1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187
use crate::job::StackJob;
use crate::latch::SpinLatch;
use crate::registry::{self, WorkerThread};
use crate::unwind;
use std::any::Any;
use crate::FnContext;
mod test;
/// Takes two closures and *potentially* runs them in parallel. It
/// returns a pair of the results from those closures.
/// Conceptually, calling `join()` is similar to spawning two threads,
/// one executing each of the two closures. However, the
/// implementation is quite different and incurs very low
/// overhead. The underlying technique is called "work stealing": the
/// Rayon runtime uses a fixed pool of worker threads and attempts to
/// only execute code in parallel when there are idle CPUs to handle
/// it.
/// When `join` is called from outside the thread pool, the calling
/// thread will block while the closures execute in the pool. When
/// `join` is called within the pool, the calling thread still actively
/// participates in the thread pool. It will begin by executing closure
/// A (on the current thread). While it is doing that, it will advertise
/// closure B as being available for other threads to execute. Once closure A
/// has completed, the current thread will try to execute closure B;
/// if however closure B has been stolen, then it will look for other work
/// while waiting for the thief to fully execute closure B. (This is the
/// typical work-stealing strategy).
/// # Examples
/// This example uses join to perform a quick-sort (note this is not a
/// particularly optimized implementation: if you **actually** want to
/// sort for real, you should prefer [the `par_sort` method] offered
/// by Rayon).
/// [the `par_sort` method]: ../rayon/slice/trait.ParallelSliceMut.html#method.par_sort
/// ```rust
/// # use rayon_core as rayon;
/// let mut v = vec![5, 1, 8, 22, 0, 44];
/// quick_sort(&mut v);
/// assert_eq!(v, vec![0, 1, 5, 8, 22, 44]);
/// fn quick_sort<T:PartialOrd+Send>(v: &mut [T]) {
/// if v.len() > 1 {
/// let mid = partition(v);
/// let (lo, hi) = v.split_at_mut(mid);
/// rayon::join(|| quick_sort(lo),
/// || quick_sort(hi));
/// }
/// }
/// // Partition rearranges all items `<=` to the pivot
/// // item (arbitrary selected to be the last item in the slice)
/// // to the first half of the slice. It then returns the
/// // "dividing point" where the pivot is placed.
/// fn partition<T:PartialOrd+Send>(v: &mut [T]) -> usize {
/// let pivot = v.len() - 1;
/// let mut i = 0;
/// for j in 0..pivot {
/// if v[j] <= v[pivot] {
/// v.swap(i, j);
/// i += 1;
/// }
/// }
/// v.swap(i, pivot);
/// i
/// }
/// ```
/// # Warning about blocking I/O
/// The assumption is that the closures given to `join()` are
/// CPU-bound tasks that do not perform I/O or other blocking
/// operations. If you do perform I/O, and that I/O should block
/// (e.g., waiting for a network request), the overall performance may
/// be poor. Moreover, if you cause one closure to be blocked waiting
/// on another (for example, using a channel), that could lead to a
/// deadlock.
/// # Panics
/// No matter what happens, both closures will always be executed. If
/// a single closure panics, whether it be the first or second
/// closure, that panic will be propagated and hence `join()` will
/// panic with the same panic value. If both closures panic, `join()`
/// will panic with the panic value from the first closure.
pub fn join<A, B, RA, RB>(oper_a: A, oper_b: B) -> (RA, RB)
A: FnOnce() -> RA + Send,
B: FnOnce() -> RB + Send,
RA: Send,
RB: Send,
fn call<R>(f: impl FnOnce() -> R) -> impl FnOnce(FnContext) -> R {
move |_| f()
join_context(call(oper_a), call(oper_b))
/// Identical to `join`, except that the closures have a parameter
/// that provides context for the way the closure has been called,
/// especially indicating whether they're executing on a different
/// thread than where `join_context` was called. This will occur if
/// the second job is stolen by a different thread, or if
/// `join_context` was called from outside the thread pool to begin
/// with.
pub fn join_context<A, B, RA, RB>(oper_a: A, oper_b: B) -> (RA, RB)
A: FnOnce(FnContext) -> RA + Send,
B: FnOnce(FnContext) -> RB + Send,
RA: Send,
RB: Send,
fn call_a<R>(f: impl FnOnce(FnContext) -> R, injected: bool) -> impl FnOnce() -> R {
move || f(FnContext::new(injected))
fn call_b<R>(f: impl FnOnce(FnContext) -> R) -> impl FnOnce(bool) -> R {
move |migrated| f(FnContext::new(migrated))
registry::in_worker(|worker_thread, injected| unsafe {
// Create virtual wrapper for task b; this all has to be
// done here so that the stack frame can keep it all live
// long enough.
let job_b = StackJob::new(call_b(oper_b), SpinLatch::new(worker_thread));
let job_b_ref = job_b.as_job_ref();
// Execute task a; hopefully b gets stolen in the meantime.
let status_a = unwind::halt_unwinding(call_a(oper_a, injected));
let result_a = match status_a {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(err) => join_recover_from_panic(worker_thread, &job_b.latch, err),
// Now that task A has finished, try to pop job B from the
// local stack. It may already have been popped by job A; it
// may also have been stolen. There may also be some tasks
// pushed on top of it in the stack, and we will have to pop
// those off to get to it.
while !job_b.latch.probe() {
if let Some(job) = worker_thread.take_local_job() {
if job == job_b_ref {
// Found it! Let's run it.
// Note that this could panic, but it's ok if we unwind here.
let result_b = job_b.run_inline(injected);
return (result_a, result_b);
} else {
} else {
// Local deque is empty. Time to steal from other
// threads.
(result_a, job_b.into_result())
/// If job A panics, we still cannot return until we are sure that job
/// B is complete. This is because it may contain references into the
/// enclosing stack frame(s).
#[cold] // cold path
unsafe fn join_recover_from_panic(
worker_thread: &WorkerThread,
job_b_latch: &SpinLatch<'_>,
err: Box<dyn Any + Send>,
) -> ! {