// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! Special cases related to the "catalog serving" of Materialize
//! Every Materialize deployment has a pre-installed [`mz_catalog_server`] cluster, which
//! has several indexes to speed up common catalog queries. We also have a special
//! `mz_support` role, which can be used by support teams to diagnose a deployment.
//! For each of these use cases, we have some special restrictions we want to apply. The
//! logic around these restrictions is defined here.
//! [`mz_catalog_server`]: https://materialize.com/docs/sql/show-clusters/#mz_catalog_server-system-cluster
use mz_expr::CollectionPlan;
use mz_repr::namespaces::is_system_schema;
use mz_repr::GlobalId;
use mz_sql::catalog::SessionCatalog;
use mz_sql::plan::{
ExplainPlanPlan, ExplainTimestampPlan, Explainee, ExplaineeStatement, Plan, SubscribeFrom,
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use crate::catalog::ConnCatalog;
use crate::coord::TargetCluster;
use crate::notice::AdapterNotice;
use crate::session::Session;
use crate::AdapterError;
use mz_catalog::builtin::MZ_CATALOG_SERVER_CLUSTER;
/// Checks whether or not we should automatically run a query on the `mz_catalog_server`
/// cluster, as opposed to whatever the current default cluster is.
pub fn auto_run_on_catalog_server<'a, 's, 'p>(
catalog: &'a ConnCatalog<'a>,
session: &'s Session,
plan: &'p Plan,
) -> TargetCluster {
let (depends_on, could_run_expensive_function) = match plan {
Plan::Select(plan) => (
Plan::ShowColumns(plan) => (
Plan::Subscribe(plan) => (
match &plan.from {
SubscribeFrom::Id(_) => false,
SubscribeFrom::Query { expr, desc: _ } => expr.could_run_expensive_function(),
Plan::ExplainPlan(ExplainPlanPlan {
explainee: Explainee::Statement(ExplaineeStatement::Select { plan, .. }),
}) => (
Plan::ExplainTimestamp(ExplainTimestampPlan { raw_plan, .. }) => (
| Plan::CreateDatabase(_)
| Plan::CreateSchema(_)
| Plan::CreateRole(_)
| Plan::CreateNetworkPolicy(_)
| Plan::CreateCluster(_)
| Plan::CreateClusterReplica(_)
| Plan::CreateContinualTask(_)
| Plan::CreateSource(_)
| Plan::CreateSources(_)
| Plan::CreateSecret(_)
| Plan::CreateSink(_)
| Plan::CreateTable(_)
| Plan::CreateView(_)
| Plan::CreateMaterializedView(_)
| Plan::CreateIndex(_)
| Plan::CreateType(_)
| Plan::Comment(_)
| Plan::DiscardTemp
| Plan::DiscardAll
| Plan::DropObjects(_)
| Plan::DropOwned(_)
| Plan::EmptyQuery
| Plan::ShowAllVariables
| Plan::ShowCreate(_)
| Plan::ShowVariable(_)
| Plan::InspectShard(_)
| Plan::SetVariable(_)
| Plan::ResetVariable(_)
| Plan::SetTransaction(_)
| Plan::StartTransaction(_)
| Plan::CommitTransaction(_)
| Plan::AbortTransaction(_)
| Plan::CopyFrom(_)
| Plan::CopyTo(_)
| Plan::ExplainPlan(_)
| Plan::ExplainPushdown(_)
| Plan::ExplainSinkSchema(_)
| Plan::Insert(_)
| Plan::AlterNetworkPolicy(_)
| Plan::AlterNoop(_)
| Plan::AlterClusterRename(_)
| Plan::AlterClusterSwap(_)
| Plan::AlterClusterReplicaRename(_)
| Plan::AlterCluster(_)
| Plan::AlterConnection(_)
| Plan::AlterSource(_)
| Plan::AlterSetCluster(_)
| Plan::AlterItemRename(_)
| Plan::AlterRetainHistory(_)
| Plan::AlterSchemaRename(_)
| Plan::AlterSchemaSwap(_)
| Plan::AlterSecret(_)
| Plan::AlterSink(_)
| Plan::AlterSystemSet(_)
| Plan::AlterSystemReset(_)
| Plan::AlterSystemResetAll(_)
| Plan::AlterRole(_)
| Plan::AlterOwner(_)
| Plan::AlterTableAddColumn(_)
| Plan::Declare(_)
| Plan::Fetch(_)
| Plan::Close(_)
| Plan::ReadThenWrite(_)
| Plan::Prepare(_)
| Plan::Execute(_)
| Plan::Deallocate(_)
| Plan::Raise(_)
| Plan::GrantRole(_)
| Plan::RevokeRole(_)
| Plan::GrantPrivileges(_)
| Plan::RevokePrivileges(_)
| Plan::AlterDefaultPrivileges(_)
| Plan::ReassignOwned(_)
| Plan::ValidateConnection(_)
| Plan::SideEffectingFunc(_) => return TargetCluster::Active,
// Bail if the user has disabled it via the SessionVar.
if !session.vars().auto_route_catalog_queries() {
return TargetCluster::Active;
// We can't switch what cluster we're using, if the user has specified a replica.
if session.vars().cluster_replica().is_some() {
return TargetCluster::Active;
// These dependencies are just existing dataflows that are referenced in the plan.
let mut depends_on = depends_on
.map(|gid| catalog.resolve_item_id(&gid))
let has_dependencies = depends_on.peek().is_some();
// Make sure we only depend on the system catalog, and nothing we depend on is a
// per-replica object, that requires being run a specific replica.
let valid_dependencies = depends_on.all(|id| {
let entry = catalog.state().get_entry(&id);
let schema = entry.name().qualifiers.schema_spec;
let system_only = catalog.state().is_system_schema_specifier(schema);
let non_replica = catalog.state().introspection_dependencies(id).is_empty();
system_only && non_replica
if (has_dependencies && valid_dependencies)
|| (!has_dependencies && !could_run_expensive_function)
let intros_cluster = catalog
tracing::debug!("Running on '{}' cluster", MZ_CATALOG_SERVER_CLUSTER.name);
// If we're running on a different cluster than the active one, notify the user.
if intros_cluster.name != session.vars().cluster() {
} else {
/// Checks if we're currently running on the [`MZ_CATALOG_SERVER_CLUSTER`], and if so, do
/// we depend on any objects that we're not allowed to query from the cluster.
pub fn check_cluster_restrictions(
cluster: &str,
catalog: &impl SessionCatalog,
plan: &Plan,
) -> Result<(), AdapterError> {
// We only impose restrictions if the current cluster is the catalog server cluster.
if cluster != MZ_CATALOG_SERVER_CLUSTER.name {
return Ok(());
// Only continue, and check restrictions, if a Plan would run some computation on the cluster.
// Note: We get the dependencies from the Plans themselves, because it's only after planning
// that we actually know what objects we'll need to reference.
// Note: Creating other objects like Materialized Views is prevented elsewhere. We define the
// 'mz_catalog_server' cluster to be "read-only", which restricts these actions.
let depends_on: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = GlobalId>> = match plan {
Plan::ReadThenWrite(plan) => Box::new(plan.selection.depends_on().into_iter()),
Plan::Subscribe(plan) => match plan.from {
SubscribeFrom::Id(id) => Box::new(std::iter::once(id)),
SubscribeFrom::Query { ref expr, .. } => Box::new(expr.depends_on().into_iter()),
Plan::Select(plan) => Box::new(plan.source.depends_on().into_iter()),
_ => return Ok(()),
// Collect any items that are not allowed to be run on the catalog server cluster.
let unallowed_dependents: SmallVec<[String; 2]> = depends_on
.filter_map(|id| {
let item = catalog.get_item_by_global_id(&id);
let full_name = catalog.resolve_full_name(item.name());
if !is_system_schema(&full_name.schema) {
} else {
// If the query depends on unallowed items, error out.
if !unallowed_dependents.is_empty() {
Err(AdapterError::UnallowedOnCluster {
depends_on: unallowed_dependents,
cluster: MZ_CATALOG_SERVER_CLUSTER.name.to_string(),
} else {