// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! A client for replicas of a compute instance.
use std::sync::atomic::{self, AtomicBool};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use anyhow::bail;
use mz_build_info::BuildInfo;
use mz_cluster_client::client::{ClusterReplicaLocation, ClusterStartupEpoch, TimelyConfig};
use mz_compute_types::dyncfgs::ENABLE_COMPUTE_REPLICA_EXPIRATION;
use mz_dyncfg::ConfigSet;
use mz_ore::channel::InstrumentedUnboundedSender;
use mz_ore::retry::{Retry, RetryState};
use mz_ore::task::AbortOnDropHandle;
use mz_service::client::GenericClient;
use mz_service::params::GrpcClientParameters;
use tokio::select;
use tokio::sync::mpsc::error::SendError;
use tokio::sync::mpsc::{unbounded_channel, UnboundedReceiver, UnboundedSender};
use tracing::{debug, info, trace, warn};
use crate::controller::instance::ReplicaResponse;
use crate::controller::sequential_hydration::SequentialHydration;
use crate::controller::{ComputeControllerTimestamp, ReplicaId};
use crate::logging::LoggingConfig;
use crate::metrics::IntCounter;
use crate::metrics::ReplicaMetrics;
use crate::protocol::command::{ComputeCommand, InitialComputeParameters, InstanceConfig};
use crate::protocol::response::ComputeResponse;
use crate::service::{ComputeClient, ComputeGrpcClient};
type Client<T> = SequentialHydration<T>;
/// Replica-specific configuration.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(super) struct ReplicaConfig {
pub location: ClusterReplicaLocation,
pub logging: LoggingConfig,
pub grpc_client: GrpcClientParameters,
/// The offset to use for replica expiration, if any.
pub expiration_offset: Option<Duration>,
pub initial_config: InitialComputeParameters,
/// A client for a replica task.
pub(super) struct ReplicaClient<T> {
/// A sender for commands for the replica.
command_tx: UnboundedSender<ComputeCommand<T>>,
/// A handle to the task that aborts it when the replica is dropped.
/// If the task is finished, the replica has failed and needs rehydration.
task: AbortOnDropHandle<()>,
/// Replica metrics.
metrics: ReplicaMetrics,
/// Flag reporting whether the replica connection has been established.
connected: Arc<AtomicBool>,
impl<T> ReplicaClient<T>
T: ComputeControllerTimestamp,
ComputeGrpcClient: ComputeClient<T>,
pub(super) fn spawn(
id: ReplicaId,
build_info: &'static BuildInfo,
config: ReplicaConfig,
epoch: ClusterStartupEpoch,
metrics: ReplicaMetrics,
dyncfg: Arc<ConfigSet>,
response_tx: InstrumentedUnboundedSender<ReplicaResponse<T>, IntCounter>,
) -> Self {
// Launch a task to handle communication with the replica
// asynchronously. This isolates the main controller thread from
// the replica.
let (command_tx, command_rx) = unbounded_channel();
let connected = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
let task = mz_ore::task::spawn(
|| format!("active-replication-replica-{id}"),
ReplicaTask {
replica_id: id,
config: config.clone(),
metrics: metrics.clone(),
connected: Arc::clone(&connected),
Self {
task: task.abort_on_drop(),
impl<T> ReplicaClient<T> {
/// Sends a command to this replica.
pub(super) fn send(
command: ComputeCommand<T>,
) -> Result<(), SendError<ComputeCommand<T>>> {
self.command_tx.send(command).map(|r| {
/// Determine if the replica task has failed.
pub(super) fn is_failed(&self) -> bool {
/// Determine if the replica connection has been established.
pub(super) fn is_connected(&self) -> bool {
/// Configuration for `replica_task`.
struct ReplicaTask<T> {
/// The ID of the replica.
replica_id: ReplicaId,
/// Replica configuration.
config: ReplicaConfig,
/// The build information for this process.
build_info: &'static BuildInfo,
/// A channel upon which commands intended for the replica are delivered.
command_rx: UnboundedReceiver<ComputeCommand<T>>,
/// A channel upon which responses from the replica are delivered.
response_tx: InstrumentedUnboundedSender<ReplicaResponse<T>, IntCounter>,
/// A number (technically, pair of numbers) identifying this incarnation of the replica.
/// The semantics of this don't matter, except that it must strictly increase.
epoch: ClusterStartupEpoch,
/// Replica metrics.
metrics: ReplicaMetrics,
/// Flag to report successful replica connection.
connected: Arc<AtomicBool>,
/// Dynamic system configuration.
dyncfg: Arc<ConfigSet>,
impl<T> ReplicaTask<T>
T: ComputeControllerTimestamp,
ComputeGrpcClient: ComputeClient<T>,
/// Asynchronously forwards commands to and responses from a single replica.
async fn run(self) {
let replica_id = self.replica_id;
info!(replica = ?replica_id, "starting replica task");
let client = self.connect().await;
match self.run_message_loop(client).await {
Ok(()) => info!(replica = ?replica_id, "stopped replica task"),
Err(error) => warn!(replica = ?replica_id, "replica task failed: {error:#}"),
/// Connects to the replica.
/// The connection is retried forever (with backoff) and this method returns only after
/// a connection was successfully established.
async fn connect(&self) -> Client<T> {
let try_connect = |retry: RetryState| {
let addrs = &self.config.location.ctl_addrs;
let dests = addrs
.map(|addr| (addr.clone(), self.metrics.clone()))
let version = self.build_info.semver_version();
let client_params = &self.config.grpc_client;
async move {
let connect_start = Instant::now();
let connect_result =
ComputeGrpcClient::connect_partitioned(dests, version, client_params).await;
connect_result.inspect_err(|error| {
let next_backoff = retry.next_backoff.unwrap();
if retry.i >= mz_service::retry::INFO_MIN_RETRIES {
replica_id = %self.replica_id, ?next_backoff,
"error connecting to replica: {error:#}",
} else {
replica_id = %self.replica_id, ?next_backoff,
"error connecting to replica: {error:#}",
let client = Retry::default()
.expect("retry retries forever");
self.connected.store(true, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed);
let dyncfg = Arc::clone(&self.dyncfg);
let metrics = self.metrics.clone();
SequentialHydration::new(client, dyncfg, metrics)
/// Runs the message loop.
/// Returns (with an `Err`) if it encounters an error condition (e.g. the replica disconnects).
/// If no error condition is encountered, the task runs until the controller disconnects from
/// the command channel, or the task is dropped.
async fn run_message_loop(mut self, mut client: Client<T>) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error>
T: ComputeControllerTimestamp,
ComputeGrpcClient: ComputeClient<T>,
let id = self.replica_id;
let incarnation = self.epoch.replica();
loop {
select! {
// Command from controller to forward to replica.
command = self.command_rx.recv() => {
let Some(mut command) = command else {
// Controller is no longer interested in this replica. Shut down.
self.specialize_command(&mut command);
// Response from replica to forward to controller.
response = client.recv() => {
let Some(response) = response? else {
bail!("replica unexpectedly gracefully terminated connection");
if self.response_tx.send((id, incarnation, response)).is_err() {
// Controller is no longer interested in this replica. Shut down.
/// Specialize a command for the given replica configuration.
/// Most `ComputeCommand`s are independent of the target replica, but some
/// contain replica-specific fields that must be adjusted before sending.
fn specialize_command(&self, command: &mut ComputeCommand<T>) {
match command {
ComputeCommand::CreateTimely { config, epoch } => {
*config = TimelyConfig {
workers: self.config.location.workers,
process: 0,
addresses: self.config.location.dataflow_addrs.clone(),
arrangement_exert_proportionality: self
enable_zero_copy: self.config.initial_config.enable_zero_copy,
enable_zero_copy_lgalloc: self.config.initial_config.enable_zero_copy_lgalloc,
zero_copy_limit: self.config.initial_config.zero_copy_limit,
*epoch = self.epoch;
ComputeCommand::CreateInstance(InstanceConfig {
}) => {
*logging = self.config.logging.clone();
*expiration_offset = self.config.expiration_offset;
_ => {}
/// Update task state according to an observed command.
#[mz_ore::instrument(level = "debug")]
fn observe_command(&mut self, command: &ComputeCommand<T>) {
if let ComputeCommand::Peek(peek) = command {
replica = ?self.replica_id,
command = ?command,
"sending command to replica",
/// Update task state according to an observed response.
#[mz_ore::instrument(level = "debug")]
fn observe_response(&mut self, response: &ComputeResponse<T>) {
if let ComputeResponse::PeekResponse(_, _, otel_ctx) = response {
replica = ?self.replica_id,
response = ?response,
"received response from replica",