// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! An `UpsertStateBackend` that stores values in memory.
// Allow usage of `std::collections::HashMap`.
// We need to iterate through all the values in the map, so we can't use `mz_ore` wrapper.
// Also, we don't need any ordering for the values fetched, so using std HashMap.
use std::collections::hash_map::Drain;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use itertools::Itertools;
use super::types::{
GetStats, MergeStats, MergeValue, PutStats, PutValue, StateValue, UpsertStateBackend,
UpsertValueAndSize, ValueMetadata,
use super::UpsertKey;
/// A `HashMap` tracking its total size
pub struct InMemoryHashMap<T, O> {
state: HashMap<UpsertKey, StateValue<T, O>>,
total_size: i64,
impl<T, O> InMemoryHashMap<T, O> {
/// Drain the map, returning the last total size as well.
pub fn drain(&mut self) -> (i64, Drain<'_, UpsertKey, StateValue<T, O>>) {
let last_size = self.total_size;
self.total_size = 0;
(last_size, self.state.drain())
/// Get the current size of the map. Note that after `drain`-ing, this is 0.
pub fn current_size(&self) -> i64 {
impl<T, O> Default for InMemoryHashMap<T, O> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
state: HashMap::new(),
total_size: 0,
impl<T, O> UpsertStateBackend<T, O> for InMemoryHashMap<T, O>
O: Clone + 'static,
T: Clone + 'static,
fn supports_merge(&self) -> bool {
async fn multi_put<P>(&mut self, puts: P) -> Result<PutStats, anyhow::Error>
P: IntoIterator<Item = (UpsertKey, PutValue<StateValue<T, O>>)>,
let mut stats = PutStats::default();
for (key, p_value) in puts {
stats.processed_puts += 1;
match p_value.value {
Some(value) => {
let size: i64 = value.memory_size().try_into().expect("less than i64 size");
stats.adjust(Some(&value), Some(size), &p_value.previous_value_metadata);
self.state.insert(key, value);
None => {
stats.adjust::<T, O>(None, None, &p_value.previous_value_metadata);
self.total_size += stats.size_diff;
async fn multi_merge<M>(&mut self, _merges: M) -> Result<MergeStats, anyhow::Error>
M: IntoIterator<Item = (UpsertKey, MergeValue<StateValue<T, O>>)>,
anyhow::bail!("InMemoryHashMap does not support merging");
async fn multi_get<'r, G, R>(
&mut self,
gets: G,
results_out: R,
) -> Result<GetStats, anyhow::Error>
G: IntoIterator<Item = UpsertKey>,
R: IntoIterator<Item = &'r mut UpsertValueAndSize<T, O>>,
let mut stats = GetStats::default();
for (key, result_out) in gets.into_iter().zip_eq(results_out) {
stats.processed_gets += 1;
let value = self.state.get(&key).cloned();
let metadata = value.as_ref().map(|v| ValueMetadata {
size: v.memory_size(),
is_tombstone: v.is_tombstone(),
stats.processed_gets_size += metadata.map_or(0, |m| m.size);
stats.returned_gets += metadata.map_or(0, |_| 1);
*result_out = UpsertValueAndSize { value, metadata };