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// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! Code related to tracking the frontier of GTID partitions for a MySQL source.
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use timely::progress::Antichain;
use uuid::Uuid;
use mz_storage_types::sources::mysql::{GtidPartition, GtidState};
use super::super::DefiniteError;
/// Holds the active and future GTID partitions that represent the complete
/// UUID range of all possible GTID source-ids from a MySQL server.
/// The active partitions are all singleton partitions representing a single
/// source-id timestamp, and the future partitions represent the missing
/// UUID ranges that we have not yet seen and are held at timestamp GtidState::Absent.
/// This is used to keep track of all partitions and is updated as we receive
/// new GTID updates from the server, and is used to create a full 'frontier'
/// representing the current state of all GTID partitions that we can use
/// to downgrade capabilities for the source.
/// We could instead mint capabilities for each individual partition
/// and advance each partition as a frontier separately using its own capabilities,
/// but since this is used inside a fallible operator if we ever hit any errors
/// then all newly minted capabilities would be dropped by the async runtime
/// and we might lose the ability to send any more data.
/// However if we just use the main capabilities provided to the operator, the
/// capabilities externally will be preserved even in the case of an error in
/// the operator, which is why we just manage a single frontier and capability set.
pub(super) struct GtidReplicationPartitions {
active: BTreeMap<Uuid, GtidPartition>,
future: Vec<GtidPartition>,
impl From<Antichain<GtidPartition>> for GtidReplicationPartitions {
fn from(frontier: Antichain<GtidPartition>) -> Self {
let mut active = BTreeMap::new();
let mut future = Vec::new();
for part in frontier.iter() {
if part.timestamp() == &GtidState::Absent {
} else {
let source_id = part.interval().singleton().unwrap().clone();
active.insert(source_id, part.clone());
Self { active, future }
impl GtidReplicationPartitions {
/// Return an Antichain for the frontier composed of all the
/// active and future GTID partitions.
pub(super) fn frontier(&self) -> Antichain<GtidPartition> {
/// Given a singleton GTID partition, update the timestamp of the existing
/// active partition with the same UUID
/// or split the future partitions to remove this new partition and then
/// insert the new 'active' partition.
/// This is used whenever we receive a GTID update from the server and
/// need to update our state keeping track
/// of all the active and future GTID partition timestamps.
/// This call should usually be followed up by downgrading capabilities
/// using the frontier returned by ``
pub(super) fn advance_frontier(
&mut self,
new_part: GtidPartition,
) -> Result<(), DefiniteError> {
let source_id = new_part.interval().singleton().unwrap();
// Check if we have an active partition for the GTID UUID
match {
Some(active_part) => {
// Since we start replication at a specific upper, we
// should only see GTID transaction-ids
// in a monotonic order for each source, starting at that upper.
if active_part.timestamp() > new_part.timestamp() {
let err = DefiniteError::BinlogGtidMonotonicityViolation(
return Err(err);
// replace this active partition with the new one
*active_part = new_part;
// We've received a GTID for a UUID we don't yet know about
None => {
// Extract the future partition whose range encompasses this UUID
// TODO: Replace with Vec::extract_if() once it's stabilized
let mut i = 0;
let mut contained_part = None;
while i < self.future.len() {
if self.future[i].interval().contains(source_id) {
contained_part = Some(self.future.remove(i));
} else {
i += 1;
let contained_part =
contained_part.expect("expected a future partition to contain the UUID");
// Split the future partition into partitions for before and after this UUID
// and add back to the future partitions.
let (before_range, after_range) = contained_part.split(source_id);
// Store the new part in our active partitions, new_part);