use http::{self, Response, StatusCode};
use thiserror::Error;
use tokio_tungstenite::tungstenite as ws;
use crate::client::Body;
// Binary subprotocol v4. See `Client::connect`.
pub const WS_PROTOCOL: &str = "";
/// Possible errors from upgrading to a WebSocket connection
#[cfg(feature = "ws")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "ws")))]
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum UpgradeConnectionError {
/// The server did not respond with [`SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS`] status when upgrading the
/// connection.
#[error("failed to switch protocol: {0}")]
/// `Upgrade` header was not set to `websocket` (case insensitive)
#[error("upgrade header was not set to websocket")]
/// `Connection` header was not set to `Upgrade` (case insensitive)
#[error("connection header was not set to Upgrade")]
/// `Sec-WebSocket-Accept` key mismatched.
#[error("Sec-WebSocket-Accept key mismatched")]
/// `Sec-WebSocket-Protocol` mismatched.
#[error("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol mismatched")]
/// Failed to get pending HTTP upgrade.
#[error("failed to get pending HTTP upgrade: {0}")]
GetPendingUpgrade(#[source] hyper::Error),
// Verify upgrade response according to RFC6455.
// Based on `tungstenite` and added subprotocol verification.
pub fn verify_response(res: &Response<Body>, key: &str) -> Result<(), UpgradeConnectionError> {
if res.status() != StatusCode::SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS {
return Err(UpgradeConnectionError::ProtocolSwitch(res.status()));
let headers = res.headers();
if !headers
.and_then(|h| h.to_str().ok())
.map(|h| h.eq_ignore_ascii_case("websocket"))
return Err(UpgradeConnectionError::MissingUpgradeWebSocketHeader);
if !headers
.and_then(|h| h.to_str().ok())
.map(|h| h.eq_ignore_ascii_case("Upgrade"))
return Err(UpgradeConnectionError::MissingConnectionUpgradeHeader);
let accept_key = ws::handshake::derive_accept_key(key.as_ref());
if !headers
.map(|h| h == &accept_key)
return Err(UpgradeConnectionError::SecWebSocketAcceptKeyMismatch);
// Make sure that the server returned the correct subprotocol.
if !headers
.map(|h| h == WS_PROTOCOL)
return Err(UpgradeConnectionError::SecWebSocketProtocolMismatch);
/// Generate a random key for the `Sec-WebSocket-Key` header.
/// This must be nonce consisting of a randomly selected 16-byte value in base64.
pub fn sec_websocket_key() -> String {
use base64::Engine;
let r: [u8; 16] = rand::random();