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//! Timely dataflow is a framework for managing and executing data-parallel dataflow computations.
//! The code is organized in crates and modules that are meant to depend as little as possible on each other.
//! **Serialization**: Timely uses the `bincode` crate for serialization. Performance could be improved.
//! **Communication**: The [`timely_communication`] crate defines several primitives for
//! communicating between dataflow workers, and across machine boundaries.
//! **Progress tracking**: The [`timely::progress`](progress) module defines core dataflow structures for
//! tracking and reporting progress in a timely dataflow system, namely the number of outstanding
//! dataflow messages and un-exercised message capabilities throughout the timely dataflow graph.
//! It depends on `timely_communication` to exchange progress messages.
//! **Dataflow construction**: The [`timely::dataflow`](dataflow) module defines an example dataflow system
//! using `communication` and `progress` to both exchange data and progress information, in support
//! of an actual data-parallel timely dataflow computation. It depends on `timely_communication` to
//! move data, and `timely::progress` to provide correct operator notifications.
//! # Examples
//! The following is a hello-world dataflow program.
//! ```
//! use timely::*;
//! use timely::dataflow::operators::{Input, Inspect};
//! // construct and execute a timely dataflow
//! timely::execute_from_args(std::env::args(), |worker| {
//! // add an input and base computation off of it
//! let mut input = worker.dataflow(|scope| {
//! let (input, stream) = scope.new_input();
//! stream.inspect(|x| println!("hello {:?}", x));
//! input
//! });
//! // introduce input, advance computation
//! for round in 0..10 {
//! input.send(round);
//! input.advance_to(round + 1);
//! worker.step();
//! }
//! });
//! ```
//! The program uses `timely::execute_from_args` to spin up a computation based on command line arguments
//! and a closure specifying what each worker should do, in terms of a handle to a timely dataflow
//! `Scope` (in this case, `root`). A `Scope` allows you to define inputs, feedback
//! cycles, and dataflow subgraphs, as part of building the dataflow graph of your dreams.
//! In this example, we define a new scope of root using `scoped`, add an exogenous
//! input using `new_input`, and add a dataflow `inspect` operator to print each observed record.
//! We then introduce input at increasing rounds, indicate the advance to the system (promising
//! that we will introduce no more input at prior rounds), and step the computation.
extern crate bincode;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate timely_communication;
extern crate timely_bytes;
extern crate timely_logging;
pub use execute::{execute, execute_directly, example};
#[cfg(feature = "getopts")]
pub use execute::execute_from_args;
pub use order::PartialOrder;
pub use timely_communication::Config as CommunicationConfig;
pub use worker::Config as WorkerConfig;
pub use execute::Config as Config;
pub use timely_container::Container;
/// Re-export of the `timely_container` crate.
pub mod container {
pub use timely_container::*;
/// Re-export of the `timely_communication` crate.
pub mod communication {
pub use timely_communication::*;
/// Re-export of the `timely_bytes` crate.
pub mod bytes {
pub use timely_bytes::*;
/// Re-export of the `timely_logging` crate.
pub mod logging_core {
pub use timely_logging::*;
pub mod worker;
pub mod progress;
pub mod dataflow;
pub mod synchronization;
pub mod execute;
pub mod order;
pub mod logging;
// pub mod log_events;
pub mod scheduling;
/// A composite trait for types usable as data in timely dataflow.
/// The `Data` trait is necessary for all types that go along timely dataflow channels.
pub trait Data: Clone+'static { }
impl<T: Clone+'static> Data for T { }
/// A composite trait for types usable on exchange channels in timely dataflow.
/// The `ExchangeData` trait extends `Data` with any requirements imposed by the `timely_communication`
/// `Data` trait, which describes requirements for communication along channels.
pub trait ExchangeData: Data + communication::Data { }
impl<T: Data + communication::Data> ExchangeData for T { }