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// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
use mz_repr::strconv;
#[sqlname = "NOT"]
#[preserves_uniqueness = true]
#[inverse = to_unary!(Not)]
#[is_monotone = true]
fn not(a: bool) -> bool {
#[sqlname = "boolean_to_text"]
#[preserves_uniqueness = true]
#[inverse = to_unary!(super::CastStringToBool)]
#[is_monotone = true]
fn cast_bool_to_string<'a>(a: bool) -> &'a str {
match a {
true => "true",
false => "false",
#[sqlname = "boolean_to_nonstandard_text"]
#[preserves_uniqueness = true]
#[inverse = to_unary!(super::CastStringToBool)]
#[is_monotone = true]
fn cast_bool_to_string_nonstandard<'a>(a: bool) -> &'a str {
// N.B. this function differs from `cast_bool_to_string` because
// the SQL specification requires `true` and `false` to be spelled out in
// explicit casts, while PostgreSQL prefers its more concise `t` and `f`
// representation in some contexts, for historical reasons.
#[sqlname = "boolean_to_integer"]
#[preserves_uniqueness = true]
#[inverse = to_unary!(super::CastInt32ToBool)]
#[is_monotone = true]
fn cast_bool_to_int32(a: bool) -> i32 {
match a {
true => 1,
false => 0,
#[sqlname = "boolean_to_bigint"]
#[preserves_uniqueness = true]
#[inverse = to_unary!(super::CastInt64ToBool)]
#[is_monotone = true]
fn cast_bool_to_int64(a: bool) -> i64 {
match a {
true => 1,
false => 0,