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// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! All of the protobuf types we durably persist in the Catalog.
//! These exist outside of the `mz_catalog` crate because the code generated by
//! [`prost`] for the protobuf files, takes a considerable (>40s) amount of
//! time to `build` and even `check`, yet the protobuf files rarely change. So
//! moving them into a separate crate allows folks to iterate on the
//! `mz_catalog` crate without having to pay the cost of re-compiling these
//! protobuf files.
pub mod audit_log;
pub mod serialization;
/// The current version of the `Catalog`.
/// We will initialize new `Catalog`s with this version, and migrate existing `Catalog`s to this
/// version. Whenever the `Catalog` changes, e.g. the protobufs we serialize in the `Catalog`
/// change, we need to bump this version.
pub const CATALOG_VERSION: u64 = 73;
/// The minimum `Catalog` version number that we support migrating from.
/// After bumping this we can delete the old migrations.
pub const MIN_CATALOG_VERSION: u64 = 67;
macro_rules! proto_objects {
( $( $x:ident ),* ) => {
paste::paste! {
pub mod [<objects_ $x>] {
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/objects_", stringify!($x), ".rs"));
pub mod objects {
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));
proto_objects!(v67, v68, v69, v70, v71, v72, v73);
mod tests {
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::fs;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
// Note: Feel free to update this path if the protos move.
const PROTO_DIRECTORY: &str = {
if mz_build_tools::is_bazel_build() {
} else {
fn test_assert_snapshots_exist() {
// Get all of the files in the snapshot directory, with the `.proto` extension.
let mut filenames: BTreeSet<_> = fs::read_dir(PROTO_DIRECTORY)
.expect("failed to read protos dir")
.map(|entry| entry.expect("failed to read dir entry").file_name())
.map(|filename| filename.to_str().expect("utf8").to_string())
.filter(|filename| filename.ends_with("proto"))
// Assert objects.proto exists.
// Assert snapshots exist for all of the versions we support.
let filename = format!("objects_v{version}.proto");
"Missing snapshot for v{version}."
// Common case. Check to make sure the user bumped the CATALOG_VERSION.
if !filenames.is_empty()
&& filenames.remove(&format!("objects_v{}.proto", CATALOG_VERSION + 1))
"Found snapshot for v{}, please also bump `CATALOG_VERSION`.",
// Assert there aren't any extra snapshots.
"Found snapshots for unsupported catalog versions {filenames:?}.\nIf you just increased `MIN_CATALOG_VERSION`, then please delete the old snapshots. If you created a new snapshot, please bump `CATALOG_VERSION`."
fn test_assert_current_snapshot() {
// Read the content from both files.
let current = fs::File::open(format!("{PROTO_DIRECTORY}/objects.proto"))
.expect("read current");
let snapshot = fs::File::open(format!(
.expect("read snapshot");
// Read in all of the lines so we can compare the content of †he files.
let current: Vec<_> = current
.map(|r| r.expect("failed to read line from current"))
// Filter out the package name, since we expect that to be different.
.filter(|line| line != "package objects;")
let snapshot: Vec<_> = snapshot
.map(|r| r.expect("failed to read line from current"))
// Filter out the package name, since we expect that to be different.
.filter(|line| line != &format!("package objects_v{CATALOG_VERSION};"))
// Note: objects.proto and objects_v<CATALOG_VERSION>.proto should be exactly the same. The
// reason being, when bumping the catalog to the next version, CATALOG_VERSION + 1, we need a
// snapshot to migrate _from_, which should be a snapshot of how the protos are today.
// Hence why the two files should be exactly the same.
similar_asserts::assert_eq!(current, snapshot);