// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! `EXPLAIN` support for various intermediate representations.
//! Ideally, the `EXPLAIN` support for each IR should be in the crate where this
//! IR is defined. However, we need to resort to an [`Explainable`] newtype
//! struct in order to provide alternate [`mz_repr::explain::Explain`]
//! implementations for some structs (see the [`mir`]) module for details.
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::sync::Arc;
use mz_compute_types::dataflows::DataflowDescription;
use mz_expr::explain::ExplainContext;
use mz_repr::explain::{Explain, ExplainConfig, ExplainError, ExplainFormat, ExprHumanizer};
use mz_repr::optimize::OptimizerFeatures;
use mz_repr::GlobalId;
use mz_transform::dataflow::DataflowMetainfo;
use mz_transform::notice::OptimizerNotice;
use crate::AdapterError;
pub(crate) mod fast_path;
pub(crate) mod hir;
pub(crate) mod insights;
pub(crate) mod lir;
pub(crate) mod mir;
pub(crate) mod optimizer_trace;
/// Newtype struct for wrapping types that should
/// implement the [`mz_repr::explain::Explain`] trait.
pub(crate) struct Explainable<'a, T>(&'a mut T);
impl<'a, T> Explainable<'a, T> {
pub(crate) fn new(t: &'a mut T) -> Explainable<'a, T> {
/// Convenience method to derive an `ExplainContext` from the `index_imports` in
/// the given `plan` and all other input parameters, wrap the `plan` in an
/// `Explainable`, and finally compute and return the `explain(...)` result.
pub(crate) fn explain_dataflow<T>(
mut plan: DataflowDescription<T>,
format: ExplainFormat,
config: &ExplainConfig,
features: &OptimizerFeatures,
humanizer: &dyn ExprHumanizer,
cardinality_stats: BTreeMap<GlobalId, usize>,
target_cluster: Option<&str>,
dataflow_metainfo: &DataflowMetainfo<Arc<OptimizerNotice>>,
) -> Result<String, AdapterError>
for<'a> Explainable<'a, DataflowDescription<T>>: Explain<'a, Context = ExplainContext<'a>>,
// Collect the list of indexes used by the dataflow at this point.
let used_indexes = dataflow_metainfo.used_indexes(&plan);
let optimizer_notices = OptimizerNotice::explain(
let context = ExplainContext {
finishing: Default::default(),
duration: Default::default(),
Ok(Explainable::new(&mut plan).explain(&format, &context)?)
/// Convenience method to explain a single plan.
/// In the long term, this method and [`explain_dataflow`] should be unified. In
/// order to do that, however, we first need to generalize the role
/// [`DataflowMetainfo`] as a carrier of metainformation for the optimization
/// pass in general, and not for a specific structure representing an
/// intermediate result.
pub(crate) fn explain_plan<T>(
mut plan: T,
format: ExplainFormat,
config: &ExplainConfig,
features: &OptimizerFeatures,
humanizer: &dyn ExprHumanizer,
cardinality_stats: BTreeMap<GlobalId, usize>,
target_cluster: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<String, AdapterError>
for<'a> Explainable<'a, T>: Explain<'a, Context = ExplainContext<'a>>,
let context = ExplainContext {
used_indexes: Default::default(),
finishing: Default::default(),
duration: Default::default(),
optimizer_notices: Default::default(),
Ok(Explainable::new(&mut plan).explain(&format, &context)?)