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// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! Management of K8S objects, such as VpcEndpoints.
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::sync::Arc;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use chrono::Utc;
use futures::stream::BoxStream;
use futures::StreamExt;
use kube::api::{DeleteParams, ListParams, ObjectMeta, Patch, PatchParams};
use kube::runtime::{watcher, WatchStreamExt};
use kube::{Api, ResourceExt};
use maplit::btreemap;
use mz_repr::CatalogItemId;
use mz_cloud_resources::crd::vpc_endpoint::v1::{
VpcEndpoint, VpcEndpointSpec, VpcEndpointState, VpcEndpointStatus,
use mz_cloud_resources::{
CloudResourceController, CloudResourceReader, VpcEndpointConfig, VpcEndpointEvent,
use crate::{util, KubernetesOrchestrator, FIELD_MANAGER};
impl CloudResourceController for KubernetesOrchestrator {
async fn ensure_vpc_endpoint(
id: CatalogItemId,
config: VpcEndpointConfig,
) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
let name = mz_cloud_resources::vpc_endpoint_name(id);
let mut labels = btreemap! {
"".to_owned() => id.to_string(),
for (key, value) in &self.config.service_labels {
labels.insert(key.clone(), value.clone());
let vpc_endpoint = VpcEndpoint {
metadata: ObjectMeta {
labels: Some(labels),
name: Some(name.clone()),
namespace: Some(self.kubernetes_namespace.clone()),
spec: VpcEndpointSpec {
aws_service_name: config.aws_service_name,
availability_zone_ids: config.availability_zone_ids,
role_suffix: match &self.config.aws_external_id_prefix {
None => id.to_string(),
Some(external_id) => format!("{external_id}_{id}"),
status: None,
async fn delete_vpc_endpoint(&self, id: CatalogItemId) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
match self
Ok(_) => Ok(()),
// Ignore already deleted endpoints.
Err(kube::Error::Api(resp)) if resp.code == 404 => Ok(()),
Err(e) => Err(e.into()),
async fn list_vpc_endpoints(
) -> Result<BTreeMap<CatalogItemId, VpcEndpointStatus>, anyhow::Error> {
let objects = self.vpc_endpoint_api.list(&ListParams::default()).await?;
let mut endpoints = BTreeMap::new();
for object in objects {
let id = match mz_cloud_resources::id_from_vpc_endpoint_name(&object.name_any()) {
Some(id) => id,
// Ignore any object whose name can't be parsed as a GlobalId
None => continue,
endpoints.insert(id, object.status.unwrap_or_default());
async fn watch_vpc_endpoints(&self) -> BoxStream<'static, VpcEndpointEvent> {
let stream = watcher(self.vpc_endpoint_api.clone(), watcher::Config::default())
.filter_map(|object| async move {
match object {
Ok(vpce) => {
let connection_id =
if let Some(state) = vpce.status.as_ref().and_then(|st| st.state.to_owned())
Some(VpcEndpointEvent {
status: state,
// Use the 'Available' Condition on the VPCE Status to set the event-time, falling back
// to now if it's not set
time: vpce
.and_then(|c| c.into_iter().find(|c| &c.type_ == "Available"))
.and_then(|condition| Some(condition.last_transition_time.0))
} else {
// The Status/State is not yet populated on the VpcEndpoint, which means it was just
// initialized and hasn't yet been reconciled by the environment-controller
// We return an event with an 'unknown' state so that watchers know the VpcEndpoint was created
// even if we don't yet have an accurate status
Some(VpcEndpointEvent {
status: VpcEndpointState::Unknown,
time: vpce.creation_timestamp()?.0,
// TODO: Should we also check for the deletion_timestamp on the vpce? That would indicate that the
// resource is about to be deleted; however there is already a 'deleted' enum val on VpcEndpointState
// which refers to the state of the customer's VPC Endpoint Service, so we'd need to introduce a new state val
Err(error) => {
// We assume that errors returned by Kubernetes are usually transient, so we
// just log a warning and ignore them otherwise.
tracing::warn!("vpc endpoint watch error: {error}");
fn reader(&self) -> Arc<dyn CloudResourceReader> {
let reader = Arc::clone(&self.resource_reader);
impl CloudResourceReader for KubernetesOrchestrator {
async fn read(&self, id: CatalogItemId) -> Result<VpcEndpointStatus, anyhow::Error> {
/// Reads cloud resources managed by a [`KubernetesOrchestrator`].
pub struct KubernetesResourceReader {
vpc_endpoint_api: Api<VpcEndpoint>,
impl KubernetesResourceReader {
/// Constructs a new Kubernetes cloud resource reader.
/// The `context` parameter works like
/// [`KubernetesOrchestratorConfig::context`](crate::KubernetesOrchestratorConfig::context).
pub async fn new(context: String) -> Result<KubernetesResourceReader, anyhow::Error> {
let (client, _) = util::create_client(context).await?;
let vpc_endpoint_api: Api<VpcEndpoint> = Api::default_namespaced(client);
Ok(KubernetesResourceReader { vpc_endpoint_api })
impl CloudResourceReader for KubernetesResourceReader {
async fn read(&self, id: CatalogItemId) -> Result<VpcEndpointStatus, anyhow::Error> {
let name = mz_cloud_resources::vpc_endpoint_name(id);
let endpoint = self.vpc_endpoint_api.get(&name).await?;