// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! `EXPLAIN` support for MIR structures.
//! The specialized [`Explain`] implementation for an [`MirRelationExpr`]
//! wrapped in an [`Explainable`] newtype struct allows us to interpret more
//! [`mz_repr::explain::ExplainConfig`] options. This is the case because
//! Analysis derivation and Let normalization are defined in [`mz_transform`]
//! and consequently are not available for the default [`Explain`]
//! implementation for [`MirRelationExpr`] in [`mz_expr`].
use mz_compute_types::dataflows::DataflowDescription;
use mz_compute_types::explain::export_ids_for;
use mz_expr::explain::{
enforce_linear_chains, ExplainContext, ExplainMultiPlan, ExplainSinglePlan, ExplainSource,
use mz_expr::{MirRelationExpr, OptimizedMirRelationExpr};
use mz_repr::explain::{Explain, ExplainError, UnsupportedFormat};
use mz_transform::analysis::annotate_plan;
use mz_transform::normalize_lets::normalize_lets;
use crate::explain::Explainable;
impl<'a> Explain<'a> for Explainable<'a, MirRelationExpr> {
type Context = ExplainContext<'a>;
type Text = ExplainSinglePlan<'a, MirRelationExpr>;
type VerboseText = ExplainSinglePlan<'a, MirRelationExpr>;
type Json = ExplainSinglePlan<'a, MirRelationExpr>;
type Dot = UnsupportedFormat;
fn explain_text(&'a mut self, context: &'a Self::Context) -> Result<Self::Text, ExplainError> {
fn explain_verbose_text(
&'a mut self,
context: &'a Self::Context,
) -> Result<Self::VerboseText, ExplainError> {
fn explain_json(&'a mut self, context: &'a Self::Context) -> Result<Self::Json, ExplainError> {
impl<'a> Explainable<'a, MirRelationExpr> {
fn as_explain_single_plan(
&'a mut self,
context: &'a ExplainContext<'a>,
) -> Result<ExplainSinglePlan<'a, MirRelationExpr>, ExplainError> {
// normalize the representation as linear chains
// (this implies !context.config.raw_plans by construction)
if context.config.linear_chains {
// unless raw plans are explicitly requested
// normalize the representation of nested Let bindings
// and enforce sequential Let binding IDs
if !context.config.raw_plans {
normalize_lets(self.0, context.features)
.map_err(|e| ExplainError::UnknownError(e.to_string()))?;
Ok(ExplainSinglePlan {
plan: annotate_plan(self.0, context)?,
impl<'a> Explain<'a> for Explainable<'a, DataflowDescription<OptimizedMirRelationExpr>> {
type Context = ExplainContext<'a>;
type Text = ExplainMultiPlan<'a, MirRelationExpr>;
type VerboseText = ExplainMultiPlan<'a, MirRelationExpr>;
type Json = ExplainMultiPlan<'a, MirRelationExpr>;
type Dot = UnsupportedFormat;
fn explain_text(&'a mut self, context: &'a Self::Context) -> Result<Self::Text, ExplainError> {
fn explain_verbose_text(
&'a mut self,
context: &'a Self::Context,
) -> Result<Self::VerboseText, ExplainError> {
fn explain_json(&'a mut self, context: &'a Self::Context) -> Result<Self::Text, ExplainError> {
impl<'a> Explainable<'a, DataflowDescription<OptimizedMirRelationExpr>> {
fn as_explain_multi_plan(
&'a mut self,
context: &'a ExplainContext<'a>,
) -> Result<ExplainMultiPlan<'a, MirRelationExpr>, ExplainError> {
let export_ids = export_ids_for(self.0);
let plans = self
.map(|build_desc| {
let plan = build_desc.plan.as_inner_mut();
// normalize the representation as linear chains
// (this implies !context.config.raw_plans by construction)
if context.config.linear_chains {
// unless raw plans are explicitly requested
// normalize the representation of nested Let bindings
// and enforce sequential Let binding IDs
if !context.config.raw_plans {
normalize_lets(plan, context.features)
.map_err(|e| ExplainError::UnknownError(e.to_string()))?;
let public_id = export_ids
let id = context
.unwrap_or_else(|| public_id.to_string());
Ok((id, annotate_plan(plan, context)?))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, ExplainError>>()?;
let sources = self
.map(|(id, (source_desc, _, _upper))| {
let op = source_desc.arguments.operators.as_ref();
ExplainSource::new(*id, op, context.config.filter_pushdown)
Ok(ExplainMultiPlan {