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/// TinyTemplate implements a simple bytecode interpreter for its template engine. Instructions
/// for this interpreter are represented by the Instruction enum and typically contain various
/// parameters such as the path to context values or name strings.
/// In TinyTemplate, the template string itself is assumed to be statically available (or at least
/// longer-lived than the TinyTemplate instance) so paths and instructions simply borrow string
/// slices from the template text. These string slices can then be appended directly to the output
/// string.
/// Sequence of named steps used for looking up values in the context
pub(crate) type Path<'template> = Vec<&'template str>;
/// Path, but as a slice.
pub(crate) type PathSlice<'a, 'template> = &'a [&'template str];
/// Enum representing the bytecode instructions.
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone)]
pub(crate) enum Instruction<'template> {
/// Emit a literal string into the output buffer
Literal(&'template str),
/// Look up the value for the given path and render it into the output buffer using the default
/// formatter
/// Look up the value for the given path and pass it to the formatter with the given name
FormattedValue(Path<'template>, &'template str),
/// Look up the value at the given path and jump to the given instruction index if that value
/// is truthy (if the boolean is true) or falsy (if the boolean is false)
Branch(Path<'template>, bool, usize),
/// Push a named context on the stack, shadowing only that name.
PushNamedContext(Path<'template>, &'template str),
/// Push an iteration context on the stack, shadowing the given name with the current value from
/// the vec pointed to by the path. The current value will be updated by the Iterate instruction.
/// This is always generated before an Iterate instruction which actually starts the iterator.
PushIterationContext(Path<'template>, &'template str),
/// Pop a context off the stack
/// Advance the topmost iterator on the context stack by one and update that context. If the
/// iterator is empty, jump to the given instruction.
/// Unconditionally jump to the given instruction. Used to skip else blocks and repeat loops.
/// Look up the named template and render it into the output buffer with the value pointed to
/// by the path as its context.
Call(&'template str, Path<'template>),
/// Convert a path back into a dotted string.
pub(crate) fn path_to_str(path: PathSlice) -> String {
let mut path_str = "".to_string();
for (i, step) in path.iter().enumerate() {
if i > 0 {