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// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! A re-useable vector of `Datum` with varying lifetimes.
//! This type is meant to allow us to recycle an underlying allocation with
//! a specific lifetime, under the condition that the vector is emptied before
//! this happens (to prevent leaking of invalid references).
//! It uses `ore::vec::repurpose_allocation` to accomplish this, which contains
//! unsafe code.
use crate::{Datum, RowRef};
/// A re-useable vector of `Datum` with no particular lifetime.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
pub struct DatumVec {
outer: Vec<Datum<'static>>,
impl DatumVec {
/// Allocate a new instance.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { outer: Vec::new() }
/// Borrow an instance with a specific lifetime.
/// When the result is dropped, its allocation will be returned to `self`.
pub fn borrow<'a>(&'a mut self) -> DatumVecBorrow<'a> {
let inner = std::mem::take(&mut self.outer);
DatumVecBorrow {
outer: &mut self.outer,
/// Borrow an instance with a specific lifetime, and pre-populate with a `Row`.
pub fn borrow_with<'a>(&'a mut self, row: &'a RowRef) -> DatumVecBorrow<'a> {
let mut borrow = self.borrow();
/// A borrowed allocation of `Datum` with a specific lifetime.
/// When an instance is dropped, its allocation is returned to the vector from
/// which it was extracted.
pub struct DatumVecBorrow<'outer> {
outer: &'outer mut Vec<Datum<'static>>,
inner: Vec<Datum<'outer>>,
impl<'outer> Drop for DatumVecBorrow<'outer> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
*self.outer = mz_ore::vec::repurpose_allocation(std::mem::take(&mut self.inner));
impl<'outer> std::ops::Deref for DatumVecBorrow<'outer> {
type Target = Vec<Datum<'outer>>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<'outer> std::ops::DerefMut for DatumVecBorrow<'outer> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.inner
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::Row;
fn miri_test_datum_vec() {
let mut d = DatumVec::new();
assert_eq!(d.borrow().len(), 0);
let r = Row::pack_slice(&[Datum::String("first"), Datum::Dummy]);
let borrow = d.borrow_with(&r);
assert_eq!(borrow.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(borrow[0], Datum::String("first"));
// different lifetime, so that rust is happy with the reference lifetimes
let r2 = Row::pack_slice(&[Datum::String("second")]);
let mut borrow = d.borrow();
assert_eq!(borrow.len(), 3);
assert_eq!(borrow[2], Datum::String("second"));