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// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! SSH tunnel management.
// NOTE(benesch): The synchronization in this module is tricky because SSH
// tunnels 1) require an async `connect` method that can return errors and 2)
// once connected, launch a long-running background task whose handle must be
// managed. The manager would be far simpler if `connect` was neither async nor
// fallible and instead synchronously returned a handle to the background task.
// That would require a different means of asynchronously reporting SSH tunnel
// errors, though, and that's a large project. A worthwhile project, though: at
// present SSH tunnel errors that occur after the initial connection are
// reported only to the logs, and not to users.
use std::collections::{btree_map, BTreeMap};
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use mz_ore::future::{InTask, OreFutureExt};
use scopeguard::ScopeGuard;
use tokio::sync::watch;
use tracing::{error, info};
use crate::tunnel::{SshTimeoutConfig, SshTunnelConfig, SshTunnelHandle, SshTunnelStatus};
/// Thread-safe manager of SSH tunnel connections.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct SshTunnelManager {
tunnels: Arc<Mutex<BTreeMap<SshTunnelKey, SshTunnelState>>>,
impl SshTunnelManager {
/// Establishes an SSH tunnel for the given remote host and port using the
/// provided `tunnel` configuration.
/// If there is an existing SSH tunnel, a handle to that tunnel is returned,
/// rather than establishing a new tunnel.
/// The manager guarantees that there will never be more than one in flight
/// connection attempt for the same tunnel, even when this method is called
/// concurrently from multiple threads.
pub async fn connect(
config: SshTunnelConfig,
remote_host: &str,
remote_port: u16,
// This could be held behind a lock and updated within the global `SshTunnelManager`, but
// requiring all configuration at connection time is more consistent with how other
// connections work within the workspace.
timeout_config: SshTimeoutConfig,
// Whether or not to connect to ssh from a Tokio task (to ensure futures are
// polled promptly).
in_task: InTask,
) -> Result<ManagedSshTunnelHandle, anyhow::Error> {
// An SSH tunnel connection is uniquely identified by the SSH tunnel
// configuration and the remote address.
let key = SshTunnelKey {
config: config.clone(),
remote_host: remote_host.to_string(),
loop {
// NOTE: this code is structured awkwardly to convince rustc that
// the lock is not held across an await point. rustc's analysis
// does not take into account explicit `drop` calls, so we have to
// structure such that the lock guard goes out of scope.
// See:
enum Action {
let action = match self
.expect("lock poisoned")
btree_map::Entry::Occupied(mut occupancy) => match occupancy.get_mut() {
// There is an existing tunnel.
SshTunnelState::Connected(handle) => Action::Return(ManagedSshTunnelHandle {
handle: Arc::clone(handle),
manager: self.clone(),
key: key.clone(),
// There is an existing connection attempt.
SshTunnelState::Connecting(rx) => Action::AwaitConnection(rx.clone()),
btree_map::Entry::Vacant(vacancy) => {
// There is no existing tunnel or connection attempt. Record
// that we're starting one.
let (tx, rx) = watch::channel(());
match action {
Action::Return(handle) => {
if let SshTunnelStatus::Errored(e) = handle.check_status() {
"not using existing ssh tunnel \
({}:{} via {}) because it's broken: {e}",
remote_host, remote_port, config
// This is bit unfortunate, as this method returns an
// `anyhow::Error`, but the SSH status needs to share a
// cloneable `String`. So we just package up the
// pre-`.to_string_with_causes()` error that is at the
// bottom of the stack. In the future we can probably
// make ALL SSH errors structured to avoid this.
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!(e));
"reusing existing ssh tunnel ({}:{} via {})",
remote_host, remote_port, config
return Ok(handle);
Action::AwaitConnection(mut rx) => {
// Wait for the connection attempt to finish. The next turn
// of the loop will determine whether the connection attempt
// succeeded or failed and proceed accordingly.
let _ = rx.changed().await;
Action::StartConnection(_tx) => {
// IMPORTANT: clear the `Connecting` state on scope exit.
// This is *required* for cancel safety. If the future is
// dropped at the following await point, we need to record
// that we are no longer attemping the connection.
let guard = scopeguard::guard((), |()| {
let mut tunnels = self.tunnels.lock().expect("lock poisoned");
// Try to connect.
"initiating new ssh tunnel ({}:{} via {})",
remote_host, remote_port, config
let config = config.clone();
let remote_host = remote_host.to_string();
let handle = async move {
.connect(&remote_host, remote_port, timeout_config)
.run_in_task_if(in_task, || "ssh_connect".to_string())
// Successful connection, so defuse the scope guard.
let _ = ScopeGuard::into_inner(guard);
// Record the tunnel handle for future threads.
let handle = Arc::new(handle);
let mut tunnels = self.tunnels.lock().expect("lock poisoned");
tunnels.insert(key.clone(), SshTunnelState::Connected(Arc::clone(&handle)));
// Return a handle to the tunnel.
return Ok(ManagedSshTunnelHandle {
manager: self.clone(),
key: key.clone(),
/// Identifies a connection to a remote host via an SSH tunnel.
/// There are a couple of edge cases where this key format may result
/// in extra connections being created:
/// 1. If a host resolves to a different number of ips on different workers
/// 2. Different workers connect to different upstream resolved ips if they
/// appear connectable at different times.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord)]
struct SshTunnelKey {
config: SshTunnelConfig,
remote_host: String,
remote_port: u16,
/// The state of an SSH tunnel connection.
/// There is an additional state not represented by this enum, which is the
/// absence of an entry in the map entirely, indicating there is neither an
/// existing tunnel nor an existing connection attempt.
enum SshTunnelState {
/// An existing thread is connecting to the tunnel.
/// The managing thread will resolve the enclosed future when the connection
/// attempt is complete. Only the thread that entered the `Connecting` state
/// is allowed to move out of this state.
/// An existing thread has successfully established the tunnel.
/// Only the last `ManagedSshTunnelHandle` is allowed to move out of this
/// state.
/// A clonable handle to an SSH tunnel managed by an [`SshTunnelManager`].
/// The tunnel will be automatically closed when all handles are dropped.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ManagedSshTunnelHandle {
handle: Arc<SshTunnelHandle>,
manager: SshTunnelManager,
key: SshTunnelKey,
impl Deref for ManagedSshTunnelHandle {
type Target = SshTunnelHandle;
fn deref(&self) -> &SshTunnelHandle {
impl Drop for ManagedSshTunnelHandle {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let mut tunnels = self.manager.tunnels.lock().expect("lock poisoned");
// If there are only two strong references, the manager holds one and we
// hold the other, so this is the last handle.
// IMPORTANT: We must be holding the lock when we perform this check, to
// ensure no other threads can acquire a new handle via the manager.
if Arc::strong_count(&self.handle) == 2 {