* Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
//! Client request orchestration.
//! The orchestrator handles the full request/response lifecycle including:
//! - Request serialization
//! - Endpoint resolution
//! - Identity resolution
//! - Signing
//! - Request transmission with retry and timeouts
//! - Response deserialization
//! There are several hook points in the orchestration where [interceptors](crate::client::interceptors)
//! can read and modify the input, request, response, or output/error.
use crate::box_error::BoxError;
use crate::client::interceptors::context::phase::Phase;
use crate::client::interceptors::context::Error;
use crate::client::interceptors::InterceptorError;
use crate::client::result::{ConnectorError, SdkError};
use aws_smithy_types::config_bag::{Storable, StoreReplace};
use bytes::Bytes;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::error::Error as StdError;
use std::fmt;
/// Type alias for the HTTP request type that the orchestrator uses.
pub type HttpRequest = crate::http::Request;
/// Type alias for the HTTP response type that the orchestrator uses.
pub type HttpResponse = crate::http::Response;
/// Informs the orchestrator on whether or not the request body needs to be loaded into memory before transmit.
/// This enum gets placed into the `ConfigBag` to change the orchestrator behavior.
/// Immediately after serialization (before the `read_after_serialization` interceptor hook),
/// if it was set to `Requested` in the config bag, it will be replaced back into the config bag as
/// `Loaded` with the request body contents for use in later interceptors.
/// This all happens before the attempt loop, so the loaded request body will remain available
/// for interceptors that run in any subsequent retry attempts.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum LoadedRequestBody {
/// Don't attempt to load the request body into memory.
/// Attempt to load the request body into memory.
/// The request body is already loaded.
impl Storable for LoadedRequestBody {
type Storer = StoreReplace<Self>;
/// Marker type stored in the config bag to indicate that a response body should be redacted.
pub struct SensitiveOutput;
impl Storable for SensitiveOutput {
type Storer = StoreReplace<Self>;
enum ErrorKind<E> {
/// An error occurred within an interceptor.
Interceptor { source: InterceptorError },
/// An error returned by a service.
Operation { err: E },
/// An error that occurs when a request times out.
Timeout { source: BoxError },
/// An error that occurs when request dispatch fails.
Connector { source: ConnectorError },
/// An error that occurs when a response can't be deserialized.
Response { source: BoxError },
/// A general orchestrator error.
Other { source: BoxError },
/// Errors that can occur while running the orchestrator.
pub struct OrchestratorError<E> {
kind: ErrorKind<E>,
impl<E> OrchestratorError<E> {
/// Create a new `OrchestratorError` from the given source.
pub fn other(source: impl Into<Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>>) -> Self {
Self {
kind: ErrorKind::Other {
source: source.into(),
/// Create an operation error.
pub fn operation(err: E) -> Self {
Self {
kind: ErrorKind::Operation { err },
/// True if the underlying error is an operation error.
pub fn is_operation_error(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self.kind, ErrorKind::Operation { .. })
/// Return this orchestrator error as an operation error if possible.
pub fn as_operation_error(&self) -> Option<&E> {
match &self.kind {
ErrorKind::Operation { err } => Some(err),
_ => None,
/// Create an interceptor error with the given source.
pub fn interceptor(source: InterceptorError) -> Self {
Self {
kind: ErrorKind::Interceptor { source },
/// True if the underlying error is an interceptor error.
pub fn is_interceptor_error(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self.kind, ErrorKind::Interceptor { .. })
/// Create a timeout error with the given source.
pub fn timeout(source: BoxError) -> Self {
Self {
kind: ErrorKind::Timeout { source },
/// True if the underlying error is a timeout error.
pub fn is_timeout_error(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self.kind, ErrorKind::Timeout { .. })
/// Create a response error with the given source.
pub fn response(source: BoxError) -> Self {
Self {
kind: ErrorKind::Response { source },
/// True if the underlying error is a response error.
pub fn is_response_error(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self.kind, ErrorKind::Response { .. })
/// Create a connector error with the given source.
pub fn connector(source: ConnectorError) -> Self {
Self {
kind: ErrorKind::Connector { source },
/// True if the underlying error is a [`ConnectorError`].
pub fn is_connector_error(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self.kind, ErrorKind::Connector { .. })
/// Return this orchestrator error as a connector error if possible.
pub fn as_connector_error(&self) -> Option<&ConnectorError> {
match &self.kind {
ErrorKind::Connector { source } => Some(source),
_ => None,
/// Convert the `OrchestratorError` into an [`SdkError`].
pub(crate) fn into_sdk_error(
phase: &Phase,
response: Option<HttpResponse>,
) -> SdkError<E, HttpResponse> {
match self.kind {
ErrorKind::Interceptor { source } => {
use Phase::*;
match phase {
BeforeSerialization | Serialization => SdkError::construction_failure(source),
BeforeTransmit | Transmit => match response {
Some(response) => SdkError::response_error(source, response),
None => {
SdkError::dispatch_failure(ConnectorError::other(source.into(), None))
BeforeDeserialization | Deserialization | AfterDeserialization => {
SdkError::response_error(source, response.expect("phase has a response"))
ErrorKind::Operation { err } => {
debug_assert!(phase.is_after_deserialization(), "operation errors are a result of successfully receiving and parsing a response from the server. Therefore, we must be in the 'After Deserialization' phase.");
SdkError::service_error(err, response.expect("phase has a response"))
ErrorKind::Connector { source } => SdkError::dispatch_failure(source),
ErrorKind::Timeout { source } => SdkError::timeout_error(source),
ErrorKind::Response { source } => SdkError::response_error(source, response.unwrap()),
ErrorKind::Other { source } => {
use Phase::*;
match phase {
BeforeSerialization | Serialization => SdkError::construction_failure(source),
BeforeTransmit | Transmit => convert_dispatch_error(source, response),
BeforeDeserialization | Deserialization | AfterDeserialization => {
SdkError::response_error(source, response.expect("phase has a response"))
/// Maps the error type in `ErrorKind::Operation`
pub fn map_operation_error<E2>(self, map: impl FnOnce(E) -> E2) -> OrchestratorError<E2> {
let kind = match self.kind {
ErrorKind::Connector { source } => ErrorKind::Connector { source },
ErrorKind::Operation { err } => ErrorKind::Operation { err: map(err) },
ErrorKind::Interceptor { source } => ErrorKind::Interceptor { source },
ErrorKind::Response { source } => ErrorKind::Response { source },
ErrorKind::Timeout { source } => ErrorKind::Timeout { source },
ErrorKind::Other { source } => ErrorKind::Other { source },
OrchestratorError { kind }
impl<E> StdError for OrchestratorError<E>
E: StdError + 'static,
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn StdError + 'static)> {
Some(match &self.kind {
ErrorKind::Connector { source } => source as _,
ErrorKind::Operation { err } => err as _,
ErrorKind::Interceptor { source } => source as _,
ErrorKind::Response { source } => source.as_ref(),
ErrorKind::Timeout { source } => source.as_ref(),
ErrorKind::Other { source } => source.as_ref(),
impl<E> fmt::Display for OrchestratorError<E> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
f.write_str(match self.kind {
ErrorKind::Connector { .. } => "connector error",
ErrorKind::Operation { .. } => "operation error",
ErrorKind::Interceptor { .. } => "interceptor error",
ErrorKind::Response { .. } => "response error",
ErrorKind::Timeout { .. } => "timeout",
ErrorKind::Other { .. } => "an unknown error occurred",
fn convert_dispatch_error<O>(
err: BoxError,
response: Option<HttpResponse>,
) -> SdkError<O, HttpResponse> {
let err = match err.downcast::<ConnectorError>() {
Ok(connector_error) => {
return SdkError::dispatch_failure(*connector_error);
Err(e) => e,
match response {
Some(response) => SdkError::response_error(err, response),
None => SdkError::dispatch_failure(ConnectorError::other(err, None)),
impl<E> From<InterceptorError> for OrchestratorError<E>
E: fmt::Debug + std::error::Error + 'static,
fn from(err: InterceptorError) -> Self {
impl From<Error> for OrchestratorError<Error> {
fn from(err: Error) -> Self {
/// Metadata added to the [`ConfigBag`](aws_smithy_types::config_bag::ConfigBag) that identifies the API being called.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Metadata {
operation: Cow<'static, str>,
service: Cow<'static, str>,
impl Metadata {
/// Returns the operation name.
pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
/// Returns the service name.
pub fn service(&self) -> &str {
/// Creates [`Metadata`].
pub fn new(
operation: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
service: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
) -> Self {
Metadata {
operation: operation.into(),
service: service.into(),
impl Storable for Metadata {
type Storer = StoreReplace<Self>;