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// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! A tiny utility library for making TLS connectors.
use openssl::pkcs12::Pkcs12;
use openssl::pkey::PKey;
use openssl::ssl::{SslConnector, SslMethod, SslVerifyMode};
use openssl::stack::Stack;
use openssl::x509::X509;
use postgres_openssl::MakeTlsConnector;
use tokio_postgres::config::SslMode;
macro_rules! bail_generic {
($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => {
return Err(TlsError::Generic(anyhow::anyhow!($fmt, $($arg)*)))
($err:expr $(,)?) => {
return Err(TlsError::Generic(anyhow::anyhow!($err)))
/// An error representing tls failures.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum TlsError {
/// Any other error we bail on.
Generic(#[from] anyhow::Error),
/// Error setting up postgres ssl.
OpenSsl(#[from] openssl::error::ErrorStack),
/// Creates a TLS connector for the given [`Config`](tokio_postgres::Config).
pub fn make_tls(config: &tokio_postgres::Config) -> Result<MakeTlsConnector, TlsError> {
let mut builder = SslConnector::builder(SslMethod::tls_client())?;
// The mode dictates whether we verify peer certs and hostnames. By default, Postgres is
// pretty relaxed and recommends SslMode::VerifyCa or SslMode::VerifyFull for security.
// For more details, check out Table 33.1. SSL Mode Descriptions in
let (verify_mode, verify_hostname) = match config.get_ssl_mode() {
SslMode::Disable | SslMode::Prefer => (SslVerifyMode::NONE, false),
SslMode::Require => match config.get_ssl_root_cert() {
// If a root CA file exists, the behavior of sslmode=require will be the same as
// that of verify-ca, meaning the server certificate is validated against the CA.
// For more details, check out the note about backwards compatibility in
Some(_) => (SslVerifyMode::PEER, false),
None => (SslVerifyMode::NONE, false),
SslMode::VerifyCa => (SslVerifyMode::PEER, false),
SslMode::VerifyFull => (SslVerifyMode::PEER, true),
_ => panic!("unexpected sslmode {:?}", config.get_ssl_mode()),
// Configure peer verification
// Configure certificates
match (config.get_ssl_cert(), config.get_ssl_key()) {
(Some(ssl_cert), Some(ssl_key)) => {
(None, Some(_)) => {
bail_generic!("must provide both sslcert and sslkey, but only provided sslkey")
(Some(_), None) => {
bail_generic!("must provide both sslcert and sslkey, but only provided sslcert")
_ => {}
if let Some(ssl_root_cert) = config.get_ssl_root_cert() {
let mut tls_connector = MakeTlsConnector::new(;
// Configure hostname verification
match (verify_mode, verify_hostname) {
(SslVerifyMode::PEER, false) => tls_connector.set_callback(|connect, _| {
_ => {}
pub struct Pkcs12Archive {
pub der: Vec<u8>,
pub pass: String,
/// Constructs an identity from a PEM-formatted key and certificate using OpenSSL.
pub fn pkcs12der_from_pem(
key: &[u8],
cert: &[u8],
) -> Result<Pkcs12Archive, openssl::error::ErrorStack> {
let mut buf = Vec::new();
let pem = buf.as_slice();
let pkey = PKey::private_key_from_pem(pem)?;
let mut certs = Stack::new()?;
// `X509::stack_from_pem` in openssl as of at least versions <= 0.10.48
// does not guarantee that it will either error or return at least 1
// element; in fact, it doesn't if the `pem` is not a well-formed
// representation of a PEM file. For example, if the represented file
// contains a well-formed key but a malformed certificate.
// To circumvent this issue, if `X509::stack_from_pem` returns no
// certificates, rely on getting the error message from
// `X509::from_pem`.
let mut cert_iter = X509::stack_from_pem(pem)?.into_iter();
let cert = match {
Some(cert) => cert,
None => X509::from_pem(pem)?,
for cert in cert_iter {
// We build a PKCS #12 archive solely to have something to pass to
// `reqwest::Identity::from_pkcs12_der`, so the password and friendly
// name don't matter.
let pass = String::new();
let friendly_name = "";
let der = Pkcs12::builder()
Ok(Pkcs12Archive { der, pass })