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// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! # Materialize cloud API client
//! This module provides an API client with typed methods for
//! interacting with the Materialize cloud API. This client includes,
//! token management, and basic requests against the API.
//! The [`Client`] requires an [`mz_frontegg_client::client::Client`] as a parameter. The
//! Frontegg client is used to request and manage the access token.
use std::sync::Arc;
use reqwest::{header::HeaderMap, Method, RequestBuilder, StatusCode, Url};
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use serde::Deserialize;
use crate::config::API_VERSION_HEADER;
use crate::error::{ApiError, Error};
use self::cloud_provider::CloudProvider;
/// Represents the structure for the client.
pub struct Client {
pub(crate) inner: reqwest::Client,
pub(crate) auth_client: Arc<mz_frontegg_client::client::Client>,
pub(crate) endpoint: Url,
pub mod cloud_provider;
pub mod region;
/// Cloud endpoints architecture:
/// (CloudProvider) (Region)
/// --------- --------------------------------------
/// | | | Region API |
/// | Cloud | url | ---------- ------------- |
/// | Sync | ---------------> | | Provider | ---- | Region | |
/// | | | | (aws..) | | (east-1..) | |
/// | | | ---------- ------------- |
/// ---------- --------------------------------------
impl Client {
/// Builds a request towards the `Client`'s endpoint
async fn build_global_request<P>(
method: Method,
path: P,
query: Option<&[(&str, &str)]>,
) -> Result<RequestBuilder, Error>
P: IntoIterator,
P::Item: AsRef<str>,
self.build_request(method, path, query, self.endpoint.clone(), None)
/// Builds a request towards the `Client`'s endpoint
/// The function requires a [CloudProvider] as parameter
/// since it contains the api url (Region API url)
/// to interact with the region.
/// Specify an api_version corresponding to the request/response
/// schema your code will handle. Refer to the Region API docs
/// for schema information.
async fn build_region_request<P>(
method: Method,
path: P,
query: Option<&[(&str, &str)]>,
cloud_provider: &CloudProvider,
api_version: Option<u16>,
) -> Result<RequestBuilder, Error>
P: IntoIterator,
P::Item: AsRef<str>,
api_version.and_then(|api_ver| {
let mut headers = HeaderMap::with_capacity(1);
headers.insert(API_VERSION_HEADER, api_ver.into());
/// Builds a request towards the `Client`'s endpoint
async fn build_request<P>(
method: Method,
path: P,
query: Option<&[(&str, &str)]>,
mut domain: Url,
headers: Option<HeaderMap>,
) -> Result<RequestBuilder, Error>
P: IntoIterator,
P::Item: AsRef<str>,
let mut req = self.inner.request(method, domain);
if let Some(header_map) = headers {
req = req.headers(header_map);
if let Some(query_params) = query {
req = req.query(&query_params);
let token = self.auth_client.auth().await?;
async fn send_request<T>(&self, req: RequestBuilder) -> Result<T, Error>
T: DeserializeOwned,
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct ErrorResponse {
message: Option<String>,
errors: Vec<String>,
let res = req.send().await?;
let status_code = res.status();
if status_code.is_success() {
if status_code == StatusCode::NO_CONTENT {
} else {
} else {
match res.json::<ErrorResponse>().await {
Ok(e) => {
let mut messages = e.errors;
Err(Error::Api(ApiError {
Err(_) => Err(Error::Api(ApiError {
messages: vec!["unable to decode error details".into()],