//! Authorize using the authorization code flow
//! You can learn more about the `OAuth2` authorization code flow [here](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-auth-code-flow).
use crate::oauth2_http_client::Oauth2HttpClient;
use azure_core::{
error::{ErrorKind, ResultExt},
HttpClient, Url,
use oauth2::{basic::BasicClient, Scope};
use oauth2::{ClientId, ClientSecret};
use std::sync::Arc;
/// Start an authorization code flow.
/// The values for `client_id`, `client_secret`, `tenant_id`, and `redirect_url` can all be found
/// inside of the Azure portal.
pub fn start(
client_id: ClientId,
client_secret: Option<ClientSecret>,
tenant_id: &str,
redirect_url: Url,
scopes: &[&str],
) -> AuthorizationCodeFlow {
let auth_url = oauth2::AuthUrl::from_url(
.expect("Invalid authorization endpoint URL"),
let token_url = oauth2::TokenUrl::from_url(
.expect("Invalid token endpoint URL"),
// Set up the config for the Microsoft Graph OAuth2 process.
let client = BasicClient::new(client_id, client_secret, auth_url, Some(token_url))
// Microsoft Graph requires client_id and client_secret in URL rather than
// using Basic authentication.
// Microsoft Graph supports Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE - https://oauth.net/2/pkce/).
// Create a PKCE code verifier and SHA-256 encode it as a code challenge.
let (pkce_code_challenge, pkce_code_verifier) = oauth2::PkceCodeChallenge::new_random_sha256();
let scopes = scopes.iter().map(ToString::to_string).map(Scope::new);
// Generate the authorization URL to which we'll redirect the user.
let (authorize_url, csrf_state) = client
AuthorizationCodeFlow {
/// An object representing an OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow.
pub struct AuthorizationCodeFlow {
/// An HTTP client configured for OAuth2 authentication
pub client: BasicClient,
/// The authentication HTTP endpoint
pub authorize_url: Url,
/// The CSRF token
pub csrf_state: oauth2::CsrfToken,
/// The PKCE code verifier
pub pkce_code_verifier: oauth2::PkceCodeVerifier,
impl AuthorizationCodeFlow {
/// Exchange an authorization code for a token.
pub async fn exchange(
http_client: Arc<dyn HttpClient>,
code: oauth2::AuthorizationCode,
) -> azure_core::Result<
oauth2::StandardTokenResponse<oauth2::EmptyExtraTokenFields, oauth2::basic::BasicTokenType>,
> {
let oauth_http_client = Oauth2HttpClient::new(http_client.clone());
// Send the PKCE code verifier in the token request
.request_async(|request| oauth_http_client.request(request))
"exchanging an authorization code for a token failed",