use crate::{AppendToUrlQuery, Url};
use std::num::NonZeroU32;
// This type forbids zero as value.
// Zero is invalid in Azure and would throw an error if specified.
// Azure has a soft cap on 5k. There is no harm to go over but maybe
// we should inform the user that they are specifing a value outside
// the allowed range. Right now we simply ignore it.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord)]
pub struct MaxResults(NonZeroU32);
impl MaxResults {
pub fn new(max_results: NonZeroU32) -> Self {
impl AppendToUrlQuery for MaxResults {
fn append_to_url_query(&self, url: &mut Url) {
.append_pair("maxresults", &format!("{}", self.0));
impl From<NonZeroU32> for MaxResults {
fn from(max_results: NonZeroU32) -> Self {
impl TryFrom<u32> for MaxResults {
type Error = String;
fn try_from(max_results: u32) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match NonZeroU32::new(max_results) {
Some(max_results) => Ok(max_results.into()),
None => Err(format!(
"number {max_results} is not a valid NonZeroU32 value"