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// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! An interface/trait that provides write and read timestamps, reads observe
//! exactly their preceding writes.
//! Specifically, all read timestamps will be greater or equal to all previously
//! reported completed write timestamps, and strictly less than all subsequently
//! emitted write timestamps.
use async_trait::async_trait;
use mz_ore::now::{EpochMillis, NowFn};
pub mod batching_oracle;
pub mod metrics;
pub mod postgres_oracle;
pub mod retry;
/// Timestamps used by writes in an Append command.
pub struct WriteTimestamp<T = mz_repr::Timestamp> {
/// Timestamp that the write will take place on.
pub timestamp: T,
/// Timestamp to advance the appended table to.
pub advance_to: T,
/// A type that provides write and read timestamps, reads observe exactly their
/// preceding writes.
/// Specifically, all read timestamps will be greater or equal to all previously
/// reported completed write timestamps, and strictly less than all subsequently
/// emitted write timestamps.
pub trait TimestampOracle<T>: std::fmt::Debug {
/// Acquire a new timestamp for writing.
/// This timestamp will be strictly greater than all prior values of
/// `self.read_ts()` and `self.write_ts()`.
async fn write_ts(&self) -> WriteTimestamp<T>;
/// Peek the current write timestamp.
async fn peek_write_ts(&self) -> T;
/// Acquire a new timestamp for reading.
/// This timestamp will be greater or equal to all prior values of
/// `self.apply_write(write_ts)`, and strictly less than all subsequent
/// values of `self.write_ts()`.
async fn read_ts(&self) -> T;
/// Mark a write at `write_ts` completed.
/// All subsequent values of `self.read_ts()` will be greater or equal to
/// `write_ts`.
async fn apply_write(&self, lower_bound: T);
/// A [`NowFn`] that is generic over the timestamp.
/// The oracle operations work in terms of [`mz_repr::Timestamp`] and we could
/// work around it by bridging between the two in the oracle implementation
/// itself. This wrapper type makes that slightly easier, though.
pub trait GenericNowFn<T>: Clone + Send + Sync {
fn now(&self) -> T;
impl GenericNowFn<mz_repr::Timestamp> for NowFn<EpochMillis> {
fn now(&self) -> mz_repr::Timestamp {
impl<T: Clone + Send + Sync> GenericNowFn<T> for NowFn<T> {
fn now(&self) -> T {
// TODO: Gate this with a `#[cfg(test)]` again once the legacy catalog impl goes
// away.
pub mod tests {
use std::sync::Arc;
use futures::Future;
use mz_repr::Timestamp;
use super::*;
// These test methods are meant to be used by tests for timestamp oracle
// implementations.
pub async fn timestamp_oracle_impl_test<F, NewFn>(
mut new_fn: NewFn,
) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error>
F: Future<Output = Arc<dyn TimestampOracle<Timestamp> + Send + Sync>>,
NewFn: FnMut(String, NowFn, Timestamp) -> F,
// Normally, these could all be separate test methods but we bundle them
// all together so that it's easier to call this one test method from
// the implementation tests.
// Timestamp::MIN as initial timestamp
let timeline = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
let oracle = new_fn(timeline, NowFn::from(|| 0u64), Timestamp::MIN).await;
assert_eq!(oracle.read_ts().await, Timestamp::MIN);
assert_eq!(oracle.peek_write_ts().await, Timestamp::MIN);
// Timestamp::MAX as initial timestamp
let timeline = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
let oracle = new_fn(timeline, NowFn::from(|| 0u64), Timestamp::MAX).await;
assert_eq!(oracle.read_ts().await, Timestamp::MAX);
assert_eq!(oracle.peek_write_ts().await, Timestamp::MAX);
// Timestamp::MAX-1 from NowFn. We have to step back by one, otherwise
// `write_ts` can't determine the "advance_to" timestamp.
let timeline = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
let oracle = new_fn(
NowFn::from(|| Timestamp::MAX.step_back().expect("known to work").into()),
// At first, read_ts and peek_write_ts stay where they are.
assert_eq!(oracle.read_ts().await, Timestamp::MIN);
assert_eq!(oracle.peek_write_ts().await, Timestamp::MIN);
Timestamp::MAX.step_back().expect("known to work")
// Now peek_write_ts jump to MAX-1 but read_ts stays.
assert_eq!(oracle.read_ts().await, Timestamp::MIN);
Timestamp::MAX.step_back().expect("known to work")
// Repeated write_ts calls advance the timestamp.
let timeline = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
let oracle = new_fn(timeline, NowFn::from(|| 0u64), Timestamp::MIN).await;
assert_eq!(oracle.write_ts().await.timestamp, Timestamp::from(1u64));
assert_eq!(oracle.write_ts().await.timestamp, Timestamp::from(2u64));
// Repeated peek_write_ts calls _DON'T_ advance the timestamp.
let timeline = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
let oracle = new_fn(timeline, NowFn::from(|| 0u64), Timestamp::MIN).await;
assert_eq!(oracle.peek_write_ts().await, Timestamp::from(0u64));
assert_eq!(oracle.peek_write_ts().await, Timestamp::from(0u64));
// Interesting scenarios around apply_write, from its rustdoc.
// Scenario #1:
// input <= r_0 <= w_0 -> r_1 = r_0 and w_1 = w_0
let timeline = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
let oracle = new_fn(timeline, NowFn::from(|| 0u64), 10u64.into()).await;
assert_eq!(oracle.peek_write_ts().await, Timestamp::from(10u64));
assert_eq!(oracle.read_ts().await, Timestamp::from(10u64));
// Scenario #2:
// r_0 <= input <= w_0 -> r_1 = input and w_1 = w_0
let timeline = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
let oracle = new_fn(timeline, NowFn::from(|| 0u64), 0u64.into()).await;
// Have to bump the write_ts up manually:
assert_eq!(oracle.write_ts().await.timestamp, Timestamp::from(1u64));
assert_eq!(oracle.write_ts().await.timestamp, Timestamp::from(2u64));
assert_eq!(oracle.write_ts().await.timestamp, Timestamp::from(3u64));
assert_eq!(oracle.write_ts().await.timestamp, Timestamp::from(4u64));
assert_eq!(oracle.peek_write_ts().await, Timestamp::from(4u64));
assert_eq!(oracle.read_ts().await, Timestamp::from(2u64));
// Scenario #3:
// r_0 <= w_0 <= input -> r_1 = input and w_1 = input
let timeline = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
let oracle = new_fn(timeline, NowFn::from(|| 0u64), 0u64.into()).await;
assert_eq!(oracle.peek_write_ts().await, Timestamp::from(2u64));
assert_eq!(oracle.read_ts().await, Timestamp::from(2u64));
assert_eq!(oracle.peek_write_ts().await, Timestamp::from(4u64));
assert_eq!(oracle.read_ts().await, Timestamp::from(4u64));