* Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
use aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::context::InterceptorContext;
use aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::retries::classifiers::{
ClassifyRetry, RetryAction, RetryClassifierPriority, SharedRetryClassifier,
use aws_smithy_types::retry::ProvideErrorKind;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::error::Error as StdError;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
/// A retry classifier for checking if an error is modeled as retryable.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct ModeledAsRetryableClassifier<E> {
_inner: PhantomData<E>,
impl<E> ModeledAsRetryableClassifier<E> {
/// Create a new `ModeledAsRetryableClassifier`
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
_inner: PhantomData,
/// Return the priority of this retry classifier.
pub fn priority() -> RetryClassifierPriority {
impl<E> ClassifyRetry for ModeledAsRetryableClassifier<E>
E: StdError + ProvideErrorKind + Send + Sync + 'static,
fn classify_retry(&self, ctx: &InterceptorContext) -> RetryAction {
// Check for a result
let output_or_error = ctx.output_or_error();
// Check for an error
let error = match output_or_error {
Some(Ok(_)) | None => return RetryAction::NoActionIndicated,
Some(Err(err)) => err,
// Check that the error is an operation error
// Downcast the error
.and_then(|err| err.downcast_ref::<E>())
// Check if the error is retryable
.and_then(|err| err.retryable_error_kind().map(RetryAction::retryable_error))
fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
"Errors Modeled As Retryable"
fn priority(&self) -> RetryClassifierPriority {
/// Classifies response, timeout, and connector errors as retryable or not.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct TransientErrorClassifier<E> {
_inner: PhantomData<E>,
impl<E> TransientErrorClassifier<E> {
/// Create a new `TransientErrorClassifier`
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
_inner: PhantomData,
/// Return the priority of this retry classifier.
pub fn priority() -> RetryClassifierPriority {
impl<E> ClassifyRetry for TransientErrorClassifier<E>
E: StdError + Send + Sync + 'static,
fn classify_retry(&self, ctx: &InterceptorContext) -> RetryAction {
// Check for a result
let output_or_error = ctx.output_or_error();
// Check for an error
let error = match output_or_error {
Some(Ok(_)) | None => return RetryAction::NoActionIndicated,
Some(Err(err)) => err,
if error.is_response_error() || error.is_timeout_error() {
} else if let Some(error) = error.as_connector_error() {
if error.is_timeout() || error.is_io() {
} else {
} else {
fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
"Retryable Smithy Errors"
fn priority(&self) -> RetryClassifierPriority {
const TRANSIENT_ERROR_STATUS_CODES: &[u16] = &[500, 502, 503, 504];
/// A retry classifier that will treat HTTP response with those status codes as retryable.
/// The `Default` version will retry 500, 502, 503, and 504 errors.
pub struct HttpStatusCodeClassifier {
retryable_status_codes: Cow<'static, [u16]>,
impl Default for HttpStatusCodeClassifier {
fn default() -> Self {
impl HttpStatusCodeClassifier {
/// Given a `Vec<u16>` where the `u16`s represent status codes, create a `HttpStatusCodeClassifier`
/// that will treat HTTP response with those status codes as retryable. The `Default` version
/// will retry 500, 502, 503, and 504 errors.
pub fn new_from_codes(retryable_status_codes: impl Into<Cow<'static, [u16]>>) -> Self {
Self {
retryable_status_codes: retryable_status_codes.into(),
/// Return the priority of this retry classifier.
pub fn priority() -> RetryClassifierPriority {
impl ClassifyRetry for HttpStatusCodeClassifier {
fn classify_retry(&self, ctx: &InterceptorContext) -> RetryAction {
let is_retryable = ctx
.map(|res| res.status().into())
.map(|status| self.retryable_status_codes.contains(&status))
if is_retryable {
} else {
fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
"HTTP Status Code"
fn priority(&self) -> RetryClassifierPriority {
/// Given an iterator of retry classifiers and an interceptor context, run retry classifiers on the
/// context. Each classifier is passed the classification result from the previous classifier (the
/// 'root' classifier is passed `None`.)
pub fn run_classifiers_on_ctx(
classifiers: impl Iterator<Item = SharedRetryClassifier>,
ctx: &InterceptorContext,
) -> RetryAction {
// By default, don't retry
let mut result = RetryAction::NoActionIndicated;
for classifier in classifiers {
let new_result = classifier.classify_retry(ctx);
// If the result is `NoActionIndicated`, continue to the next classifier
// without overriding any previously-set result.
if new_result == RetryAction::NoActionIndicated {
// Otherwise, set the result to the new result.
"Classifier '{}' set the result of classification to '{}'",
result = new_result;
// If the result is `RetryForbidden`, stop running classifiers.
if result == RetryAction::RetryForbidden {
tracing::trace!("retry classification ending early because a `RetryAction::RetryForbidden` was emitted",);
mod test {
use crate::client::retries::classifiers::{
HttpStatusCodeClassifier, ModeledAsRetryableClassifier,
use aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::interceptors::context::{Error, Input, InterceptorContext};
use aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::orchestrator::OrchestratorError;
use aws_smithy_runtime_api::client::retries::classifiers::{ClassifyRetry, RetryAction};
use aws_smithy_types::body::SdkBody;
use aws_smithy_types::retry::{ErrorKind, ProvideErrorKind};
use std::fmt;
use super::TransientErrorClassifier;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
struct UnmodeledError;
impl fmt::Display for UnmodeledError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "UnmodeledError")
impl std::error::Error for UnmodeledError {}
fn classify_by_response_status() {
let policy = HttpStatusCodeClassifier::default();
let res = http_02x::Response::builder()
let mut ctx = InterceptorContext::new(Input::doesnt_matter());
assert_eq!(policy.classify_retry(&ctx), RetryAction::transient_error());
fn classify_by_response_status_not_retryable() {
let policy = HttpStatusCodeClassifier::default();
let res = http_02x::Response::builder()
let mut ctx = InterceptorContext::new(Input::doesnt_matter());
assert_eq!(policy.classify_retry(&ctx), RetryAction::NoActionIndicated);
fn classify_by_error_kind() {
struct RetryableError;
impl fmt::Display for RetryableError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Some retryable error")
impl ProvideErrorKind for RetryableError {
fn retryable_error_kind(&self) -> Option<ErrorKind> {
fn code(&self) -> Option<&str> {
// code should not be called when `error_kind` is provided
impl std::error::Error for RetryableError {}
let policy = ModeledAsRetryableClassifier::<RetryableError>::new();
let mut ctx = InterceptorContext::new(Input::doesnt_matter());
assert_eq!(policy.classify_retry(&ctx), RetryAction::client_error(),);
fn classify_response_error() {
let policy = TransientErrorClassifier::<UnmodeledError>::new();
let mut ctx = InterceptorContext::new(Input::doesnt_matter());
"I am a response error".into(),
assert_eq!(policy.classify_retry(&ctx), RetryAction::transient_error(),);
fn test_timeout_error() {
let policy = TransientErrorClassifier::<UnmodeledError>::new();
let mut ctx = InterceptorContext::new(Input::doesnt_matter());
"I am a timeout error".into(),
assert_eq!(policy.classify_retry(&ctx), RetryAction::transient_error(),);