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// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! Deployment state handling.
use std::future::Future;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use mz_orchestratord::controller::materialize::environmentd::DeploymentStatus;
use mz_ore::channel::trigger::{self, Trigger};
enum DeploymentStateInner {
CatchingUp { _skip_trigger: Option<Trigger> },
ReadyToPromote { _promote_trigger: Trigger },
/// The state of an environment deployment.
/// This object should be held by the `environmentd` server. It provides methods
/// to handle state transitions that should be driven by the server itself.
/// A deployment begins in the `Initializing` state.
/// If, during initialization, the server realizes that it is taking over from a
/// failed `environmentd` process of a generation that is already the leader,
/// the server may proceed directly to the `IsLeader` state, via
/// [`DeploymentState::set_is_leader`].
/// Otherwise, the server should leave the deployment state in `Initializing`
/// while performing initialization activities. Once the server is catching up
/// its workloads, it should proceeded to the `CatchingUp` state. Once the
/// environment is ready to take over from the prior generation, the server
/// should call [`DeploymentState::set_ready_to_promote`]. After this, the
/// server should *not* call [`DeploymentState::set_is_leader`], as an external
/// orchestrator will determine when promotion occurs. The future returned by
/// `set_ready_to_promote` will resolve when promotion has occurred and the
/// deployment should take over from the prior generation and begin serving
/// queries.
pub struct DeploymentState {
inner: Arc<Mutex<DeploymentStateInner>>,
impl DeploymentState {
/// Creates a new `LeaderState` for a deployment.
/// Returns the state and a handle to the state.
pub fn new() -> (DeploymentState, DeploymentStateHandle) {
let inner = Arc::new(Mutex::new(DeploymentStateInner::Initializing));
let state = DeploymentState {
inner: Arc::clone(&inner),
let handle = DeploymentStateHandle { inner };
(state, handle)
/// Marks the deployment as catching up.
/// Returns a future that resolves if the catch up phase should be skipped.
pub fn set_catching_up(&self) -> impl Future<Output = ()> {
let (skip_trigger, skip_rx) = trigger::channel();
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().expect("lock poisoned");
matches!(*inner, DeploymentStateInner::Initializing),
"LeaderState::set_catching_up called on non-initializing state",
*inner = DeploymentStateInner::CatchingUp {
_skip_trigger: Some(skip_trigger),
/// Marks the deployment as ready to be promoted to leader.
/// Returns a future that resolves when the leadership promotion occurs.
/// When the function returns, the state will be `ReadyToPromote`. When the
/// returned future resolves, the state will be `Promoting`.
/// Panics if the leader state is not `Initializing`.
pub fn set_ready_to_promote(&self) -> impl Future<Output = ()> {
let (promote_trigger, promote_trigger_rx) = trigger::channel();
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().expect("lock poisoned");
DeploymentStateInner::Initializing | DeploymentStateInner::CatchingUp { .. }
"LeaderState::set_ready_to_promote called on invalid state",
*inner = DeploymentStateInner::ReadyToPromote {
_promote_trigger: promote_trigger,
/// Marks the deployment as the leader.
/// Panics if the leader state is not `Initializing` or `Promoting`.
pub fn set_is_leader(&self) {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().expect("lock poisoned");
DeploymentStateInner::Initializing | DeploymentStateInner::Promoting
"LeaderState::set_is_leader called on non-initializing state",
*inner = DeploymentStateInner::IsLeader;
/// A cloneable handle to a [`DeploymentState`].
/// This should be held by modules providing external interfaces to
/// `environmentd` (e.g., the HTTP server). It provides methods to inspect the
/// current leadership state, and to promote the deployment to the leader if it
/// is ready to do so.
pub struct DeploymentStateHandle {
inner: Arc<Mutex<DeploymentStateInner>>,
impl DeploymentStateHandle {
/// Returns the current deployment status.
pub fn status(&self) -> DeploymentStatus {
let inner = self.inner.lock().expect("lock poisoned");
match *inner {
DeploymentStateInner::Initializing => DeploymentStatus::Initializing,
DeploymentStateInner::CatchingUp { .. } => DeploymentStatus::Initializing,
DeploymentStateInner::ReadyToPromote { .. } => DeploymentStatus::ReadyToPromote,
DeploymentStateInner::Promoting => DeploymentStatus::Promoting,
DeploymentStateInner::IsLeader => DeploymentStatus::IsLeader,
/// Attempts to skip the catchup phase for the deployment.
/// Deployments in the `Initializing` phase cannot have their catchup phase
/// skipped. Deployments in the `ReadyToPromote`, `Promoting`, and
/// `IsLeader` states can be promoted (with the latter two cases being
/// no-ops).
/// If skipping the catchup was successful, returns `Ok`. Otherwise, returns
/// `Err`.
pub fn try_skip_catchup(&self) -> Result<(), ()> {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().expect("lock poisoned");
match &mut *inner {
DeploymentStateInner::Initializing => Err(()),
DeploymentStateInner::CatchingUp { _skip_trigger } => {
*_skip_trigger = None;
DeploymentStateInner::ReadyToPromote { .. } => Ok(()),
DeploymentStateInner::Promoting => Ok(()),
DeploymentStateInner::IsLeader => Ok(()),
/// Attempts to promote this deployment to the leader.
/// Deployments in the `Initializing` or `CatchingUp` state cannot be
/// promoted. Deployments in the `ReadyToPromote`, `Promoting`, and
/// `IsLeader` states can be promoted (with the latter two cases being
/// no-ops).
/// If the leader was successfully promoted, returns `Ok`. Otherwise,
/// returns `Err`.
pub fn try_promote(&self) -> Result<(), ()> {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().expect("lock poisoned");
match *inner {
DeploymentStateInner::Initializing => Err(()),
DeploymentStateInner::CatchingUp { .. } => Err(()),
DeploymentStateInner::ReadyToPromote { .. } => {
*inner = DeploymentStateInner::Promoting;
DeploymentStateInner::Promoting => Ok(()),
DeploymentStateInner::IsLeader => Ok(()),