// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! Defines constraints that can be imposed on variables.
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::ops::{RangeBounds, RangeFrom, RangeInclusive};
use mz_repr::adt::numeric::Numeric;
use mz_repr::bytes::ByteSize;
use super::{Value, Var, VarError};
pub static NUMERIC_NON_NEGATIVE: NumericNonNegNonNan = NumericNonNegNonNan;
pub static NUMERIC_BOUNDED_0_1_INCLUSIVE: NumericInRange<RangeInclusive<f64>> =
pub static BYTESIZE_AT_LEAST_1MB: ByteSizeInRange<RangeFrom<ByteSize>> =
pub enum ValueConstraint {
/// Variable is read-only and cannot be updated.
/// The variables value can be updated, but only to a fixed value.
// Arbitrary constraints over values.
Domain(&'static dyn DynDomainConstraint),
impl ValueConstraint {
pub fn check_constraint(
var: &dyn Var,
cur_value: &dyn Value,
new_value: &dyn Value,
) -> Result<(), VarError> {
match self {
ValueConstraint::ReadOnly => return Err(VarError::ReadOnlyParameter(var.name())),
ValueConstraint::Fixed => {
if cur_value != new_value {
return Err(VarError::FixedValueParameter {
name: var.name(),
value: cur_value.format(),
ValueConstraint::Domain(check) => check.check(var, new_value)?,
impl Clone for ValueConstraint {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
match self {
ValueConstraint::Fixed => ValueConstraint::Fixed,
ValueConstraint::ReadOnly => ValueConstraint::ReadOnly,
ValueConstraint::Domain(c) => ValueConstraint::Domain(*c),
/// A type erased version of [`DomainConstraint`] that we can reference on a [`VarDefinition`].
/// [`VarDefinition`]: crate::session::vars::definitions::VarDefinition
pub trait DynDomainConstraint: Debug + Send + Sync + 'static {
fn check(&self, var: &dyn Var, v: &dyn Value) -> Result<(), VarError>;
impl<D> DynDomainConstraint for D
D: DomainConstraint + Send + Sync + 'static,
D::Value: Value,
fn check(&self, var: &dyn Var, v: &dyn Value) -> Result<(), VarError> {
let val = v
.expect("type should match");
self.check(var, val)
pub trait DomainConstraint: Debug + Send + Sync + 'static {
type Value;
fn check(&self, var: &dyn Var, v: &Self::Value) -> Result<(), VarError>;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct NumericNonNegNonNan;
impl DomainConstraint for NumericNonNegNonNan {
type Value = Numeric;
fn check(&self, var: &dyn Var, n: &Numeric) -> Result<(), VarError> {
if n.is_nan() || n.is_negative() {
Err(VarError::InvalidParameterValue {
name: var.name(),
invalid_values: vec![n.to_string()],
reason: "only supports non-negative, non-NaN numeric values".to_string(),
} else {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct NumericInRange<R>(pub R);
impl<R> DomainConstraint for NumericInRange<R>
R: RangeBounds<f64> + std::fmt::Debug + Send + Sync + 'static,
type Value = Numeric;
fn check(&self, var: &dyn Var, n: &Numeric) -> Result<(), VarError> {
let n: f64 = (*n)
.map_err(|_e| VarError::InvalidParameterValue {
name: var.name(),
invalid_values: vec![n.to_string()],
// This first check can fail if the value is NaN, out of range,
// OR if it underflows (i.e. is very close to 0 without actually being 0, and the closest
// representable float is 0).
// The underflow case is very unlikely to be accidentally hit by a user, so let's
// not make the error message more confusing by talking about it, even though that makes
// the error message slightly inaccurate.
// If the user tries to set the paramater to 0.000<hundreds more zeros>001
// and gets the message "only supports values in range [0.0..=1.0]", I think they will
// understand, or at least accept, what's going on.
reason: format!("only supports values in range {:?}", self.0),
if !self.0.contains(&n) {
Err(VarError::InvalidParameterValue {
name: var.name(),
invalid_values: vec![n.to_string()],
reason: format!("only supports values in range {:?}", self.0),
} else {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ByteSizeInRange<R>(pub R);
impl<R> DomainConstraint for ByteSizeInRange<R>
R: RangeBounds<ByteSize> + std::fmt::Debug + Send + Sync + 'static,
type Value = ByteSize;
fn check(&self, var: &dyn Var, size: &ByteSize) -> Result<(), VarError> {
if self.0.contains(size) {
} else {
Err(VarError::InvalidParameterValue {
name: var.name(),
invalid_values: vec![size.to_string()],
reason: format!("only supports values in range {:?}", self.0),