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//! # A more in-depth guide to `governor`
//! Governor is a fork/rewrite/rebranding of the
//! [`ratelimit_meter`]( and
//! [`ratelimit_futures`](
//! crates. Many of the things that worked there still work here, and
//! this guide's aim is to help you accomplish them.
//! # Constructing a rate limiter
//! If you're used to `ratelimit_meter` parlance, both "direct" and
//! "keyed" rate limiters are supported. Direct rate limiters keep only a
//! single state (such as the rate of outflowing e-mail
//! conversations). Keyed rate limiters on the other hand have one rate
//! limiting state per key: e.g., the flow of API requests made by each
//! customer.
//! Construction of rate limiters is designed to be mostly infallible via
//! types that ensure you can't pass the wrong parameters, mostly around
//! non-zero integers. Since that kind of checking is a little tedious to
//! do by hand, `governor` makes heavy use of the
//! [`NonZeroU32`][std::num::NonZeroU32] type.
//! To conveniently construct these nonzero numbers yourself, use the
//! [`nonzero!`](../../nonzero_ext/macro.nonzero.html) macro.
//! #### Quotas
//! Each rate limiter has a quota: A rate of elements (could be API
//! requests, emails, phone calls... anything really) per unit of time (second,
//! minute, hour). Specify these in a [`Quota`][crate::Quota] object like so:
//! ```rust
//! # use nonzero_ext::*;
//! use governor::Quota;
//! Quota::per_second(nonzero!(20u32));
//! ```
//! #### Constructing a direct rate limiter
//! To make a direct rate limiter, you have to construct a quota, as
//! above; and then use this to construct the rate limiter itself. In
//! `std` mode, this is easily accomplished like so:
//! ```rust
//! # #[cfg(feature = "std")] fn main() {
//! # use nonzero_ext::*;
//! # use governor::{RateLimiter, Quota};
//! RateLimiter::direct(Quota::per_second(nonzero!(50u32)));
//! # } #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))] fn main() {}
//! ```
//! In `no_std` mode, there are is no default monotonic (or system)
//! clock available. To effectively limit rates, you will have to
//! either use the provided "fake" clock (which must be manually
//! advanced, and is mainly useful for tests), or implement the
//! `Clock` trait for your platform. Once that decision is made,
//! constructing a rate limiter with an explicit clock works like
//! this:
//! ```rust
//! # use nonzero_ext::*;
//! # use governor::{clock::FakeRelativeClock, RateLimiter, Quota};
//! let clock = FakeRelativeClock::default();
//! RateLimiter::direct_with_clock(Quota::per_second(nonzero!(50u32)), &clock);
//! ```
//! #### Constructing a keyed rate limiter
//! For a keyed rate limiter, you have to specify the type of the key:
//! Otherwise they function exactly as their direct counterpart. They are
//! stored in a hash-table like state store. The default in `std` mode is
//! provided by the [`dashmap`]( crate:
//! ```rust
//! # use nonzero_ext::*;
//! # use governor::{RateLimiter, Quota};
//! let lim = RateLimiter::keyed(Quota::per_second(nonzero!(50u32)));
//! lim.check_key(&"cus_1").unwrap(); // one key
//! lim.check_key(&"cus_2").unwrap(); // another!
//! ```
//! You can supply your own keyed state store implementation if you
//! wish. That requires implementing the
//! [KeyedStateStore][crate::state::keyed::KeyedStateStore] trait, and optionally the
//! [ShrinkableKeyedStateStore][crate::state::keyed::ShrinkableKeyedStateStore] trait.
//! # Type signatures for rate limiters
//! Rate limiters tend to be long-lived, and need to be stored
//! somewhere - sometimes in struct fields, or even just to pass in
//! function arguments. The [`crate::RateLimiter`] type signatures
//! tend to be pretty unwieldy for that, so this crate exports a pair
//! of handy type aliases, [`crate::DefaultDirectRateLimiter`] and
//! [`crate::DefaultKeyedRateLimiter`].
//! Here's an example for embedding a direct rate limiter in a struct:
//! ```rust
//! # use governor::DefaultDirectRateLimiter;
//! struct MyApiClient {
//! limiter: DefaultDirectRateLimiter,
//! }
//! ```
//! If you need to provide a different clock, or a different
//! implementation of the keyed state, you will still have to fall
//! back to the regular type.
//! # Data ownership and references to rate limiters
//! `governor`'s rate limiter state is not hidden behind an [interior
//! mutability](
//! pattern, and so it is perfectly valid to have multiple references
//! to a rate limiter in a program. Since its state lives in
//! [`AtomicU64`][std::sync::atomic::AtomicU64] integers (which do not
//! implement [`Clone`]), the rate limiters themselves can not be
//! cloned.
//! # Usage in multiple threads
//! Sharing references to a rate limiter across threads is completely
//! OK (rate limiters are Send and Sync by default), but there is a
//! problem: A rate limiter's lifetime might be up before a thread
//! ends, which would invalidate the reference.
//! So, to use a rate limiter in multiple threads without lifetime
//! issues, there are two equally valid strategies:
//! #### `crossbeam` scoped tasks
//! The `crossbeam` crate's
//! [scopes](
//! allow code to guarantee that a thread spawned in a scope
//! terminates before the scope terminates. This allows using
//! stack-allocated variables. Here is an example test using crossbeam
//! scopes:
//! ```rust
//! # use crossbeam;
//! # use nonzero_ext::*;
//! # use governor::{clock::FakeRelativeClock, RateLimiter, Quota};
//! # use std::time::Duration;
//! let mut clock = FakeRelativeClock::default();
//! let lim = RateLimiter::direct_with_clock(Quota::per_second(nonzero!(20u32)), &clock);
//! let ms = Duration::from_millis(1);
//! crossbeam::scope(|scope| {
//! for _i in 0..20 {
//! scope.spawn(|_| {
//! assert_eq!(Ok(()), lim.check());
//! });
//! }
//! })
//! .unwrap();
//! ```
//! #### Wrapping the limiter in an [`Arc`][std::sync::Arc]
//! The other method uses only the standard library: Wrapping the rate
//! limiter in an [`Arc`][std::sync::Arc] will keep the limiter alive
//! for as long as there exist references to it - perfect for passing
//! to threads.
//! In this example, note that we're cloning the
//! [`Arc`][std::sync::Arc]; the rate limiter stays identical (rate
//! limiters do not implement [`Clone`]), only its references are
//! duplicated (and refcounts incremented atomically).
//! Note also the placement of the clone: As we're creating a `move`
//! closure, a binding that can be moved into the closure must be set
//! up outside it. Rustc will be upset at you if you try to clone the
//! Arc too early outside the closure, or even inside it. See the
//! [`Arc`][std::sync::Arc] docs for some more usage examples.
//! ```rust
//! # #[cfg(feature = "std")] fn main() {
//! # use nonzero_ext::*;
//! # use governor::{RateLimiter, Quota};
//! # use std::time::Duration;
//! # use std::sync::Arc;
//! # use std::thread;
//! let bucket = Arc::new(RateLimiter::direct(Quota::per_second(nonzero!(20u32))));
//! for _i in 0..20 {
//! let bucket = Arc::clone(&bucket);
//! thread::spawn(move || {
//! assert_eq!(Ok(()), bucket.check());
//! })
//! .join()
//! .unwrap();
//! }
//! # } #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))] fn main() {}
//! ```