1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370
//! Kafka producers.
//! ## The C librdkafka producer
//! Rust-rdkafka relies on the C librdkafka producer to communicate with Kafka,
//! so in order to understand how the Rust producers work it is important to
//! understand the basics of the C one as well.
//! ### Async
//! The librdkafka producer is completely asynchronous: it maintains a memory
//! buffer where messages waiting to be sent or currently in flight are stored.
//! Once a message is delivered or an error occurred and the maximum number of
//! retries has been reached, the producer will enqueue a delivery event with
//! the appropriate delivery result into an internal event queue.
//! The librdkafka user is responsible for calling the `poll` function at
//! regular intervals to process those events; the thread calling `poll` will be
//! the one executing the user-specified delivery callback for every delivery
//! event. If `poll` is not called, or not frequently enough, the producer will
//! return a [`RDKafkaErrorCode::QueueFull`] error and it won't be able to send
//! any other message until more delivery events are processed via `poll`. The
//! `QueueFull` error can also be returned if Kafka is not able to receive the
//! messages quickly enough.
//! ### Error reporting
//! The C library will try deal with all the transient errors such as broker
//! disconnection, timeouts etc. These errors, called global errors, are
//! automatically logged in rust-rdkafka, but they normally don't require any
//! handling as they are automatically handled internally. To see the logs, make
//! sure you initialize the logger.
//! As mentioned earlier, errors specific to message production will be reported
//! in the delivery callback.
//! ### Buffering
//! Buffering is done automatically by librdkafka. When `send` is called, the
//! message is enqueued internally and once enough messages have been enqueued,
//! or when enough time has passed, they will be sent to Kafka as a single
//! batch. You can control the behavior of the buffer by configuring the the
//! `queue.buffering.max.*` parameters listed below.
//! ## `rust-rdkafka` producers
//! `rust-rdkafka` (rdkafka for brevity) provides two sets of producers: low
//! level and high level.
//! ### Low-level producers
//! The lowest level producer provided by rdkafka is called [`BaseProducer`].
//! The goal of the `BaseProducer` is to be as close as possible to the C one
//! while maintaining a safe Rust interface. In particular, the `BaseProducer`
//! needs to be polled at regular intervals to execute any delivery callback
//! that might be waiting and to make sure the queue doesn't fill up.
//! Another low lever producer is the [`ThreadedProducer`], which is a
//! `BaseProducer` with a dedicated thread for polling.
//! The delivery callback can be defined using a `ProducerContext`. See the
//! [`base_producer`] module for more information.
//! ### High-level producer
//! At the moment the only high level producer implemented is the
//! [`FutureProducer`]. The `FutureProducer` doesn't rely on user-defined
//! callbacks to notify the delivery or failure of a message; instead, this
//! information will be returned in a Future. The `FutureProducer` also uses an
//! internal thread that is used for polling, which makes calling poll
//! explicitly not necessary. The returned future will contain information about
//! the delivered message in case of success, or a copy of the original message
//! in case of failure. Additional computation can be chained to the returned
//! future, and it will executed by the future executor once the value is
//! available (for more information, check the documentation of the futures
//! crate).
//! ## Transactions
//! All rust-rdkafka producers support transactions. Transactional producers
//! work together with transaction-aware consumers configured with the default
//! `isolation.level` of `read_committed`.
//! To configure a producer for transactions set `transactional.id` to an
//! identifier unique to the application when creating the producer. After
//! creating the producer, you must initialize it with
//! [`Producer::init_transactions`].
//! To start a new transaction use [`Producer::begin_transaction`]. There can be
//! **only one ongoing transaction** at a time per producer. All records sent
//! after starting a transaction and before committing or aborting it will
//! automatically be associated with that transaction.
//! Once you have initialized transactions on a producer, you are not permitted
//! to produce messages outside of a transaction.
//! Consumer offsets can be sent as part of the ongoing transaction using
//! `send_offsets_to_transaction` and will be committed atomically with the
//! other records sent in the transaction.
//! The current transaction can be committed with
//! [`Producer::commit_transaction`] or aborted using
//! [`Producer::abort_transaction`]. Afterwards, a new transaction can begin.
//! ### Errors
//! Errors returned by transaction methods may:
//! * be retriable ([`RDKafkaError::is_retriable`]), in which case the operation
//! that encountered the error may be retried.
//! * require abort ([`RDKafkaError::txn_requires_abort`], in which case the
//! current transaction must be aborted and a new transaction begun.
//! * be fatal ([`RDKafkaError::is_fatal`]), in which case the producer must be
//! stopped and the application terminated.
//! For more details about transactions, see the [Transactional Producer]
//! section of the librdkafka introduction.
//! ## Configuration
//! ### Producer configuration
//! For the configuration parameters common to both producers and consumers,
//! refer to the documentation in the `config` module. Here are listed the most
//! commonly used producer configuration. Click
//! [here](https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka/blob/master/CONFIGURATION.md)
//! for the full list.
//! - `queue.buffering.max.messages`: Maximum number of messages allowed on the
//! producer queue. Default: 100000.
//! - `queue.buffering.max.kbytes`: Maximum total message size sum allowed on
//! the producer queue. This property has higher priority than
//! queue.buffering.max.messages. Default: 4000000.
//! - `queue.buffering.max.ms`: Delay in milliseconds to wait for messages in
//! the producer queue to accumulate before sending a request to the brokers.
//! A higher value allows larger and more effective (less overhead, improved
//! compression) batches of messages to accumulate at the expense of increased
//! message delivery latency. Default: 0.
//! - `message.send.max.retries`: How many times to retry sending a failing
//! batch. Note: retrying may cause reordering. Default: 2.
//! - `compression.codec`: Compression codec to use for compressing message
//! sets. Default: none.
//! - `request.required.acks`: This field indicates how many acknowledgements
//! the leader broker must receive from ISR brokers before responding to the
//! request: 0=Broker does not send any response/ack to client, 1=Only the
//! leader broker will need to ack the message, -1 or all=broker will block
//! until message is committed by all in sync replicas (ISRs) or broker's
//! in.sync.replicas setting before sending response. Default: 1.
//! - `request.timeout.ms`: The ack timeout of the producer request in
//! milliseconds. This value is only enforced by the broker and relies on
//! request.required.acks being != 0. Default: 5000.
//! - `message.timeout.ms`: Local message timeout. This value is only enforced
//! locally and limits the time a produced message waits for successful
//! delivery. A time of 0 is infinite. Default: 300000.
//! [`RDKafkaErrorCode::QueueFull`]: crate::error::RDKafkaErrorCode::QueueFull
//! [`RDKafkaError::is_retriable`]: crate::error::RDKafkaError::is_retriable
//! [`RDKafkaError::txn_requires_abort`]: crate::error::RDKafkaError::txn_requires_abort
//! [`RDKafkaError::is_fatal`]: crate::error::RDKafkaError::is_fatal
//! [Transactional Producer]: https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka/blob/master/INTRODUCTION.md#transactional-producer
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::client::{Client, ClientContext};
use crate::consumer::ConsumerGroupMetadata;
use crate::error::KafkaResult;
use crate::topic_partition_list::TopicPartitionList;
use crate::util::{IntoOpaque, Timeout};
pub mod base_producer;
pub mod future_producer;
pub use self::base_producer::{BaseProducer, BaseRecord, DeliveryResult, ThreadedProducer};
pub use self::future_producer::{DeliveryFuture, FutureProducer, FutureRecord};
// ********** PRODUCER CONTEXT **********
/// Producer-specific context.
/// This user-defined object can be used to provide custom callbacks for
/// producer events. Refer to the list of methods to check which callbacks can
/// be specified.
/// In particular, it can be used to specify the `delivery` callback that will
/// be called when the acknowledgement for a delivered message is received.
/// See also the [`ClientContext`] trait.
pub trait ProducerContext: ClientContext {
/// A `DeliveryOpaque` is a user-defined structure that will be passed to
/// the producer when producing a message, and returned to the `delivery`
/// method once the message has been delivered, or failed to.
type DeliveryOpaque: IntoOpaque;
/// This method will be called once the message has been delivered (or
/// failed to). The `DeliveryOpaque` will be the one provided by the user
/// when calling send.
fn delivery(&self, delivery_result: &DeliveryResult<'_>, delivery_opaque: Self::DeliveryOpaque);
/// An inert producer context that can be used when customizations are not
/// required.
pub struct DefaultProducerContext;
impl ClientContext for DefaultProducerContext {}
impl ProducerContext for DefaultProducerContext {
type DeliveryOpaque = ();
fn delivery(&self, _: &DeliveryResult<'_>, _: Self::DeliveryOpaque) {}
/// Common trait for all producers.
pub trait Producer<C = DefaultProducerContext>
C: ProducerContext + 'static,
/// Returns the [`Client`] underlying this producer.
fn client(&self) -> &Client<C>;
/// Returns a reference to the [`ProducerContext`] used to create this
/// producer.
fn context(&self) -> &Arc<C> {
/// Returns the number of messages that are either waiting to be sent or are
/// sent but are waiting to be acknowledged.
fn in_flight_count(&self) -> i32;
/// Flushes any pending messages.
/// This method should be called before termination to ensure delivery of
/// all enqueued messages. It will call `poll()` internally.
fn flush<T: Into<Timeout>>(&self, timeout: T) -> KafkaResult<()>;
/// Enable sending transactions with this producer.
/// # Prerequisites
/// * The configuration used to create the producer must include a
/// `transactional.id` setting.
/// * You must not have sent any messages or called any of the other
/// transaction-related functions.
/// # Details
/// This function ensures any transactions initiated by previous producers
/// with the same `transactional.id` are completed. Any transactions left
/// open by any such previous producers will be aborted.
/// Once previous transactions have been fenced, this function acquires an
/// internal producer ID and epoch that will be used by all transactional
/// messages sent by this producer.
/// If this function returns successfully, messages may only be sent to this
/// producer when a transaction is active. See
/// [`Producer::begin_transaction`].
/// This function may block for the specified `timeout`.
fn init_transactions<T: Into<Timeout>>(&self, timeout: T) -> KafkaResult<()>;
/// Begins a new transaction.
/// # Prerequisites
/// You must have successfully called [`Producer::init_transactions`].
/// # Details
/// This function begins a new transaction, and implicitly associates that
/// open transaction with this producer.
/// After a successful call to this function, any messages sent via this
/// producer or any calls to [`Producer::send_offsets_to_transaction`] will
/// be implicitly associated with this transaction, until the transaction is
/// finished.
/// Finish the transaction by calling [`Producer::commit_transaction`] or
/// [`Producer::abort_transaction`].
/// While a transaction is open, you must perform at least one transaction
/// operation every `transaction.timeout.ms` to avoid timing out the
/// transaction on the broker.
fn begin_transaction(&self) -> KafkaResult<()>;
/// Associates an offset commit operation with this transaction.
/// # Prerequisites
/// The producer must have an open transaction via a call to
/// [`Producer::begin_transaction`].
/// # Details
/// Sends a list of topic partition offsets to the consumer group
/// coordinator for `cgm`, and marks the offsets as part of the current
/// transaction. These offsets will be considered committed only if the
/// transaction is committed successfully.
/// The offsets should be the next message your application will consume,
/// i.e., one greater than the the last processed message's offset for each
/// partition.
/// Use this method at the end of a consume-transform-produce loop, prior to
/// comitting the transaction with [`Producer::commit_transaction`].
/// This function may block for the specified `timeout`.
/// # Hints
/// To obtain the correct consumer group metadata, call
/// [`Consumer::group_metadata`] on the consumer for which offsets are being
/// committed.
/// The consumer must not have automatic commits enabled.
/// [`Consumer::group_metadata`]: crate::consumer::Consumer::group_metadata
fn send_offsets_to_transaction<T: Into<Timeout>>(
offsets: &TopicPartitionList,
cgm: &ConsumerGroupMetadata,
timeout: T,
) -> KafkaResult<()>;
/// Commits the current transaction.
/// # Prerequisites
/// The producer must have an open transaction via a call to
/// [`Producer::begin_transaction`].
/// # Details
/// Any outstanding messages will be flushed (i.e., delivered) before
/// actually committing the transaction.
/// If any of the outstanding messages fail permanently, the current
/// transaction will enter an abortable error state and this function will
/// return an abortable error. You must then call
/// [`Producer::abort_transaction`] before attemping to create another
/// transaction.
/// This function may block for the specified `timeout`.
fn commit_transaction<T: Into<Timeout>>(&self, timeout: T) -> KafkaResult<()>;
/// Aborts the current transaction.
/// # Prerequisites
/// The producer must have an open transaction via a call to
/// [`Producer::begin_transaction`].
/// # Details
/// Any oustanding messages will be purged and failed with
/// [`RDKafkaErrorCode::PurgeInflight`] or [`RDKafkaErrorCode::PurgeQueue`].
/// This function should also be used to recover from non-fatal abortable
/// transaction errors.
/// This function may block for the specified `timeout`.
/// [`RDKafkaErrorCode::PurgeInflight`]: crate::error::RDKafkaErrorCode::PurgeInflight
/// [`RDKafkaErrorCode::PurgeQueue`]: crate::error::RDKafkaErrorCode::PurgeQueue
fn abort_transaction<T: Into<Timeout>>(&self, timeout: T) -> KafkaResult<()>;