// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! Stats-related timestamp code.
use std::ops::Range;
use chrono::{NaiveDate, NaiveDateTime, NaiveTime};
/// Parses a specific subset of ISO8061 timestamps.
/// This has very specific semantics so that it can enable pushdown on string
/// timestamps in JSON. See doc/user/content/sql/functions/pushdown.md for
/// details.
pub fn try_parse_monotonic_iso8601_timestamp<'a>(a: &'a str) -> Option<NaiveDateTime> {
const YYYY: Range<usize> = 0..0 + "YYYY".len();
const LIT_DASH_0: Range<usize> = YYYY.end..YYYY.end + "-".len();
const MM: Range<usize> = LIT_DASH_0.end..LIT_DASH_0.end + "MM".len();
const LIT_DASH_1: Range<usize> = MM.end..MM.end + "-".len();
const DD: Range<usize> = LIT_DASH_1.end..LIT_DASH_1.end + "DD".len();
const LIT_T: Range<usize> = DD.end..DD.end + "T".len();
const HH: Range<usize> = LIT_T.end..LIT_T.end + "HH".len();
const LIT_COLON_0: Range<usize> = HH.end..HH.end + ":".len();
const MI: Range<usize> = LIT_COLON_0.end..LIT_COLON_0.end + "MI".len();
const LIT_COLON_1: Range<usize> = MI.end..MI.end + ":".len();
const SS: Range<usize> = LIT_COLON_1.end..LIT_COLON_1.end + "SS".len();
const LIT_DOT: Range<usize> = SS.end..SS.end + ".".len();
// NB "MS" pattern is shorter than what it matches, so hardcode the 3.
const MS: Range<usize> = LIT_DOT.end..LIT_DOT.end + 3;
const LIT_Z: Range<usize> = MS.end..MS.end + "Z".len();
// The following assumes this is ASCII so do a quick check first.
if !a.is_ascii() {
return None;
if a.len() != LIT_Z.end {
return None;
if &a[LIT_DASH_0] != "-"
|| &a[LIT_DASH_1] != "-"
|| &a[LIT_T] != "T"
|| &a[LIT_COLON_0] != ":"
|| &a[LIT_COLON_1] != ":"
|| &a[LIT_DOT] != "."
|| &a[LIT_Z] != "Z"
return None;
let yyyy = a[YYYY].parse().ok()?;
let mm = a[MM].parse().ok()?;
let dd = a[DD].parse().ok()?;
let hh = a[HH].parse().ok()?;
let mi = a[MI].parse().ok()?;
let ss = a[SS].parse().ok()?;
let ms = a[MS].parse().ok()?;
let date = NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(yyyy, mm, dd)?;
let time = NaiveTime::from_hms_milli_opt(hh, mi, ss, ms)?;
Some(NaiveDateTime::new(date, time))
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn monotonic_iso8601() {
// The entire point of this method is that the lexicographic order
// corresponds to chronological order (ignoring None/NULL). So, verify.
let mut inputs = vec![
// Sort the inputs so we can't accidentally pass by hardcoding them in
// the wrong order.
let outputs = inputs
// Sanity check that we don't trivially pass by always returning None.
let mut outputs_sorted = outputs.clone();
assert_eq!(outputs, outputs_sorted);