// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! Implementation-specific metrics for the internal, pooled Postgres client.
use mz_ore::metric;
use mz_ore::metrics::{Counter, IntCounter, MetricsRegistry, UIntGauge};
/// Metrics specific to [PostgresClient](crate::PostgresClient)'s internal
/// workings.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct PostgresClientMetrics {
pub(crate) connpool_size: UIntGauge,
pub(crate) connpool_acquires: IntCounter,
pub(crate) connpool_acquire_seconds: Counter,
pub(crate) connpool_available: prometheus::Gauge,
pub(crate) connpool_connections_created: Counter,
pub(crate) connpool_connection_errors: Counter,
pub(crate) connpool_ttl_reconnections: Counter,
impl PostgresClientMetrics {
/// Returns a new [PostgresClientMetrics] instance connected to the given registry.
pub fn new(registry: &MetricsRegistry, prefix: &str) -> Self {
Self {
connpool_size: registry.register(metric!(
name: format!("{}_postgres_connpool_size", prefix),
help: "number of connections currently in pool",
connpool_acquires: registry.register(metric!(
name: format!("{}_postgres_connpool_acquires", prefix),
help: "times a connection has been acquired from pool",
connpool_acquire_seconds: registry.register(metric!(
name: format!("{}_postgres_connpool_acquire_seconds", prefix),
help: "time spent acquiring connections from pool",
connpool_available: registry.register(metric!(
name: format!("{}_postgres_connpool_available", prefix),
help: "available connections in the pool",
connpool_connections_created: registry.register(metric!(
name: format!("{}_postgres_connpool_connections_created", prefix),
help: "times a connection was created",
connpool_connection_errors: registry.register(metric!(
name: format!("{}_postgres_connpool_connection_errors", prefix),
help: "number of errors when establishing a new connection",
connpool_ttl_reconnections: registry.register(metric!(
name: format!("{}_postgres_connpool_ttl_reconnections", prefix),
help: "times a connection was recycled due to ttl",