
let hosts2 = hosts1.clone();
let start_task = thread::spawn(move || start_connections(hosts1, my_index, noisy));
let await_task = thread::spawn(move || await_connections(hosts2, my_index, noisy));
let mut results = start_task.join().unwrap()?;
let to_extend = await_task.join().unwrap()?;
if noisy { println!("worker {}:\tinitialization complete", my_index) }
/// Result contains connections `[0, my_index - 1]`.
pub fn start_connections(addresses: Arc<Vec<String>>, my_index: usize, noisy: bool) -> Result<Vec<Option<TcpStream>>> {
let results = addresses.iter().take(my_index).enumerate().map(|(index, address)| {
loop {
match TcpStream::connect(address) {
Ok(mut stream) => {
stream.set_nodelay(true).expect("set_nodelay call failed");
stream.write_u64::<ByteOrder>(HANDSHAKE_MAGIC).expect("failed to encode/send handshake magic");
stream.write_u64::<ByteOrder>(my_index as u64).expect("failed to encode/send worker index");
if noisy { println!("worker {}:\tconnection to worker {}", my_index, index); }
break Some(stream);
Err(error) => {
println!("worker {}:\terror connecting to worker {}: {}; retrying", my_index, index, error);
/// Result contains connections `[my_index + 1, addresses.len() - 1]`.
pub fn await_connections(addresses: Arc<Vec<String>>, my_index: usize, noisy: bool) -> Result<Vec<Option<TcpStream>>> {
let mut results: Vec<_> = (0..(addresses.len() - my_index - 1)).map(|_| None).collect();
let listener = TcpListener::bind(&addresses[my_index][..])?;
for _ in (my_index + 1) .. addresses.len() {
let mut stream = listener.accept()?.0;
stream.set_nodelay(true).expect("set_nodelay call failed");
let mut buffer = [0u8;16];
stream.read_exact(&mut buffer)?;
let mut cursor = io::Cursor::new(buffer);
let magic = cursor.read_u64::<ByteOrder>().expect("failed to decode magic");
if magic != HANDSHAKE_MAGIC {
return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData,
"received incorrect timely handshake"));
let identifier = cursor.read_u64::<ByteOrder>().expect("failed to decode worker index") as usize;
results[identifier - my_index - 1] = Some(stream);
if noisy { println!("worker {}:\tconnection from worker {}", my_index, identifier); }