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// Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
// the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
// by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
//! Definition and helper structs for the [`NonNegative`] attribute.
use mz_expr::{Id, MirRelationExpr};
use crate::attribute::subtree_size::SubtreeSize;
use crate::attribute::{Attribute, DerivedAttributes, DerivedAttributesBuilder, Env};
/// Traverses a [`MirRelationExpr`] tree and figures out whether for subtree
/// the sum of all diffs up to a specific time for any record can be a
/// negative value.
/// The results for each subtree are accumulated in a bottom-up order
/// in [`NonNegative::results`].
/// This method is a conservative approximation and is known to miss not-hard
/// cases.
/// It assumes that all `Get`s to global ids correspond to collections without negative
/// multiplicities. Local let bindings' non-negativity results are stored in `env`.
pub struct NonNegative {
/// Environment of computed values for this attribute.
env: Env<Self>,
/// A vector of results for all nodes in the visited tree in
/// post-visit order.
pub results: Vec<bool>,
impl Attribute for NonNegative {
type Value = bool;
fn derive(&mut self, expr: &MirRelationExpr, deps: &DerivedAttributes) {
use MirRelationExpr::*;
let n = self.results.len();
match expr {
Constant { rows, .. } => {
if let Ok(rows) = rows {
let has_negative_rows = rows.iter().any(|(_data, diff)| diff < &0);
} else {
self.results.push(true); // constant errors are considered "non-negative"
Get { id, .. } => match id {
Id::Local(id) => match self.env.get(id) {
Some(value) => self.results.push(value.clone()),
None => self.results.push(false),
Id::Global(_) => {
Let {
value: _, body: _, ..
} => {
let body = self.results[n - 1];
LetRec { .. } => {
let body = self.results[n - 1];
Project { input: _, .. } => {
let input = self.results[n - 1];
Map { input: _, .. } => {
let input = self.results[n - 1];
FlatMap { input: _, .. } => {
let input = self.results[n - 1];
Filter { input: _, .. } => {
let input = self.results[n - 1];
Join { inputs, .. } => {
let mut result = true;
let mut offset = 1;
for _ in 0..inputs.len() {
result &= &self.results[n - offset];
offset += &deps.get_results::<SubtreeSize>()[n - offset];
Reduce { input: _, .. } => {
let input = self.results[n - 1];
TopK { input: _, .. } => {
let input = self.results[n - 1];
Negate { input: _ } => {
// Can be refined if we have proper LetRec handling
Threshold { input: _ } => {
Union { base: _, inputs } => {
let mut result = true;
let mut offset = 1;
for _ in 0..inputs.len() {
result &= &self.results[n - offset];
offset += &deps.get_results::<SubtreeSize>()[n - offset];
result &= &self.results[n - offset]; // include the base result
ArrangeBy { input: _, .. } => {
let input = self.results[n - 1];
fn schedule_env_tasks(&mut self, expr: &MirRelationExpr) {
fn handle_env_tasks(&mut self) {
fn add_dependencies(builder: &mut DerivedAttributesBuilder)
Self: Sized,
fn get_results(&self) -> &Vec<Self::Value> {
fn get_results_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<Self::Value> {
&mut self.results
fn take(self) -> Vec<Self::Value> {