//! Set base URI of requests.
use http::{uri, Request};
use tower::{Layer, Service};
/// Layer that applies [`BaseUri`] which makes all requests relative to the URI.
/// Path in the base URI is preseved.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct BaseUriLayer {
base_uri: http::Uri,
impl BaseUriLayer {
/// Set base URI of requests.
pub fn new(base_uri: http::Uri) -> Self {
Self { base_uri }
impl<S> Layer<S> for BaseUriLayer {
type Service = BaseUri<S>;
fn layer(&self, inner: S) -> Self::Service {
BaseUri {
base_uri: self.base_uri.clone(),
/// Middleware that sets base URI so that all requests are relative to it.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct BaseUri<S> {
base_uri: http::Uri,
inner: S,
impl<S, ReqBody> Service<Request<ReqBody>> for BaseUri<S>
S: Service<Request<ReqBody>>,
type Error = S::Error;
type Future = S::Future;
type Response = S::Response;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>) -> std::task::Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
fn call(&mut self, req: Request<ReqBody>) -> Self::Future {
let (mut parts, body) = req.into_parts();
let req_pandq = parts.uri.path_and_query();
parts.uri = set_base_uri(&self.base_uri, req_pandq);
self.inner.call(Request::from_parts(parts, body))
// Join base URI and Path+Query, preserving any path in the base.
fn set_base_uri(base_uri: &http::Uri, req_pandq: Option<&uri::PathAndQuery>) -> http::Uri {
let mut builder = uri::Builder::new();
if let Some(scheme) = base_uri.scheme() {
builder = builder.scheme(scheme.as_str());
if let Some(authority) = base_uri.authority() {
builder = builder.authority(authority.as_str());
if let Some(pandq) = base_uri.path_and_query() {
builder = if let Some(req_pandq) = req_pandq {
// Remove any trailing slashes and join.
// `PathAndQuery` always starts with a slash.
let base_path = pandq.path().trim_end_matches('/');
} else {
} else if let Some(req_pandq) = req_pandq {
builder = builder.path_and_query(req_pandq.as_str());
// Joining a valid Uri and valid PathAndQuery should result in a valid Uri.
builder.build().expect("Valid Uri")
mod tests {
fn normal_host() {
let base_uri = http::Uri::from_static("");
let apipath = http::Uri::from_static("/api/v1/nodes?hi=yes");
let pandq = apipath.path_and_query();
super::set_base_uri(&base_uri, pandq),
fn rancher_host() {
// in rancher, kubernetes server names are not hostnames, but a host with a path:
let base_uri = http::Uri::from_static("https://example.com/foo/bar");
let api_path = http::Uri::from_static("/api/v1/nodes?hi=yes");
let pandq = api_path.path_and_query();
super::set_base_uri(&base_uri, pandq),