// Copyright (c) The cargo-guppy Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
use crate::petgraph_support::edge_triple;
use petgraph::visit::{IntoEdges, VisitMap, Visitable, Walker};
use std::iter;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct EdgeDfs<E, N, VM> {
/// The queue of (source, target, edge) to visit.
pub stack: Vec<(N, N, E)>,
/// The map of discovered nodes
pub discovered: VM,
impl<E, N, VM> EdgeDfs<E, N, VM>
E: Copy + PartialEq,
N: Copy + PartialEq,
VM: VisitMap<N>,
/// Creates a new EdgeDfs, using the graph's visitor map, and puts all edges out of `initials`
/// in the queue of edges to visit.
pub(crate) fn new<G>(graph: G, initials: impl IntoIterator<Item = N>) -> Self
G: Visitable<Map = VM> + IntoEdges<NodeId = N, EdgeId = E>,
let mut discovered = graph.visit_map();
let stack = initials
.filter_map(|node_ix| {
// This check ensures that if a node is repeated in initials, its edges are only
// added once.
if discovered.visit(node_ix) {
} else {
Self { stack, discovered }
/// Creates a new EdgeDfs, using the graph's visitor map, and puts all edges out of `start`
/// in the queue of edges to visit.
pub(crate) fn new_single<G>(graph: G, start: N) -> Self
G: Visitable<Map = VM> + IntoEdges<NodeId = N, EdgeId = E>,
Self::new(graph, iter::once(start))
/// Returns the next edge in the dfs, or `None` if no more edges remain.
pub fn next<G>(&mut self, graph: G) -> Option<(N, N, E)>
G: IntoEdges<NodeId = N, EdgeId = E>,
let (source, target, edge) = self.stack.pop()?;
if self.discovered.visit(target) {
Some((source, target, edge))
impl<G> Walker<G> for EdgeDfs<G::EdgeId, G::NodeId, G::Map>
G: IntoEdges + Visitable,
type Item = (G::NodeId, G::NodeId, G::EdgeId);
fn walk_next(&mut self, context: G) -> Option<Self::Item> {